The divine Cangxue waved his sleeves and the scene changed again.

The night was as dark as thick ink.

The river in the sky fell down, hitting the tiles with crackling sounds.

The demonic Cangxue and the divine Cangxue stood in a house.

"Do you know where this is?" asked the divine Cangxue.

Demonic Cangxue nodded gently,"The Cang family mansion."

Divine:"Do you remember this day?" Demonic

:"The day my foster father was hit on the head by Wang Ye and died."

In the third year of Fuling, on the night when her foster father Canglan breathed his last, the sky seemed to have a hole in it.

Demonic Cangxue remembered that her foster mother Qu Yiqing went to Tongqiu Town that night to inform several nephews and nieces of the Cang family to buy a coffin and invite a Feng Shui master.

In the huge mansion, there were only her and Cangyu, the brother and sister, and the body of her foster father Canglan on the wooden bed in the main house.

In the violent storm, a creaking sound suddenly sounded.

Under the gaze of Demonic Cangxue and Divine Cangxue, the door of the east wing opened a crack.

The little girl walked out of the darkness behind the door and trotted towards the main house.

Divine and Demonic followed.

Creaking The sound rang out again.

The little girl entered the main room, lit the oil lamp, and rummaged through the boxes.

She quickly found needle and thread and came to the wooden bed.

There was a body lying on the bed.

It was the body of her adoptive father Canglan.

The man had been dead for nearly two hours, and his face was pale and creepy.

His head was covered with cracks visible to the naked eye.

Scarlet flesh was faintly visible, which was extremely terrifying.

The little girl was obviously very timid, but she was not afraid. After she became familiar with threading the needle, she climbed onto the bed, lifted the man's stiff body with difficulty, and then placed the man's head in her arms.

Finally, she mended the wound with candlelight, stitch by stitch.

"You say how stupid we were at that time~"

The divine Cangxue standing at the door of the room smiled bitterly.

The devilish Cangxue also had a complicated expression.

The little girl sewed very seriously.

Soon the man's head was covered with hideous centipedes.

The little girl stretched out her palm, gently stroked the centipedes, and asked in a low voice:"Godfather, does it still hurt?"

"How silly!"

The evil Cangxue murmured.

That night, their adoptive father did not reply.

The little girl, who was unable to relieve her adoptive father's pain even a little bit, was sad for a very long time.

That night, in the Dream Lake, the evil Cangxue stretched out her finger and gently touched the body of the man on the bed.

So the man slowly opened his kind eyes, raised his broad palm and touched the little girl's face.

He said softly:"Thank you, Xueer, adoptive father doesn't feel any pain at all."

The little girl immediately smiled like a flower.


The divine Cang Xue waved his sleeves for the third time.

The new scene was in a forest.

On the horizon, the setting sun was fiery red.

The blood-like sunset sprinkled on the forest.

The pale and skinny little girl waved the mandarin duck sword and sobbed,"Get out of the way, get out of the way, stop eating my stepmother~"

Next to the little girl, lay a severely rotten corpse.

That was their stepmother Qu Yiqing.

The flies buzzed like a black cloud, mice and crows chewing on the rotten meat, and densely packed maggots wriggling.

The little girl chased away the flies, kicked the mice and crows, and finally squatted down and grabbed the maggots.

She wanted to pick out all the countless maggots from her stepmother's body.

"Stop eating, get out of here~"

The little girl cried,"Why are there so many maggots~"

Compared to her adoptive father and Xiaoyu, the little girl had a very complicated feeling towards her adoptive mother.

The woman had beaten and scolded the little girl more than once, not allowing her to eat, and often made her kneel for hours.

But on the road to escape from the famine, during the most difficult times, the woman never thought of abandoning the little girl. She even cut her flesh to feed her daughter, and sacrificed her life.

"Let me do it this time~"

The divine Cang Xue gently touched the body of her stepmother.

Then, the rotten woman came back to life.


The woman called out softly and sat up.

The little girl who was catching maggots suddenly stiffened her thin body and slowly raised her head.

The woman's two rows of sharp teeth opened and closed, and she said gently:"My Xue'er is a girl, not a boy."

The little girl's two big eyes were instantly filled with mist.

The woman slowly opened her arms.

The rotten flesh on her arms fell off.

The little girl didn't dislike it at all and threw herself into the woman's arms.

The sun set, and the sea of flies lingered.

