It is easy to find five toads and five poisonous snakes.

But it is hard to find a toad, a scorpion, a gecko, a poisonous snake, and a centipede.

It was not until the sunset on August 30 that Han Xianggu, exhausted from all the travel, returned to Longcheng Yuelai Inn.

When he opened the door to the main house, only Sister Cangxue was inside.

"Taoist Priest~"

Pushing open the doors of the east and west wing rooms, there was no trace of the Taoist priest.

"Taoist Priest~"

I searched all over the Yuelai Inn, but not only the Taoist priest, but even the little white donkey was nowhere to be found.

""Did he run away?" The young man sitting on the threshold of the courtyard sighed.

The unpredictable magic of the Taoist priest, even if he was not a land immortal, was not much different.

The young man thought that the Taoist priest would deceive him, but he did not expect that the land immortal would be so shameless.

"Han Ying, don't let me meet you again~"

The young man was angry, after all, he suffered such a big loss.

As for the idea that suffering a loss is a blessing, it's pure bullshit.

People who hold such an idea will never stop suffering.

In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the first day of September,

Han Xianggu found a carriage in a family in Longcheng.

Then he caught a military horse from the wild.

On the second day of September, the sun rose in the east.

The young man hung a long sword on his left waist and Fengqie and Liushuang on his right waist. He walked out of Yuelai Inn holding Sister Cangxue and left Longcheng.

When the autumn was clear and the weather was cool. The young man and the girl went down to the southwest


A dream.

A girl's dream.

A dream that she could never wake up from.

In the dream, there was a tall building shrouded in smoke and hazy.

The woman's soft laughter and the man's unbridled laughter were sometimes far away, sometimes near, sometimes light, sometimes heavy.

In a corner of the tall building, the devilish Cangxue, dressed in ink-colored clothes, looked around blankly.

The girl seemed to remember something, and the two blood-red pupils in her eye sockets suddenly shrank.

I don't know who is laughing, let alone how many people are laughing at the same time.

In short, the laughter of men and women became louder and louder. The devilish Cangxue was terrified, squatted down tremblingly, and sobbed softly:"Mom, I'm scared~"

The sound of footsteps came from afar.

The devilish Cangxue looked back.

A girl walked in the smoke.

She was dressed in a gorgeous golden robe, and her two golden pupils were shining.

"It's... you~"

Divine Cangxue stretched out a hand towards Demonic Cangxue and said softly:"Get up, go see mother and our little girl."

Demonic Cangxue stood up and slapped Divine Cangxue's hand away with disdain.

"You are a saintly bitch, you are not worthy of shaking hands with me!"

The divine Cang Xue rolled her eyes.

""Let's go."

With the sound of"clacking", the two Cangxue climbed up one floor after another, and they didn't know how many floors they had climbed.

Suddenly, they saw a little person squatting in the mist.

Demonic Cangxue and Divine Cangxue approached.

The little person was about three or four years old, squatting in front of a room, with his head lowered and his two little hands tightly covering his ears.

Demonic Cangxue tilted his head to look.

The little person was as delicate as a porcelain doll, and half of his forehead was covered with hideous and bright birthmarks.

"This is inhumane.~"

"Why is it so small?"

Looking at the little girl with tears streaming down her face, Demonic Cangxue was very confused. Divine Cangxue

:"She can't see us."

Demonic Cangxue:"Why?""

Divine:"She doesn't want to see."

Demonic:"This little girl, I don't want to see her either.""

Divine:"Go see mother."

With a creaking sound, Divine Cangxue pushed open the door.

In the wing room, on the embroidered bed, there lay a young woman, naked.

Behind the woman, a man held a bronze oil lamp in one hand and a brass pipe in the other.

After it burned to red, the man pressed the pipe hard against the woman's snow-like back skin.

With a hissing sound, green smoke curled up, and the smell of burning was pungent.

The woman's face was as pale as paper, her forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and she bit her lips hard, without saying a word.

Divine Cangxue looked at Demonic Cangxue and asked:"Do you remember?"

The devilish Cang Xue nodded lightly.

It happened when they were three years old.

The man was a son of a noble family. He had long been tired of playing with women's bodies and began to pursue spiritual pleasure.

No prostitute in a brothel had ever brought her own daughter with her when doing flesh trade, so the woman was quite famous in the high-rise building.

The man came here because of her reputation and bought the woman for one night.

He was not greedy for the woman's body, but played a game with the woman.

The man and the woman were in the wing room, and the little girl was outside the wing room.

All night long, the man tortured the woman in various ways.

If the woman made a sound and was heard by the daughter outside the door, the man would reward her with a hundred taels of silver.

If the woman forced herself not to make a sound, the man would keep torturing her.

The first day, the second day, the third day... The woman People either speak out or die.

Watching the large patches of burnt skin on the back of the mother on the embroidered bed.

Watching the mother's teeth bite her lips until they bled.

Watching the man put down his pipe and take out a thin iron skewer from his sleeve.

Watching the man insert the tip of the iron skewer into the gap between the mother's fingernails.

Then he poked it hard.

The devilish Cang Xue's eyes were filled with tears.

With a hoarse voice, he called softly,"Mom~"

When Cang Xue was three years old.

The man used all his tricks and tortured the woman for nearly two months.

It was just a scream, and the daughter outside the door could hear it, and there would be a reward. No one knew why the woman endured so much inhuman torture and was unwilling to scream from beginning to end. So much so that she never even had a faint groan of pain.


The divine Cang Xue sighed lightly, waved his sleeves, and the scene disappeared.


A new scene came into view.

The north wind was howling, and the snow was flying.

In the dark sky, there were a few scattered candles under the night sky.

The village was Changliu Village.

The snow was the first snow in the thirty-fourth year of Wenjing.

In the snowy forest outside the village, a woman in red was hanged on a dead tree.

The corpse was swaying in the howling north wind, like a torn dress.

Demonic Cangxue and divine Cangxue stood in the wind and snow, looking at the little girl who had just had a family, a foster father and mother, and a younger brother, wading through the snow, one deep step and one shallow step to the dead tree.

""Mom~" the little girl said���The broken mother was soon swallowed by the wind and snow.

The little man stood on tiptoe with difficulty and stretched out his two little hands, wanting to touch his mother's snow-white face.

""Mother, hug me, hug Xue'er~"

Looking at the little girl who tried her best to hug her mother's ankle, the divine Cang Xue whispered:"Back then, we jumped here all night and almost froze to death. In the end, we couldn't hug mother for the last time."

"This is Mengze, you can do whatever you want."

The devilish Cangxue then stretched out her slightly trembling palm.

Her fingers gently touched the hemp rope wrapped around the neck of the woman's body. With a muffled bang, the hemp rope suddenly broke. The body of the woman in red fell into the snow.

The tearful little girl immediately rushed forward.

The frozen little hand touched and kissed the mother's pale face.

Maybe she felt cold, or she felt that her mother was cold.

The little girl first struggled to pry her mother's stiff arms.

Then she gently and tightly hugged her mother.

"Yellow rooster, tail dragging, three-year-old boy can sing.

My parents didn't teach me, I learned the song by myself.


The child is crying, the dog is biting, and the jealous cat is here again."

In the snow, the woman in red gently wrapped her arms around the little girl.

The little girl lay in her mother's arms and sang a lullaby.

I don't know if she was trying to coax herself to sleep or her mother to sleep.

The world was pure and white.

There was only a touch of red.

The little girl was not cold at all.

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