As the eldest son of the governor of Yunzhou, Mu Changchuan can be said to have everything.

Born in a family of bells and drums, he was equipped with gorgeous clothes and pearls and jade.

When the grass was long and the moon was full, and the people went to the fields for spring ploughing, Mu Changchuan took his beautiful wife and walked in the spring. In the scorching June, when the people were weeding under the scorching sun, Mu Changchuan rested on a jade pillow and ate fruits shipped from the southern border to escape the heat.

In the autumn festival, when the people were busy with the autumn harvest, Mu Changchuan called his friends to climb high and look far.

Looking down at the magnificent mountains and rivers, he occasionally got inspired to write poems and plagiarize the ancients and the present, and chanted one or two poems, which won the applause of his friends and praised him as a pillar of the dynasty.

When the snow was strong and the wind was fierce, he wore fur clothes to avoid the cold and had a brazier in the house to keep warm.

There were even at least a dozen maids to warm the bed and feet.

To put it bluntly, as one of the top few nobles in this dynasty, Mu Changchuan doesn't even have to wipe his ass.

But even if he gets everything, Mu Changchuan can't be happy.

He is not really happy.

His smile is just a protective color he wears.

So, Mu Changchuan decided to run away from home. As for where to go~

After careful consideration, Mu Changchuan decided to go to the rivers and lakes


September 13, the 14th year of Fuling.

The autumn scenery was pleasant.

Mu Changchuan brought his sister Mu Nanxiang and entered Jingning Mansion through the south gate.

Mu Changchuan, who was familiar with martial arts novels, knew that the world was dangerous, so he only wore a string of ten ordinary jades around his waist.

When he was in Zijing Mansion, the eldest son of the Mu Mansion usually wore two strings on his left waist and two on his right.

The four strings totaled thirty or forty pieces. When walking, the beautiful jades collided, making a crisp sound, which was particularly pleasant to the ear.

"Sister, remember, the world is dangerous and people are not as good as they used to be. We are not going out to travel far away, but to leave home and venture into the world."

"There is no martial arts attendant to protect you, so remember to keep a low profile!

" Mu Changchuan, who was dressed in a luxurious crimson-purple silk dress, warned.

Mu Nanxiang, the daughter of the Mu family, who was held by the hand of the eldest son of the Mu family, was dressed in a colorful lotus-embroidered silk dress.

Her black and smooth black hair was tied into two round buns the size of a baby's fist, tied with two colorful silk ribbons.

The little girl was about twelve or thirteen years old, with a delicate face and a chubby face.

She blinked her watery almond eyes and looked around.

"Brother, I want a sweet love."

The little girl's voice was clear and crisp, and particularly pleasant to the ear.

""How about sweet candied haws?"

Mu Changchuan asked with a headache.

Mu Nanxiang shook her little head like a rattle.

"No sour candied haws"


The little girl opened her mouth and showed Mu Changchuan her white teeth.

"Brother, look"

"What are you looking at?"

The little girl said aggrievedly,"My teeth are so sore that they are crooked."


At noon, the brother and sister walked into Yuelai Inn.

"Brother, the people here stink."

"It stinks."

"What should I do, brother? It's too stinky."

"It's simple, just stop breathing."

The waiter's eyes lit up when he saw the brother and sister wearing them.

"Come on, two distinguished guests, please come to the private room on the second floor"

"No need."

Mu Changchuan waved his hand,"Just sit in the lobby on the first floor. I want to smell the atmosphere of the martial arts world."

The waiter nodded and bowed,"Please take a seat, my two distinguished guests.""

"The signature dish of our shop is Taihu Snow Dragon, which is cooked with carp from Xianhe River outside the city... It is cooked with whitebait from Taihu Lake in Suzhou. It tastes delicious. I highly recommend it."

"No thanks."

Mu Changchuan said calmly:"Give me a hero set meal."

The waiter was confused,"What is the hero set meal?"

