"Compared to this matter, I care more about the guy in front of me."

The Blade Warrior drew out the sword from his back and looked at Peter and the ferocious creatures near him with great vigilance.

Although the two of them had interacted once before, he did not think that the other person was a good person.

He has seen superheroes who do good things, such as Spider-Woman who swings around the city.

The Spider-Man in front of him gave him the impression that he didn't look like a guy who would do good things.

He had already regarded the other party as a dangerous person, but now that there was such a dangerous creature around him, he was even more vigilant.

He had already seen how ferocious the black and terrifying creature was, and he was even more surprised that the other party could obey Spider-Man's words so much.

He now even wondered if the face under Spider-Man's mask was the same as the creature that killed the werewolf.

"Also, I heard that you killed Dracula."

As he said this, he glanced at the vampire girl and said, "He is not an easy character to mess with."

Saying this is equivalent to him acknowledging the vampire girl's strength.

After all, Dracula was one of the enemies he had always wanted to kill.

"That's not easy. All I have to do is hunt dark creatures."

The Vampire Queen clenched her fists, as if she was prepared for a powerful enemy.

"I have hunted this creature in front of me before, and now I am just repeating what I have done before."

Peter next to him sighed as he watched the two people's unbridled conversation.

"Do you two regard me as a decoration?"

Peter waved to the alien "Queen" with a calm expression.

The "Queen", who originally had a ferocious expression, immediately took a step back and retreated to Peter's side.

But its eyes were still fixed on the two of them, waiting for orders from Peter at any time.

Helen next to her did not speak, but judging from her unhappy expression, there was a high probability that she would not stand idly by.

After all, the alien was born from her body.

The Blade Warrior raised his silver sword and said to Peter: "Are you a vampire? Spider-Man."

He had smelled something similar to a vampire from Peter before, so he suspected that the other person's identity was related to a vampire.

"Vampire? Of course not, why do you ask?"

"Because only vampires are the opponents of werewolves."

Blade's eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses, "If it's not a vampire, I can't imagine where the pet next to you came from."

"But that's enough."

His eyes became sharp for a moment, "No matter what, I will not leave this dangerous dark creature alone."

"What about you?"

Peter looked at Vampire Queen, "Do you also want to meddle in other people's business? Miss Vampire Queen."

"I know what kind of creature this is, I've fought its kind before."

The vampire queen said to Peter in a serious tone: "It is a creature that you can't imagine. Cruelty and killing are the true nature of this creature. No matter how you do it, you can't control it."

"Once such creatures overrun the earth, they will be more terrifying than vampires."

Vampire tried to explain to Peter how terrifying this creature was.

Peter was noncommittal about Vampire Queen's words, "Miss Vampire Queen, believe me, I know much more about it than you do."

As he spoke, he glanced towards the distance where the sound was faintly heard.

That was the siren of a police car.

The rain has started to let up, and the police should be here soon.

Looking at Blade and Vampire Queen, Peter said, "If you don't take action, the police will be here soon."

Helen was also ready to fight. As she stretched out her fingers, the trees in the dense forest twisted and deformed against the ground, slowly approaching the Vampire Queen and the two.

On Helen's home turf, these plants are her biggest boost.

She is confident that she can defeat any enemy here.

If she had fought Peter here last time, she was confident that the fight would be over in an instant.

The Vampire Queen looked at the giant snake-like plants surrounding her, and then turned her attention to Helen.

Beneath Helen's stunning appearance was a cold expression.

A vague black aura lingered in her body.

The Vampire Queen once witnessed this power from Count Dracula.

This was an obscure and profound magical aura that gave her a headache, and it also contained the smell of hell.

Dracula is the most powerful creature she has ever fought. The opponent has more powerful abilities than most vampires, with superhuman strength, speed, endurance and reflexes. He also has an immortal lifespan and is immune to traditional diseases.

Moreover, Dracula can atomize Dracula, change shape, call clouds and rain, summon lightning, and transform into bats, wolves, werewolves, half-human bat monsters, etc.

