Hunting High School

Chapter 287: Fenrir

It is different from most of the wild monsters that Zheng Qing has seen.

The group of wolves and demons in front of the forgiveness hunting team obviously had strict discipline and a strict hierarchy.

For example, the gray wolf demon will droop its ears and droop its tail in front of the big black wolf; there are always one to three gray wolf demons of varying numbers as servants beside the big black wolf. Regardless of whether it was the black wolf demon or the gray wolf demon, they all appeared to be advancing and retreating in a calm and unhurried manner in the process of besieging the forgiveness hunting team.

Therefore, there must be a wolf king dispatching in the middle.

Zheng Qing slowly turned the brass binoculars in his hand, one wolf after another looked over, trying to find that mysterious figure.

But over and over again, the mysterious wolf king was never found—no, it can't be said that nothing was gained, at least, Zheng Qing found a very special black wolf demon among the wolves.

Among all the wolf demons seen so far, it is the guy most likely to play the role of wolf king.

The shoulder height of the ordinary gray wolves on the Xianbelia tundra is about 60 to 80 centimeters, while the shoulder height of these gray wolf demons in front of the forgiveness hunting team is about one meter. As for the black wolf demon, it is relatively taller, but its shoulder height is also around 1.5 meters. Only the biggest black wolf, with a shoulder height of about two meters, could reach above Lan Fatty's knee even if it didn't raise its head, standing out from a group of wolf monsters, and it was extremely eye-catching.

What's more, when all the wolf demons pass by this big black wolf, they will take the initiative to lower their bodies, turn their heads sideways, and expose their fragile throats under the fangs of the big black wolf.

And the reason why Zheng Qing thinks it is not the wolf king is because there is a fist-sized white wolf lying on the head of the big black wolf, as if it has a short white horn on it-if this black wolf If he is the real wolf king, there is no doubt that any wolf demon in the wolf pack cannot and will not climb on top of its head.

Even the little white wolf is its descendant.

Of course, Zheng Qing also considered whether the little white wolf had a special identity. But looking through the binoculars, looking at its round red eyes and the fine fluff all over its body, it looks like a wolf demon cub just born less than a full moon.


When Zheng Qing carefully searched for the figure of the wolf demon king on the top of the hill, the team that went down the mountain to meet the blue bird had already started a hand-to-hand encounter with the wolf demon.

It is called a small team, but in fact there are only three members in total——Zhang Jixin, Lan Fatty, and the little mink who has washed the mud off his body and replaced it with purple fur.

The whole team is centered on Lan Fatty, who wields a thick tree trunk as a weapon to intimidate and scare away the wolf demons around him. Zhang Jixin walked around the titan, helping to guard the blind spots that he couldn't notice, such as behind, under the legs and so on. Sable lay on the tip of Lan Fatty's nose, guiding the support team.

Of course, Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, who are behind the squad, are also always vigilant. While maintaining the talisman array, they have prepared sufficient talismans and spells to help them at any time.

Generally speaking, this layout is quite satisfactory, and it doesn't look particularly brilliant, but it doesn't have any special shortcomings.

"Sneeze!" Lan Fatty, who was on the move, suddenly sneezed loudly, and then muttered in a low voice: "Little mink, why don't you climb on top of my head... Always lie on the tip of my nose, not only It interferes with the line of sight, and your tail always gets into my nose, it's very itchy!"

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As he spoke, he couldn't help but sneezed again.

Under the leadership of a big black wolf, several gray wolf monsters rushed forward with lightning speed—maybe they thought that the titan Fractionated Divinity was a great opportunity to attack at this time, but they obviously ignored the blue Fatty's hand. Sticks—Under the big sticks wielded by Lan Fatty, these wolf demons turned over and fell back at a faster speed, leaving nothing but wailing all over the ground.

"Maybe I can light a torch at the end of your stick?" Zhang Jixin stood at Lan Fatty's feet and shouted loudly: "Do you think these wolf demons are still afraid of fire?"