Mu Changchuan:"Two pounds of beef and a pot of strong liquor."

The waiter:"……"

Mu Nanxiang:"Brother Xiaoer, what's your name?"

The waiter:"Wang Tiegen."

Mu Nanxiang:"What a tough name!"

"Brother Tiegen, can you have a sweet love affair with me?"

Half an hour later, Mu Changchuan, who had eaten and drunk his fill, called the waiter

"Waiter, is there any good place in Jingning Prefecture? My sister and I want to go there for two days."

Waiter:"Of course, it's the Jile Temple outside the north city."

"There is a blissful Buddha in the temple, and he is very effective."

Mu Changchuan clasped his fists,"Thank you."

Then he took a piece of jade from the string around his waist and threw it to the waiter.

"I am Mu Changchuan, my sister Mu Nanxiang, please accept our kindness."

The waiter stroked the jade and was extremely happy.

"Master Mu is domineering!"


About half an hour later, the brother and sister arrived in front of the archway at the foot of Taixuan Mountain.

"Brother, there are so many people here!"

The pilgrims going up and down the mountain were like a dragon, hanging diagonally over the majestic Taixuan Mountain.

Mu Nanxiang's big black and white eyes swam back and forth, searching for the ideal person among the long line of people.

"Brother, that old man is pretty good, he has a fairy-like appearance, and he will definitely give me a sweet love."

The old man climbing the mountain in the distance grumbled for a long time, and violently spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

""Brother, look at that uncle, with his unshaven beard, so manly."

The man who came down the mountain stretched out his palm, raised his little finger, and picked his nose.

When he passed by the brother and sister, he flicked his long fingernail lightly.

A piece of filth fell on Mu Changchuan's trouser leg with a snap.

""Brother, that little boy is so handsome, just like a porcelain doll. I want to have a sweet love with him." The six or seven-month-old baby boy held in the woman's arms suddenly burst into tears.

When passing by the brother and sister, the baby suddenly exerted force.

A stream of boiling hot urine instantly splashed Mu Changchuan's face.

The eldest son of the Mu family wiped his face and smacked his lips twice,"This boy is so hot-tempered, he's killing me."

"Brother, look, that……"

Mu Changchuan quickly covered Mu Nanxiang's mouth

"My dear sister, let's go up the mountain and pray to the Buddha.~"


An hour later, the panting brother and sister finally reached the top of the mountain.

They asked the welcoming monk for six incense sticks, three for each of them, and followed the monk.���Crowds of people flowed into the solemn and majestic temple gate.

Behind the temple gate, incense was burning and smoke columns rose into the sky.

There were palaces of various sizes scattered all over the place, especially the main hall dedicated to the Lord Buddha, which was magnificent and majestic.

Mu Changchuan pulled Mu Nanxiang into the main hall.

Looking up, the towering painted Buddha statue was about sixty or seven feet tall, holding a bowl in one hand and pinching an ancient spell with the other hand, with his head slightly lowered and kind eyes.

Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang burned thin incense and knelt on the cushion.

Mu Nanxiang:"Buddha bless me, let me find sweet love as soon as possible."

Mu Changchuan:"Buddha bless me, let Xiang'er grow a smart brain as soon as possible."

The ethereal voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Buddha has mercy on me~"

A loud voice rang out in unison

""Buddha has mercy on me~"

Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang looked around blankly.

The clamor disappeared without a sign.

Countless pilgrims, young and old, surrounded the brother and sister in three layers.

In broad daylight, there was not a single sound in the huge temple complex.

Everyone had a blank expression, as if they were walking corpses.

The originally light and faint smell of decay gradually became stronger.


Mu Nanxiang tightly grasped his brother's sleeve, staring at the monster with horror in his almond-shaped eyes.

"Oh my god... what the hell is this?!"

Mu Changchuan was horrified.


Ps: Chapter 2 will be released later, around 11:30.

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