In some ways, he is a demon among vampires.

But the woman in front of him has a stronger aura of hell than Dracula.

If she fought here, she wouldn't be sure of a quick victory in a short time.

Although she didn't take the aliens seriously, the woman in front of her plus Spider-Man made her fearful.

Blade also heard the sound of police cars in the distance. He hesitated, knowing that now was not the time to fight.

Looking deeply at Peter, he inserted the silver sword into the scabbard behind his back.

"I hope the next time we meet is not the time when you commit bloody crimes, and - I want to take away the werewolf."

He said to the crowd: "He has no effect on you."

Blade Warrior has recognized the werewolf lying on the ground. He is the "Night Werewolf" Jack Russell whom he knows.

He knew the other party and knew that Jack Russell was kind-hearted and would not turn into a werewolf and kill innocent people indiscriminately.

He thought there must be something hidden in it and wanted to find out what happened behind the scenes.

So he tried to take Jack away, who still had a breath.

Peter looked at the blade and said, "The monster hunted by Hunter Kraven is him. He killed countless innocent people. Shouldn't he be classified as an evil creature?"

"You two claim to hunt dark creatures, but you turn a blind eye to the real murderer. Instead, you are entangled in other things here. You are really disappointing messengers of justice."

After saying that the werewolf was the real murderer of the "Bear Mountain Monster" case and mocking the two people's identity as monster hunters, Peter turned and left.

Although he had a little interest in the werewolf before, after being killed by the "Queen" once, his interest was not as strong as before.

After handing the difficult problem to the two, he left here quickly.

The alien "Queen" also hurried to follow Peter's footsteps.

Although Helen was a little regretful that she could not kill the vampire who made her unhappy, she finally left with Peter.

Vampire Queen frowned and stared at Peter's back.

When the other party said that, a ball of fire in her chest almost exploded.


One day, I will tear off his mask and see how hateful the face behind it is.

As for Blade Warrior, he saw Peter's evil intentions.

He explained to Vampire Queen: "I know Jack Russell. He is a poor guy tortured by a curse. It is impossible for him to do such a thing. I must investigate the hidden secrets behind it, so I need him."

"Very good, I also want to know what happened and who is behind it."

Vampire Queen gritted her teeth and said: "Also, I will keep an eye on Spider-Man!"

After the few people disappeared, a beautiful figure slowly appeared in the air a little far away from where they were.

The virtual figure gradually became real. Fletcher looked at the place where the few people stood and fell into thinking.


I thought this guy was alone, but I didn't expect that he was not alone.

This guy is really more difficult than I thought.

And the Daywalker.

As for Blade Warrior taking the werewolf away, she would naturally not let him go.

Although she was a little disappointed with the werewolf's performance, it was still a tool of hers.

At this time, Gwen had not arrived at the battlefield after the battle.

The reason was that she encountered some force majeure.


In the not-so-deep ditch beside the road, Liz pushed the car door with difficulty and staggered out of the car.

She was not injured, but she was scared.

She was driving the car carefully at first, because of the rainy day, so she drove very carefully and at a low speed.

But just as she was talking to Gloria, a creature that looked like a reindeer suddenly flashed by.

She was startled and immediately stepped on the brakes.

As a result, because the road was too slippery, the car lost control and fell into the ditch next to it.

Covering her dizzy head.

Liz suddenly thought of a sentence she had read somewhere-"Reindeers always like to chase boys and girls in Queens."

Taking her hands away from her head, Liz suddenly remembered that there was Gloria in the passenger seat.


Liz realized that she had not only forgotten Gloria but also had wild thoughts. She ran to the passenger seat to check on Gloria with great remorse.

Gloria was dizzy and didn't understand what happened. Her brain short-circuited for a few seconds.

She felt something sticky on her forehead, reached out and touched it, and found it was a sticky liquid.

Thinking it was blood, she immediately thought that she might be seriously injured.

Thinking of the lie she had told her mother about watching TV at Liz's house.

