Chapter 199 Warrior, Kuafu

Hearing this, a few little Golden Crows looked disdainful, and coldly said, “Dage, have you been stupid in the past few years in the Heavenly Dao Sect?”

“Am I the Witch Clan Great Witch!”

“I’m doing my best now, falling to the ground like a dead dog, and waving his hand can kill him.”

“What are you afraid of???”

“Is it possible that our demon clan will still be afraid that a small demon clan will fail?”

The eyes of the fifth prince of Golden Crow were gloomy, and he looked at him not far away and fell to the ground with disdain.

What are you afraid of? ? ? ?

What do you know? ? ?

You just don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth.

A great witch, and still a relatively weak one among the witch clan, the ten of them teamed up, plus the Golden Crow flames, naturally they were fearless.

But the problem is that behind this Kuafu is the whole Wu clan.

Can they not be afraid?

The twelve ancestor witches are all masters of the quasi-sage Realm, and there are many great witches such as Jiufeng, Jiuli, Xingtian, and Houyi.

Don’t say it was their monster race, in this wild world, there are really few who dare to provoke the witch race.

Once the second family of the Lich went to war, it would definitely be a waste of life.

At that time, Karma karma, especially what they can afford?

“Huh, Dage, if you dare not, then we will come!”

“You’d better not suffer our affairs, or else… don’t blame the brothers at that time, you won’t be affectionate.”

The fifth prince of Golden Crow snorted coldly and whizzed.

Hao Xuan’s silver teeth clenched, his body trembling lightly, pointed at a few small Golden Crows, and sternly said: “Do you know what crimes you have committed now???”

The fifth prince of Golden Crow was holding the bruise on the corner of his mouth with a cold face, looking at the big witch Kuafu who fell on the ground, turning back slightly, and said gloomily: “Dage, look at the scars on the sixth and seventh brothers. .”

“But it’s all thanks to him. Not killing is not enough for civilians to be angry.”

“If you don’t kill, it’s not enough for the people.”

“This Kuafu, I will kill it!”

When I said this, I paused for a while, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of my mouth. He stared at Haosuan straightly, and said coldly, “Dage, this is our business.” If you don’t want to participate, we will assume that you have never been there, but if you dare to stop us, don’t blame me for waiting!”

“Come on! Revenge for the sixth and seventh brothers.”

After the five princes of Golden Crow finished speaking, the flames of Golden Crow all over his body suddenly rolled like clouds, extremely terrifying.

In the palm of his hand, a huge light golden fireball was also condensed, and a trace of hostility flashed across his eyebrows, and he shot back at the ancestral witch Kuafu.

Seeing this, the other Golden Crows looked at the Golden Crow eldest prince Hao Ju with a bit of disappointment, who also condensed the flames of the terrifying Golden Crow, and slammed towards the great witch Kuafu.

Only heard bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

After a few loud noises, immediately the great witch praised his father’s body, which was still full of Golden Crow flames. It was the tyrannical body of the witches, but it was also difficult to resist such terrifying Golden Crow flames.

The surrounding peach forest turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The peach wood magic battle that resisted in front of Da Wu Kua father actually started to shatter faintly, and numerous cracks appeared in an instant.

Horror, it is terrifying.

Several Golden Crow teamed up to deal with an exhausted witch, it is simply a breeze.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The scorching fireball directly hit the big witch Kuafu’s body.

The raging fire burned the piece of animal skin on Kuafu’s chest clean.

Da Wu Kuafu was bombarded by the flames and retreated.

The surrounding ground has also turned into dark red magma.

The burnt skin and flesh exudes a scorched gas.

Every inch of skin on and off the body broke and opened, and the red blood was instantly baked into thick blood scabs, which were ignited by the Golden Crow flames.

At this time, the great witch Kuafu had already become a fire man.

Seeing this, the five princes of Golden Crow, the fierce color in his eyes increased a bit, coldly said: “Humph, dare to hurt me, then I will burn you to death, I want to see if you can bear it. how long.”

There are several small Golden Crows around, and there are also raging expressions in their eyes.

In the pain of the enemy, they actually felt a faint sense of pleasure.

Obviously, the current great witch Kuafu is already at the end of the battle. As long as they increase a little magic power, the other party will definitely turn into coke in an instant.

However, they did not do so.

Instead, he looked at Da Wu Kuafu coldly with a cold look.

It seems to want him to die in endless pain.

As long as Kuafu dies here, the Wu Clan will definitely start a war. By then, with their monster clan’s terrifying power and Nuwa Empress, they will definitely be able to kill the opponent cleanly.

This great luck must belong to their monster race.

Kuafu opened his eyes slightly, and the hostility of his whole body reached the sky, horrified and shocked.

“I praise my father, today I am buried with the hands of the demon clan, and I will be angry in my chest in the future.

“My Wu Clan Erlang, will surely eradicate your monster clan, in order to comfort me to praise the spirit of Father in the sky.”

Kuafu, who was originally lying on the ground, suddenly stood up.

Even if he died, he had to stand upright.

Even if he now has no strength at all.

Suddenly, a fierce light burst out from the eyes, and Blood Essence all over his body suddenly stopped, and a deep yellow aura burst out in his chest. It turned out to be a violent aura, suddenly turning into a blade of light in the void. , Rushing towards the fifth prince of Golden Crow.

“Die me!”

There was only a touch, the pale white sword light traversed the world, and slammed towards the fifth prince of Golden Crow.

The fifth prince of Golden Crow reacted quickly, and with a sudden flash, the horrible blade light slashed towards the fifth prince of Golden Crow.


The three legs were severely cut off by the pale white blade in an instant.

Among the sparks and sparks, the surrounding Golden Crow was a little confused at this moment.

How can this be? ? ? ?

That big witch Kuafu, obviously can’t move anymore?

Can you still do such a thing now? ? ? ?

It was really horrible.

Rao is the eldest prince of Golden Crow, Hao Su, who is now looking at Kuafu who is slowly falling down with a dumb face.

In the eyes, there was a trace of respect unexpectedly.

This is the real warrior. Compared with the Wu Clan, their Monster Clan is indeed a bit weaker in winning.

Even if you die, you have to stand upright.

Even if you die, you have to look down on the heroes.

However, at this time, on the side of the fifth prince of Golden Crow, the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and he screamed from the sky. “what!!!!!”


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