Lan Fatty was stunned, scratched his head, and then poked the stick in front of the red-faced wizard: "You can try..."


It feels really good to stab a knife from behind.

When Lan Que pulled out the long sword in his hand from the back of the wolf demon's neck, this thought flashed through his mind—although it didn't sound fair enough, but taking advantage of his unpreparedness, taking him by surprise, and catching him by surprise, and then winning, this is the most important thing. the most important.

When these thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, the young swordsman dragged his long sword and flashed to the edge of the blockade of the wolf demon group.

He didn't need to look up, he could feel the familiar magic waves coming from the hill not far away.

There are also those familiar figures who came down from the mountain and are entangled with the wolves.

"Fatty has called the big guy out...Looks like it's really bad."

"Well, little mink is safe too."

The swordsman noticed the little purple dot on the blue titan's head, and the corner of his mouth curled up, thinking silently in his heart.

There was a gust of wind in his ear, he turned his head slightly, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure rushing from behind.

"Slash·Swallow Anti-Secret Technique!"

His figure suddenly rose from the ground, like a huge bat, just a flash, and then quietly appeared behind the wolf demon attacking him. Before the suspicious wolf demon found its target again, the icy long sword was inserted through the gap between its neck bones, cutting off its last vitality.

The blue bird didn't collect trophies at the stack, nor did it hide its figure again, but showed its face openly, and ran towards the hill with all its strength - the teammates were less than 50 meters away from him, and the closest wolf to him The demon is still a hundred meters away. All it takes is a simple sprint and you're safe.


When the blue titan was wielding a flaming stick in the pack of wolves, when the blue sparrow was carrying a long sword and rushing back from behind the wolf demon, Zheng Qing's binoculars did not keep an eye on them all the time.

He has great confidence in his own players.

Compared with that, he cared more about the wolf demon king who never showed up.

Whether it was the black wolf demon being smashed into meat paste by the blue titan's wooden stick, or the gray wolf demon being blood-splattered four feet under the blue bird's sharp sword, the wolf demon king never showed up, letting the wolves circle around those few hard bones Spin around.

Until the blue bird broke through the wolf pack blockade, it was about to return to the range covered by the forgiveness hunting team's talisman array.

The biggest wolf demon suddenly stood up, shook his ears, raised his legs and trot forward a few steps.

This abrupt move immediately caught Zheng Qing's attention.

He raised the brass binoculars in his hand and aimed the camera at the biggest black wolf demon.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed that the white wolf cub who was sitting on the head of the black wolf demon suddenly stood up, stretched his legs, then grinned at Zheng Qing's camera, as if smiling, and shook his head. Tail flick.

Zheng Qing took off the binoculars, shook his head vigorously, and rubbed his eyes.

Illusion, must be illusion.

He raised the binoculars again and aimed at the black wolf.

The little white wolf on the wolf's head has disappeared.

The young wizard stayed for a few seconds, his expression changed drastically, he dropped the telescope in his hand and ran down the mountain.

"Be careful of the white wolf!!!" He shouted while running, "Be careful of that white wolf!!! Come back quickly!!!"



Before the joy of reunion bloomed on his face, the blue bird heard Zhang Jixin's terrified cry. His tone was so terrifying that, for a moment, Blue Sparrow almost thought he heard the howl of a banshee.

But in the blink of an eye, he immediately came to his senses, turned around, drew his sword, kicked his legs vigorously, and stepped back.

However, it was too late after all.

The last image in the young swordsman's field of vision was a maw that seemed capable of devouring heaven and earth—its upper jaw covered the sky above him, its lower jaw covered the grass beneath his feet, and its scarlet tongue was covered with The sharp barbs and thick saliva corrode the soil and air like sulfuric acid.

The swordsman in mid-air had nowhere to use his strength, he could only watch the big mouth getting closer and closer.

In his mind, for some reason, the appearance of the left-behind fish he had seen not long ago appeared.


The blue bird murmured in a low voice, after all, the sword in its hand had no chance to lift up, and its eyes went dark, and it was caught in the stomach by the huge tongue.

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