Thinking of the serious problems she might face, Gloria fainted directly.


Liz saw Gloria fainted and felt that the matter was even more serious.

She was frightened and desperately slapped the car window and tried to open the car door.

But the car door seemed to be broken, and she tried her best to open the car door but it still didn't move.

"Is anyone there? Help! Someone's in a car accident here!"

Liz cried out in a crying voice.


Liz desperately pulled the car door and called for help around her.

But no one around responded to her voice.

Liz shouted a few times, and when she was in despair, she suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air.


Gwen fell to the ground and saw Liz calling for help.

Shocked at why her classmate was at the scene, she hurried to the other party.

"Spider-woman, help! My friend is trapped in the car, she seems to be dying, please save her!"

Seeing Spider-woman appear, Liz, who thought she saw a savior, hurried to ask for help.

"Please, save her."

When Gwen saw that the person in the passenger seat of the car was Gloria, she was even more stunned.

Why are you here? !

Although her mind was in a mess at this time, she wanted to ask the two of them a lot of questions.

But she finally put saving people first.

Holding the handle of the car door, Gwen pulled hard and the door was opened by her.

Taking the unconscious Gloria out of the car, Gwen simply checked the other party's condition.

The heart beat normally, and there didn't seem to be any big problems.

Gwen wiped the rain off Gloria's face and thought about sending him to the hospital.

But she suddenly thought of Peter.

If she sent Gloria to the hospital, she would not be able to catch up with Peter.

If something happened to Peter, wouldn't she regret it for the rest of her life?

But she couldn't just ignore Gloria.

Just when she was in a dilemma, a police car drove over in the distance.

Gwen immediately stopped the speeding police car.

"Someone is injured, please send her to the hospital."

The police in the police car saw the car in the ditch and immediately realized that there was a car accident, so they cooperated with Gwen to send Gloria into the car.

Liz also got into the police car.

Liz in the police car breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Gwen outside through the glass in the back seat.

For some reason, she always felt that Spider-Woman's expression and voice just now were very similar to Gwen.

Could it be that I was right? !

Liz felt incredible and absurd.

She took out her cell phone and wanted to call Gwen, but she stopped soon.

If it was really Gwen, wouldn't my best solution be to pretend I didn't know, just like Gloria?

Gwen didn't know Liz's suspicion at this time, and she didn't rush to the state park until she had resolved everything.

As a result, when she arrived, everything was over.

Just as she was in a state of annoyance, the vibration of her mobile phone reached her body.

Gwen immediately took out her mobile phone.

It was a text message from Peter, "I'm home safely, Gwen, don't worry."


It was late at night, and only a few guests were still here, killing precious time.

"Handsome man, can I buy you a drink?"

"Drink that one, and I'll buy you another one."

Peter glanced at the barrel of wine and indicated that she could drink the biggest "cup" first.

The woman who approached him looked at Peter, who looked like he was keeping people away from her, shook her head and turned away.

"Or, drink something that doesn't look like swill."

Helen stood behind him without knowing when.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Peter turned around and said to Helen: "Why do we have to talk in such a place?"

"Because you will take off your disguise here."

At this time, Peter was not wearing a mask and had returned to the form of Peter Parker.

Helen asked Peter: "Where is the Queen arranged?"

"She is outside, and the night is the best protection color."

"You seem to have quickly adapted to your identity as the Queen's guardian, Peter."

Helen sat down, "But I didn't expect you to attract women. After all, you are still a high school student."

"But I can totally understand."

She asked the bartender for a glass of whiskey and said to Peter:

"You have a good voice, even crisp and pleasant. If you start singing, I'm afraid it won't be bad. What's more rare is that your voice is not feminine, but full of masculinity, without the slightest southern accent. Boys who look bad and a little bit of ruffian are always easy to attract women."

"Are you here to flirt, Teacher Helen?"

"No, because I like bad men, but that was in the past."

Helen picked up the glass, "Express your emotions, okay, now we can talk about business."

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