Hunting High School

Chapter 286 Biting Gua

Compared with ordinary people, titan has many advantages.

For example, he is tall and sees far, has strong body and strength, has large strides when walking, and has a load-bearing capacity comparable to that of an elephant. When these advantages are brought into play on the battlefield, they become particularly prominent.

In less than two minutes, before the wolves got out of the grass, Blue Fatty trotted back to the hill, dragging a dozen or so thick logs.

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"Hey! So powerful!" Zhang Jixin exclaimed, and at the same time he didn't forget to give Fatty a run for his money: "From now on, I'll leave all the heavy work of the hunting team to him... distribute according to ability."

The blue titan gave him a sideways glance, wiped his nose with his hands, blew a lot of snot, and fell hard in front of Zhang Jixin, causing the red-faced wizard to burst into anger and protest loudly, his face turned redder a lot.

Zheng Qing did not participate in the 'daily interaction' between the two of them, but sitting on the top of the hill in Lotus Position, with eyes closed, silently replied to Mental Energy. He had just finished arranging the talisman array nearby, and was in a state of extreme fatigue at the moment. Even the original plan to recruit the Minotaur with the nose ring and the earring to assist in the defense was temporarily cancelled.

Xiao Xiao was squatting beside him, fiddling with dozens of yarrow on the grass, his cheeks wriggling slowly, chewing something while muttering:

"The main party is moving but weak, and it will frighten evildoers, and the one who is powerful will be shocked."

"The guest's aggression is like fire; the fire will leave."

"The main side is actively facing it, but the state is sluggish and can only defend passively; according to yang, yin, yin."

"The client is actively acting, the state is unknown, and the aggression is like fire; according to yang, yin, yang."

"The guest side is slightly stronger than the host side, and the host side is in a difficult situation, as if being bitten by the guest side."

"Shangjiu: He Xiao kills his ears, it's fierce."

"Elephant said: He Xiao kills his ears, so he can't understand his ears."

The yarrow in his hand was scattered all over the ground, Xiao Xiao slowly raised his head, looked at Zheng Qing, and solemnly warned: "He, the burden. The school, the shoulder, the bar. Excessive use of behavior beyond one's ability is a Wrong, not a smart move."

"Achilles, great evil."


"Excessive use of behavior beyond one's ability is wrong and unwise..."

Zheng Qing repeated this sentence in his mind, and couldn't help but ask himself, did he really start to swell and become arrogant because of the unnecessary experience memories brought back by the shadow? The Forgiveness Hunting Team has already fought three waves of monsters in a row, but under his opinion, they are about to face the fourth wave, and it is also the biggest wave of enemies.

Perhaps the true meaning of divination lies here.

Thinking of this, he silently opened his eyes, glanced at Xiao Xiao, and forced the corners of his mouth to move: "Since the yarrow is very dangerous, let's do the divination. The fortune will be good..."

Xiao Xiao seemed a little dissatisfied: "If you always reject bad results subjectively like this, and only choose good-sounding fortune-telling results, then why do you want me to do fortune-telling! Can't you make up some nonsense yourself?!"

"Obviously, what a fortune-teller says is more morale-inspiring than what I make up." Zheng Qing spread his hands helplessly: "It's not that I don't pay attention to the results of fortune-telling...but that we are in this hunting ground, and it's too bad to be worse. This is not a result that can be changed by divination."

These words unexpectedly made some sense, Xiao Xiao was silent for a while.

He turned his head and looked at Lan Fatty and Zhang Jixin who were hard at work setting up barriers to resist horses and obstacles on the edge of the hill, and finally a little anxiety appeared on his face: "It doesn't make sense at come these monsters come to the door wave after wave?! Hunter Shouldn’t demons be our prowling and chasing demons?”

"That Puppet Highness didn't reason with us." Zheng Qing snorted, and said slowly: "Perhaps in the setting of the secret garden elf, this hunting game is a monster hunting wizard."

"No." Xiao Xiao shook his head: "I mean, why are these monsters able to find us... I checked before, and the ointments and talismans on everyone's body to cover up the breath are still working. The only explanation is that the people among us There is a very special 'attraction source' that continuously attracts the monsters."

Zheng Qing lowered his eyelids, no one could see his eyes.

"The wolf is coming."

He whispered something.

As if in response to his words, a long howl suddenly sounded near the hill:


This cry seemed to be a sounding horn, and it immediately attracted wolves howling one after another in all directions.

"Aww... Aww...!!"


The members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team who stayed in the talisman array realized at this moment that the small hill where their home was located had been completely surrounded by wolves.

Leading the charge were some gray wolf demons, about seventy or eighty of them. They are more than one meter tall, and their scarlet eyes are fierce and cruel. After getting out of the grass, they wandered around the hills in groups of three or five, and howled at the top of their throats from time to time.

Behind the gray wolf, some big black wolves with a height of nearly two meters and shiny fur appeared faintly. They are not as noisy as the gray wolves, but sit quietly in the rear, quietly looking at the young wizards on the hill.

The Forgiveness Hunt is ready.

Blue Fatty has re-attached the special phantom amulet, carrying a thick wooden stick, squatting next to the hill, waiting for the order from the hill - although I don't know if those beasts have found anything, but they don't know. Influence Fatty to work hard to reduce the presence of own.

Zheng Qing sat on the top of the hill, and took out a brass telescope from the gray cloth bag—this was bought when he watched the opening ceremony of the school hunting competition not long ago, it has the intensity (fuzzy judgment) view and playback function— Carefully looking at the surrounding wolves, trying to find the location of the wolf king.

He remembered very clearly that in the message sent back by Blue Bird, he emphasized 'be careful of the wolf king'.

Looking around at the dozens of big black wolves with Monster Qi levels hovering around 10+, and the groups of gray wolf monsters around them with levels between 3-9, Zheng Qing's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

What kind of monsters should be able to organize the existence of such a group of wolf monsters?


The two armies faced each other, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

But the first ones to change were not the wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, nor the wolf demons who were about to make a move. It was the sable who was lying sleepily in the grass nest on the top of the hill, nibbling on the tiny and beautiful flower clusters of mulberries.

The mink seemed to have discovered something, jumped up from the grass suddenly, and ran down the hill like a child, screaming all the way.

"Be careful!" Zhang Jixin had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and when Sable ran past him, he swung his hands and scooped it into his arms, warning, "There are so many big dogs outside, don't go out and stuff their teeth!"

Sable was unmoved, struggling violently in his arms, turning her head from time to time, opening her mouth full of fangs, and snarling at the red-faced wizard threateningly.

"Yo yo, it's so fierce." Zhang Jixin curled his lips, insisting not to let go: "It's for your own good."

"The swordsman should be outside." Zheng Qing searched left and right with his binoculars, and shouted: "You go and meet careful!"

At the same time, there was a faint commotion behind the wolves.

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