The little girl hugged the rotten corpse and burst into tears


The divine Cangxue waved his sleeves for the fourth time.

The scene changed to the last

"Where is this?"

The night was dark and foggy. Demon Cangxue stood on a winding path, looking around blankly.

""Venerable bitch!"

Devil Cangxue called out a few times, but no one answered.

The surroundings were dead silent, without a single sound.

The girl's throat moved, and she couldn't help swallowing two mouthfuls of saliva.

The footsteps came from the depths of the mist at the end of the path.

As the footsteps got closer and closer, Devil Cangxue was terrified and stepped back subconsciously.

Three figures gradually became clearer from blurry.

Devil Cangxue was stunned.

The girl in the middle was the smiling divine Cangxue. The girl with golden eyes was holding the human girl in her left hand, and a little boy of about four or five years old in her right hand.


Divine Cangxue loosened his right hand and gently patted the little boy's head.

The little boy in coarse linen clothes and bare feet walked straight to the demonic Cangxue.

Then he looked up and showed a bright and innocent smile to the blood-red-eyed girl.

"Sister, you have grown so big."

The devilish Cang Xue slowly squatted down, stretched out her trembling hands, and carefully held the little face that she had been dreaming about.

"Xiaoyu," the bloodshot girl choked up and said,"Growing up isn't fun at all."

"Sister misses you so much."

The devilish Cang Xue, with tears falling like rain, hugged the boy tightly in her arms.

""Sister, I miss you too."

The boy put his arm around the girl's neck.

The divine Cang Xue and the human girl also came closer.

The big one and the small one gently hugged the demonic Cang Xue and the little boy.


At some point, the mist dissipated.

A round jade plate hung high in the night sky of Mengze.

On the path, the demonic Cangxue and the divine Cangxue stood on the left and right, holding the boy's hand.

As for the human girl, she stood opposite the gods and demons and the boy, all alone.

The demonic Cangxue looked at the pitiful little girl and said expressionlessly,"Go."

The divine Cangxue glanced at the demonic Cangxue and smiled,"Did you let her go?"

The blood-eyed girl shook her head slightly,"I let myself go."

"Hey, girl."

The humane little girl was reluctant to leave, and moved her eyes from the boy to the devilish Cang Xue.

The blood-eyed girl whispered:"Go back, the peaches on Zhoushan peach tree are ripe."

"Pick a few for Master, Sister Snow, Sister Wind, and Uncle Pig King."

"Don’t forget to pick one for yourself too."

On the path, three people and one person were going in opposite directions.

The lonely little girl suddenly looked back.

The sky and the earth were pure.

The moonlight was like snow.

The devil and the god led the little boy, walking farther and farther away.

Until they walked into the depths of frost and snow.

They disappeared forever at the end of the distant path.



First there was a swaying feeling.

Then there was the sound of wheels rolling on the ground.

Cang Xue woke up slowly and sat up.

Looking at the wool blanket covering her body, and touching the mattress under her, the girl looked around.

"what happened?"

""Where is Uncle Pig Emperor, where is Sister Xue~"

Perhaps he heard the girl talking to herself.

The curtain was lifted, and the boy smiled and said:"Sister Cangxue, it's been less than half a month, you finally woke up."

Looking at the boy with a bright smile, Cangxue was surprised and asked:"Who are you?"

The boy:"Han Xianggu, also named Taiping, Mr. Qi Qingji Qi got it for me"


On the fifth day of the ninth month in the fourteenth year of Fuling

, in the western border of Wei State, the Tailing Mountains stretch for thousands of miles.

In a corner of the thousands of peaks, there is a small village.

The land is flat and the houses are neat.

The roads are connected and the chickens and dogs can be heard.

Adults in coarse linen clothes are wielding sickles in the fields to cut millet.

A dozen children are playing and frolicking on the ridges of the fields.

""Dad, Mom, look, there's an immortal!"

The working adults followed the voice and looked at a little boy of about six or seven years old.

Then they looked up in the direction the boy was looking.

Three huge white cranes flew across the empty sky.

On the backs of the cranes were three immortals in white robes, with divine and graceful figures.


Ps: Thanks to fellow Daoist 'Qingyi' for the ten blades, and thanks to 'Shen Gu of Lingjianfeng' for the ten blades.

Thanks for the paid gifts, I'm using my love to generate electricity, and I bow to you. There is only one chapter today, and the climax of the second chapter is a bit difficult to write, so I have to prepare some chapter outlines.

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