Chapter 198-The Beginning of the Lich Tribulation

Looking at Yu Qing’s sad face, Chu Feng knew that this little bit was reluctant to own a friend.

Immediately, he shook his head slightly and said lightly: “Qing’er, you also know that in this world, everyone, monsters, witches, mortals, and beasts have their own destiny.”

“Unchangeable, irreversible.”

“The ten Golden Crow collectives came to the earth, and their lives were utterly corrupted. It was originally heaven-defying.”

Yu Qing nodded somewhat disappointed, and frowned, “Master, I know, but…”

When it came to this, Yu Qing obviously didn’t believe that Haozhen would do things that would smear sea creatures, but he couldn’t directly ask. Halfway through the discussion, he began to hesitate.

Seeing this, Chu Feng gently shook his head, and between waving his hands, a curtain of water was shot.

Suddenly, in the water curtain, the phantoms of the top ten Golden Crow appeared out of thin air, the vast Golden Crow flames, burning the void, surrounded by creatures, and wherever they passed, they were thousands of miles away.

Thousands of living creatures around were roasted directly into coke by this Golden Crow flame, just like an apocalyptic look.

Especially the Kuafu tribe of Witch clan great witches, even more people don’t know how many people died in the flames of this Golden Crow.

Chu Feng furrowed his brows, Kuafu was going after the sun, Houyi was shooting the sun, and it was about to be staged.

For Kuafu, and Houyi Chufeng more or less still have some good feelings.

Immediately, he ordered: “Qing’er, Wu Clan Great Witch, Kuafu, this seat has some Karma with him, if there is any accident, remember to tell this seat immediately.”

The great witch Kuafu tribe, the vast flames, burns here.

People from the surrounding tribes have chapped lips, a radius of thousands of miles, and the river is dry.

Above the ground, I don’t know how many witches turned into coke, and a raging fire ignited above the corpse.

A radius of thousands of miles, cut off all vitality.

The three little Golden Crows burst out Golden Crow flames in the void, ignoring the terrifying scene below.

“Huh! Bake them to death!”

“Let them do the right thing with our monster race?”

“We have eliminated so many witch races without doing anything. After returning, the father will definitely take us.”

Among the Wu tribes, Da Wu Kuafu looked at the tribe who fell on the ground with a heart like a knife.

With his great witch power, he opened a cave and inserted his tribe into it. Then he stood up suddenly, his body soaring more than a thousand feet.

With the huge stone in his hand, he fought back fiercely towards the three Golden Crows.

After hearing only three bangs, the three Golden Crows had already been beaten by Kuafu and flew out, with blood spurting out of their mouths.

“Kuafu, I am the Golden Crow of the demon race, do you dare to hurt me?”

“Believe it or not, we burned you Kuafu tribe to ashes?”

The five princes, sixth princes, and seventh princes of the Golden Crow who were hit all yelled.

Originally, their top ten Golden Crows were indeed of the same root and same origin, and they traveled in the same predicament.

However, the fifth Golden Crow felt that the speed of destroying the Witch Clan was too slow, so he split up.

Coincidentally, they are in charge of the Kuafu tribe.

The few small Golden Crows are all the early stage Realm of the big Luo Jinxian, and the Kuafu is the realm of the big Luo Jinxian peak.

Although it is more powerful than the three Golden Crows, I don’t know how much stronger it is, but it is undeniable that the Golden Crow flames are indeed very powerful, and even vaguely let Kuafu feel the sweat rushing down his whole body.

At this moment, the great witch Kuafu, who looked like a hill, suddenly trembled with the peach-wood magic warp in his hand, and the ground cracked, and the cobweb-like cracks lingered for thousands of miles.

This mahogany magic battle is Houtian’s treasure, under a single strike, powerful and powerful.

A few rushes rushed away, only to hear bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

The three little Golden Crows were beaten directly and flew away again and again.

If it weren’t for the demon race, and the body is stronger than other creatures, I am afraid that the brains of this Houtian treasure would have been cracked.

“Hurt my children of the Witch Clan, slaughter the predominant creatures, and do whatever they want.”

“Today, I am going to kill you all one by one, and then go to the Demon Race and destroy Emperor Jun, Taiyi and the two flat-haired beasts.”

Hearing this, the three little Golden Crows were also full of anger, and the golden Crow flames in their eyes flashed into the sky.

The terrifying murderous aura haunts the whole body.

The three little Golden Crows did not hesitate anymore, and suddenly excited all the Golden Crow flames around them. The scorching temperature instantly turned the rocks into magma. For a while, I don’t know how many Kuafu tribesmen died.

Even the Kuafu of Realm, the Golden Crow peak, was burned by such terrifying Golden Crow flames, and he backed away again and again.

Looking at the dead tribe, he praised his father’s anger and got up suddenly, the peach wood god in his hand standing on the ground, sweating.

The figure also suddenly became huge, with a little bit of his feet, only a bang was heard, that Kuafu turned to the three little Golden Crows and killed him fiercely.

On the ground, a big hole about a hundred feet in radius suddenly formed.

“Die me!”

Kuafu jumped up and approached the void. The three little Golden Crows had no time to react. They were directly hit on the chest by Kuafu with a peach tree magic war.

For a while, blood spurted out wildly.

There is no trace of the force of terror.

The three little Golden Crows screamed and galloped away.

At the same time, the remaining Golden Crows thousands of miles away, heard the sorrowful sound, they also felt a chill in their hearts, and hurriedly rushed towards the place where the sound was.

At this moment, the three little Golden Crows had seen such a terrifying failure, so they dared to continue their love war, turned around, and fled towards the far north.

In their eyes, this extremely northern land was the territory of Donghua Great Emperor Chu Feng.

It was not bad to get along with Chu Feng before adding it, so it was natural that he thought of Chu Feng for the first time.

“Flat-haired beast, don’t run away!!!”

Kuafu, holding the peach wood magic war, chased after the three little Golden Crows.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, crossing three rivers and five rivers, no top mountains, and Nine Heavens nine nights.

In the end, the great witch Kuafu was exhausted, and his whole body was burned by the endless flames of Golden Crow.

The huge figure slowly fell to the ground, and the surrounding ground shuddered suddenly, and the peach wood gods in his hand plunged into the ground, and it instantly turned into a peach forest.

The three little Golden Crows, after seeing Kua’s father fall, took a fierce breath of cold air, limp on the ground, unable to move for a long time, above the flesh, blood rushed out, bones shattered, and three legs broke.

The five princes of Golden Crow were even more tragic, and the whole body of the feather feathers was not left at all by Kua’s father. It still looked like a small house sparrow.

After the other Golden Crows arrived, they quickly helped them up, and at the same time, they repaired their scars with the power of the Golden Crow.

“I told you, don’t provoke the witches, don’t provoke the witches!”

“Why don’t you listen????”

“It’s all right now, waiting to meet the wrath of the Wu clan?”

Haoxuan’s eyes burst out with anger, and said viciously.

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