I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 120: Alien's Deep Appearance

The most outstanding thing about No. 6 is his far-reaching strategic vision, extraordinary tactical thinking and tactical execution ability.

Anticipate the opponent's movements, attack the enemy's strategic locations, plot, assassinate, attack east and west without a trace, move the tiger away from the mountain, secretly infiltrate the warehouse, etc., lead the companions to ambush, encircle and suppress, and massacre. It is a born killer.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter how many there are, it is not a problem in front of it.

This alien is a master of survival in adverse circumstances. He can turn the situation around when he is at a disadvantage. Once the time is right, he can launch a fatal attack. When the situation is better, a massacre awaits his opponent.

Several of Peter's teammates died tragically at the hands of this alien.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to use the Queen to contain it, this worker bee alien might have destroyed them all.

Although Peter now doesn't know how the embryo in his chest, the alien born from the union with Helen, compares to No. 6, he thinks it won't be too far apart.

What if the "queen" was not a worker bee, but the original queen?

Peter was lost in thought.

The Queen's Alien is more reflected in her IQ.

The queen of Lv-426 planet colony left a deep impression on him.

In the last alien world, he once visited this planet in a spaceship.

He and the Marines passed through the complex metal cave, pushed aside the solid alien nest, and came to this twisted and alienated main nest, where a huge alien queen was living.

The opponent's size is astonishing, his strength is also arrogant, his mind is developed, and he is full of alienated wisdom.

The other party can understand and use the wisdom products of other intelligent entities, and its own type is also destined to its high class. In a short period of time, it breeds a large number of aliens like a plague, and the efficiency is astonishing.

All the majestic peaks and alien shapes bow to it. It is the real terrifying king on Level 426.

This queen is good at using the energy of the atmospheric processing device to provide energy for the tribe. She can hide herself deep in the lair without being discovered by the enemy.

Mysterious, powerful, and highly strategically aware, she left the biggest impression on Peter.

Planet Lv-426 became his incubator. When he was threatened, the opponent immediately transformed into a killer hunter and began to kill the marines. Even the transport plane was almost destroyed by it.

If it comes to the earth, the end of mankind will also come.

"what's on your mind?"

Seeing that Peter was silent, Helen suddenly asked him.

"have a bee in one's bonnet."

Peter changed the subject and asked: "After the 'Queen' is born, does she have a tendency to reproduce?"


"I said, does the queen reproduce?"

If the 'queen' were the original queen, once it began to reproduce, the entire earth might crawl in its shadow.

After all, the most terrifying thing about alien creatures is not killing, but reproduction.

Once it begins to be parasitic and continues to evolve to absorb the host's excellent DNA, the entire earth will be occupied by them.

"Not yet."

Helen took a deep look at Peter and said, "Although the purpose of existence for living things is to reproduce and survive, the 'Queen' does not seem to be among these. It is only interested in killing."


Peter turned to look at the dense forest in the rainy night.

I once saw a vision of the future in Mrs. Weber's house.

The whole of New York turned into hell, with burning ruins everywhere.

And he put on the Infinity Gauntlet and summoned countless aliens.

Could it be that the proliferation of aliens in the future is related to the "Queen" in front of us?

As the Queen disappeared into the darkness, Liz and Glory looked at each other.

"Black represents death"

Liz read out what Glory had just said.

She now somewhat believes what Glory said just now.

This creature had a pitch-black appearance and gave her a feeling of shock and death.

Liz, who was interested in the occult, was in a huge shock.

The slender limbs, the sharp back of the head, the special teeth, the dark body reveal a mysterious and suppressed aura, and the strong skin reveals great strength.

Liz had never seen such a structure of tongue and teeth, nor in any other creature.

"Do you think his uniform looks similar to Spider-Man's?"

Liz suddenly asked Glory.

"It does look similar."

Glory also recovered from the shock at this time and swallowed.

Although I don't know why, this creature in front of me makes me feel scarier than a werewolf.

"But... they are not related at all, right? Spider-Man and monsters, there is no similarity at all."

Glory expressed his opinion to Liz, "Maybe they all love black, you know, black represents death."

The moment Glory finished speaking, the "Queen" on the live broadcast screen launched an attack.

Its figure is hidden in the dark forest, completely integrated with the environment, and even changes its exoskeleton according to the surrounding colors.

Then it pierced the skin on its claws and threw it towards Kraven who was lying on the ground.

The highly corrosive blood splashed onto the opponent, immediately causing Kraven to scream.

"Ah! Ah! Falk! Damn it!"

The pain was so painful that even Kraven, who regarded himself as a tough guy, couldn't help but scream.

The pain of his muscles being corroded made him feel like he wanted to die the next second.

The screams from the forest immediately attracted the werewolf's attention.

He was so nervous that he looked at Kraven.

The next second, the "Queen" jumped out from behind him.

The werewolf who was attacked from behind wanted to fight back, but he immediately smelled a breath that made him uncomfortable.

It seemed to be the breath exhaled by the creature that attacked him, which made his mind dizzy for a moment.

His whole body was immediately attacked by a feeling of paralysis.

Although he wanted to fight back, he had no strength to fight back.

Although he recovered in less than a second.

But this time was enough for the "Queen" to end the battle.

The "Queen" attacked the werewolf's throat with her tongue and teeth, and at the same time, the tip of her tail pierced the werewolf's heart.

Although the werewolf had thick skin and flesh, the "Queen"'s body pierced his throat.

Although he fought hard to avoid his heart being pierced.

Blood spurted out immediately, and the werewolf covered his throat and wailed and retreated.

Even with the ability to heal himself, this attack was unbearable for him.

As the werewolf retreated, the "Queen" clawed at his head, trying to tear it apart.

She was tall and obviously not an ordinary werewolf, so she immediately raised her hand to stop him, enduring the severe pain.

But the next second, her arm was torn apart, and blood was dripping.

The netizens watching the live broadcast were shocked when they saw this scene, and suddenly the live broadcast was paused, and the screen was covered with snow.


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