Hunting High School

Chapter 285 Ran Yi's Fish

When the blue bird heard the howling of wolves one after another, it almost thought that it had been discovered.

But soon he dispelled this idea.

He tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand, tried hard to hold his breath, and carefully glanced at a water weed hunchback crawling past in front of him—since this sensitive magical creature was still safely catching bugs for the water weed it lived in , then the wolf demons must keep a safe distance from him.

There is no doubt about this.

Just like its name, the water grass hunchback is a kind of magical creature belonging to the magical creature family hunchback in the world of magical creatures. It has a very famous distant relative - the Bowtruckle. Similar to its distant relatives, the water weed hunchback is also a kind of gentle little life. It roughly looks like a few water plants and duckweeds tangled together randomly. It likes to live among the water plants, fleas, tadpoles, mosquitoes and flies on the water surface. larvae live. If any existence that threatens their lives approaches, these sensitive little lives will immediately shrink into a ball, hide in the depths of the aquatic plants, and remain motionless for a month.

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The reason why the blue bird didn't disturb these little guys was because he still had the ointment applied before entering the hunting ground, which could isolate the wizard's breath and make other creatures think that he was just a large stone.

It's just that these cover-up methods inexplicably lost their effect in front of those wolf monsters, resulting in the young swordsman being chased and killed by the monsters.

The blue tit is now hiding in a watering hole.

It is said to be a puddle, but in fact, according to its water volume, it can be called a small lake here. It's just that the surface of the lake is too narrow, with a radius of less than two meters, and it is covered with a thick layer of aquatic plants, which is extremely inconspicuous. So a few minutes ago, the young swordsman accidentally stepped on the ground and fell into this puddle, only to find that there is another cave here.

The smooth stone wall starts from the mouth of the pit and extends to the concave area until it reaches the place where the light cannot reach-it feels like a big urn with a small mouth-the dark water bottom is scattered with many luminous stones , instead of the sun above the head, it provides precious light for this 'small lake world' and nourishes the strange life at the bottom of the lake.

For example, Wen Ray, Henggong Fish, Snake Fish, Water Weed Humpback, Grindellow, when he just fell into the water, he even saw a left-handed fish—this made the young swordsman feel a little ominous in his heart.

For the wizards, Ran Yiyu, a strange fish that is said to be able to ward off disasters by eating it, is also the source of disasters. There is an unproven but widely circulated saying that if a person sees the Ranyi fish but fails to catch it and eat it, then this person will be in bad luck.

Who would have thought that there would be a ran fish in such a puddle? !

The young swordsman thought gloomily—he would rather meet a few more Grindyllos and break their bones than see Ran Yiyu at this time—thinking of this, his mood grew stronger. Feeling dull, I suddenly feel that the air in the alveoli is not enough.

As a swordsman, he has nothing but a sword on his body. There are no magic books, no potions, no crystal balls for divination, no tarot cards, and even the talisman papers in the pockets that were lost before, all were stuffed by Zheng Qing before he left.

Therefore, after falling into the water, he had no gill grass in his pocket, no book to use the bubble head spell, and no water-proof beads sewn on his robe. The only way to keep him at the bottom of the water was the most primitive way of holding his breath. .

If you hold your breath, you need to breathe naturally.

A few small blisters emerged from the corner of the blue bird's mouth. He slid his sword lightly, and slowly floated to the surface of the water following the blisters. He raised his head, exposing only two nostrils, and slowly exhaled the waste gas in his lungs. Then slowly inhale the fresh air outside.

After taking a breath, the young swordsman hesitated for a moment, and instead of sinking immediately, he turned sideways, slightly exposed his ears, and listened to the surrounding movement under the cover of aquatic plants.

Then, he heard the sudden burst of howling one after another from the wolf monsters.

The young swordsman's heart sank, thinking he had been discovered.

But he quickly realized that the first wolf howl was sharp and short, as if it was interrupted for some reason, giving people a feeling of an abrupt end.

The other howls that followed were long, loud and orderly, as if they were greeting each other or conveying some message.

The blue bird patiently distinguished the sounds from outside, and found that the howling of the wolves was getting farther and farther away from him as time went by, and suddenly had some guesses in his heart.

In this hunting ground, in this vicinity, the only thing that can make these wolf demons give up his wizard flesh and blood is the temptation of more wizard flesh and blood.

"It's time to go back."

Thinking so, the young swordsman slowly surfaced and looked around vigilantly.

The tall yellow-backed grasses undulate gently in the breeze, except for the whirling sound among the grass blades, there is no trace of movement. A few hungry birds jumped back and forth between the grass stalks nimbly, pecking at the aphid larvae that were just beginning to toddle.

Even if nothing unusual was found, the blue tits still waited for the howling of the wolves to go a little further, and when there were more active small animals around, then they slowly crawled out of the puddle and quietly sank into the tall yellow-backed grassland , sneaking towards the direction of the hunting team.



When the howling of the wolves and monsters sounded everywhere, Zheng Qing immediately remembered the message from the blue sparrow, and suddenly felt a sudden feeling.

"Such a number of cries...there must be a hundred of these wolf monsters!" Zhang Jixin swallowed with difficulty.

"According to the swordsman's letter, the number must be more than one hundred."

Zheng Qing's face was sullen, and at the same time he quickly ordered: "Lan Fatty, you have a big step, go to the forest to pull some logs, and help build a simple fortification on this small hill."

"Understood." Lan titan agreed in a muffled voice, stood up suddenly, and ran towards the way he came with big strides. The earth buzzed with his footsteps.

"The doctor is in charge of vigilance and divination."

"Elder, protect me and the doctor... I need to form a new guardian array as soon as possible."

"Can your spirit still bear it?" Xiao Xiao raised his head suddenly, and silently glanced at Zheng Qing: "From the beginning to now, not counting those spells, you have used more than fifty talismans in half a day. "

"It's still holding up." Zheng Qing shook his head vigorously, rubbed his swollen temples, and looked up at Zhang Jixin: "It's just that when the wolves come, the fight will be left to you and Fatty Already. I need a break in the back."

"Sure!" Zhang Jixin patted his chest vigorously, and shouted angrily, "A monkey six or seven meters tall can't be beaten to death, so it won't even beat the tofu waist of these puppies!"

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