In the eyes of the brother and sister, the huge painted Buddha statue disappeared.

Instead, there was a huge, white, and greasy meat mountain.

To be precise, it was a disgusting meat Buddha.

The huge body of the meat Buddha had cracks everywhere, like hungry mouths.

At the same time, with the rhythm of the wriggling, the evil eyeballs opened one after another, densely embedded in the entire meat mountain, which made people's scalps numb.

Especially the huge skull of the meat Buddha, which was covered with layers of flesh buds.

"This… this… this is~"

Mu Changchuan trembled and stuttered, unable to even utter a complete sentence.

However, the eldest son of the Mu family still hugged Mu Nanxiang, who was frightened and almost collapsed, tightly into his arms.

The meat Buddha's two dark eye sockets like jar mouths looked down at the brother and sister

"Two believers, in this chaotic world, the world is like a prison. Why don't you enter my paradise and share the happiness of eternal life with millions of suffering people?~"

"Buddha... Buddha!"

Mu Changchuan's teeth chattered, his legs shaking like sieves,"I am... I am the eldest son of Mu Long, the governor of Yunzhou, and my younger sister Mu Nanxiang." The eldest son of the Mu family took off a string of jade hanging from his waist and handed it to the Flesh Buddha respectfully.

"A small token of my respect"

"Also... please give Chuan some face."

The Meat Buddha laughed out loud.

The laughter rolled across the world like thunder.

Suddenly, the wanton laughter stopped abruptly.

The intense emotions made the dense flesh buds wrapped around the skull of the Meat Buddha sway wildly.

Amid the rumbling sound, the sitting Meat Buddha slowly stood up.

The huge head directly broke through the hall, and a large piece of bright yellow glazed tiles fell down with crackling.

Looking through the gap, looking at the Meat Buddha who kept looking left and right and looking around, Mu Changchuan said in surprise:"What happened?!"

While the terrifying Meat Buddha's attention was not on him, Mu Changchuan immediately grabbed Mu Nanxiang's hand, and the two siblings broke through the motionless crowd and ran for their lives.

Just after breaking out of the temple gate, the panicked Mu Changchuan accidentally knocked a pilgrim to the ground.

The woman was about twenty-four or twenty-five years old. The moment she fell to the ground, her tall body shattered like a porcelain bottle. There was fishy yellow corpse water, severely rotten meat, white skeletons, and countless wriggling maggots.

Looking around at the hundreds and thousands of motionless pilgrims.

Mu Changchuan said with lingering fear:"It seems that Xiang'er and I are the only two living people in the whole mountain.~"


The strong stench of corpses filled the air, and Mu Nanxiang couldn't help leaning over and retching.


It took nearly an hour to climb the mountain.

It took only a quarter of an hour to go down the mountain.

The brother and sister almost crawled and rolled over the memorial archway, ran onto the official road, and did not dare to stop for a moment, and ran straight to Jingning Mansion.

Another quarter of an hour later.

The brother and sister rushed into the north gate of Jingning Mansion.

On both sides of the main road of the central axis, no matter whether they were small vendors, men or women, old or young, they all stood straight.

Amid the sound of clicking, the crowds of people turned their heads stiffly, and their empty and numb eyes stared coldly at the brother and sister.

"I said, it seems that we are the only two living people in the whole city!"

The frightened Mu Changchuan pulled Mu Nanxiang and turned to run away.

However, they didn't run far before there was a sudden rumble, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

The bright world suddenly became dark.

When the brother and sister who fell to the ground recovered, they looked at what they saw and couldn't help but feel their souls torn apart.

In the dark sky and earth, blood mist was hazy, and rivers of blood fell from the sky.

In the direction of Jile Temple, endless eerie bones piled up like towering mountains.


With a roar that shook the earth, the bone mountain cracked open, and a majestic Buddha slowly stood up.

It was so huge that its upper body soared into the sky, and even the blood mist was lingering around it. Its feet were on the thick earth, and its head was in the sky.

Mu Changchuan stared at the giant Buddha blankly, as if he was under a spell.

Mu Nanxiang:"Oh, the world of martial arts is not fun at all, I want to go home!"

Suddenly, a loud crane cry came from the west.

The brother and sister looked up at the same time.

They saw three huge white cranes, which were far away in the sky one breath and close in front of them the next.

In the howling wind, three white cranes landed on the north wall of Jingning Prefecture.

The wall supported by the huge crane body was extremely small.

The sharp crane claws directly grabbed the thick wall that had gone through thousands of years and broke the stones.

On the back of the three white cranes, there were three people riding.

One was middle-aged, one was a teenager, and one was a woman.

All three of them were wearing loose and flowing white robes.

On the back of the robe were two large characters written in a dragon-like and phoenix-like style, as red as blood, which was"Zhaoyao".

The middle-aged man in the middle carried a sword on his back.

His silver hair fluttered in the wind , like twisting silver snakes.

The left half of the face was inlaid with a very thin and long blood-red birthmark from top to bottom.

Starting from half an inch above the eyebrow, it went straight down, split through the pupil, and ended when it was parallel to the tip of the nose.

The face seemed to be branded with a blood-red thin sword.

Mu Changchuan also saw that in the pupil of the man's right eye, there was a very clear word"kill".

The boy on the left hand side of the middle-aged man was about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Sword-like eyebrows, eyes into the bright stars.

The gorgeous vertical birthmark on the forehead was like an eye in the sky.

The woman on the right hand side of the man was as cold as ice, very young, about the prime of life.

The deep red birthmark on the left cheek was like a cluster of burning flames.

She was as beautiful as a fairy from a New Year picture.

"Master," the young man looked up at the towering Buddha and asked,"Is he a land immortal?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said,"Not quite, he's a fake immortal."

The woman said,"Master, do you want to use the ancient immortal weapon?"

"No need."

The middle-aged man did not even get off the crane's back, and said loudly to the giant Buddha:"The evil obstacle of the Buddha Kingdom, the master of the Zhanxia Cave in Zhaoyao Mountain, Rouran, is here."

"You have deceived the heavens and deceived the world, and have occupied this place for nearly two years, committing heinous crimes and taking the lives of millions of innocent people."

"Those who follow the will of heaven will live, those who go against it will perish"

"The evildoer will be punished!"

The man's voice rumbled across the sky and earth.


The giant Buddha laughed wildly.

The laughter was so loud that it shook the earth.

"If I hear the truth in the morning, I can die in the evening!"

""If you want to ask the truth, even the sky can kill you!"

As the earth shook, the giant Buddha slowly raised a huge foot in the direction of Jingning Mansion.

The strong wind caused by the foot moving forward rolled up the blood mist in the sky and pulled it into two magnificent blood seas that constantly collided and merged.

The Buddha's shadow in the mist walked without boundaries.

Looking at the huge foot that was slowly covering the sky like a piece of sky,

Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang, brother and sister, both held their breath at the same time.

"Treat millions of innocent lives as stepping stones on the path of spiritual practice"

"Mo Yan: You can't ask the truth. Even if you do, you'll just be a clown."

"Such a wicked man should be torn into pieces!"

The middle-aged man called Rouran clenched his palm into a fist and gently thrust it towards the giant Buddha.

Mu Changchuan and Mu Nanxiang will never forget this day.

The silver-haired man smashed the towering Buddha into dust with just one punch.

That punch made the brother and sister feel that the sky was above them. The unstoppable punch directly pressed the mountains and ridges to create a very wide road to the sky.

"Next, it’s the girl who repeatedly resurrected the dead on a large scale~" the middle-aged man whispered.

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