Chapter 197 Uncle Chu Feng’s Very Good

It was the smallest Golden Crow that was talking.

The pitiful look in his eyes is really likable.

Chu Feng didn’t irritate a few people either. He had already been taught what should be taught, and he waved his hand casually, beckoning them to take a bowl and take a bite.

“Emma! It smells so good!!!”

“too delicious!”

“This taste is absolutely amazing.”

While eating, several small Golden Crow looked around.

Suddenly it was shocking.

Xiantian Spiritual Roots flat peach? ? ? ?

Xiantian Spiritual Roots Huang Zhongli? ? ? ?

Xiantian Spiritual Roots ginseng fruit? ? ? ?

This… This Heavenly Dao sect is too tyrant, right? ? ? ?

There are not many Xiantian Spiritual Roots, especially Xiantian Spiritual Roots that can produce results.

Now, Heavenly Dao Sect actually has three Xiantian Spiritual Roots? ? ? ?

Suddenly, several little Golden Crow settled their attention, glanced at each other, and thought to himself, no wonder Dage didn’t want to come back.

It turns out there are so many delicious foods here.

Shall we not go back either? ? ? ?

At this point, the corners of the nine Golden Crow’s lips showed a naive smile.

That appearance, extremely well-behaved, how can there be the appearance of just being arrogant and domineering?

“That, Donghua Uncle, otherwise we…we will stay as guests…”

Little Golden Crow’s words are not finished yet.

Yu Qing stood up suddenly and snorted coldly: “Being a guest, I think you are like Dage for you, relying on Heavenly Dao sect.”

Several little Golden Crows were scolded by Yu Qing, and suddenly they began to feel a little fearful.

Seeing this, Chu Feng waved his hand slightly, and said with a chuckle: “Haozhen, since your family has come to pick you up, then you go!”

“The day of being punished in the Heavenly Dao Sect, it’s time to end.”

Hearing this, even though Hao Su said that he felt a little reluctant, he still cupped hands slightly and left with the nine Golden Crows.

For him, he has learned a lot in the Heavenly Dao Sect.

In the same way, I also understand what is meant by someone outside a person, and there is a heaven outside the sky.

After the ten people left, the youngest Golden Crow ran back reluctantly, picked up the cauldron, and poured a sip of hot pot soup. It felt sour and refreshing!

After drinking a whole pot of hot pot soup, this is the reluctant departure.

On the way, there was a sudden chill in the eyes of the second Golden Crow.

The Golden Crow flames in his hand suddenly burned, and within a radius of tens of miles, it turned into a world of flames in an instant.

Out of the big Golden Crow Hao Yue, and the little Golden Crow Hao Yue, his expression was calm.

Several Golden Crows around also ignited raging anger in their hearts.

This Heavenly Dao Sect is so delicious? ? ? ?

The most important thing is that they didn’t even give them food? ? ?

“Hao Yue, are you Golden Crow, are you a child of the father, are you too embarrassed?”

“How do you drink hot pot soup???”

“We can’t afford hot pot, can’t we?”

“We can’t afford it, can’t we?”

“You said you just drink it, why don’t you leave us a sip??”

“I also want to drink……”

Five Golden Crow pouted, his face looked like Tsundere.

Hearing this, the little Golden Crow also pouted, and said in a low voice: “Too…so delicious!”

“I think Donghua Dijun is very good!”

“It was Dage who first started with his second-generation disciple, so that’s why…”

When it comes to this.

The big Golden Crows also warmed up slightly, anyway, Chu Feng was really good to them.

“How about we go back and talk to the emperor? Let’s relax our relationship with Uncle Chu Feng!”

“After that time, it will be convenient for us to visit Heavenly Dao Zong as a guest.”

Little Golden Crow Haoyue lowered her voice and suggested.

Hearing this, Haosuan nodded slightly, and was about to approve, but was suddenly interrupted by the five Golden Crow, and said: “No, no, Uncle Chu Feng is good, today we are not sensible!”

“But when we came down, it was seen by many demons.”

“It’s shameful to go back to Heavenly Dao Sect now after being beaten by others.”

As soon as this remark came out, several Golden Crows around also agreed.

Who are they, the prince of the Yaozu.

Now, the first time you searched the prehistoric land, you were beaten by someone? ? ? ?

If this goes back, where do they put their faces?

Second, Golden Crow raised his brows and lowered his voice coldly and said, “Isn’t it crazy to hear that the emperor of the Witch Clan group?”

“Why don’t we go to the Wu Clan to see?”

Hearing this, the crowds of Golden Crow around were also happy.

That little appearance, it was clear that he wanted to go to the Wu Clan to do things.

Hearing this, the great Golden Crow suddenly got up and directly yelled: “No, absolutely not!”

People didn’t know the strength of the Wu Clan, but he had heard of it in the Heavenly Dao Sect Classroom. Twelve Ancestral Witches and many great Witches, none of them could deal with.

Moreover, there is a lot of friction between the Wu clan and the Yao clan now, and they can easily spark sparks in the past.

This is too dangerous.

Five Golden Crow narrowed his eyes, and said with a hint of disdain in his tone: “Dage, are you stupid in the Heavenly Dao sect recently?”

“Uncle Chu Feng treated us well, we naturally can’t trouble him!”

“But this Wu Clan is a rival to us.”

“Is it possible, are you scared??”

“Anyway, I don’t care about you. If you don’t go, I will go by myself!”

After saying this, he turned into the Golden Crow body directly, and rushed towards the Witch Clan.

The remaining Golden Crows did not hesitate, and they followed closely behind.

Only the little Golden Crow Haoyue, and the big Golden Crow Haoyue, were quite helpless, worried that several people would be in danger, so they could only follow.

Several Golden Crows, near the gathering place of the Witch tribe, released a strong flame, and no grass grows wherever they pass.

Seeing the happy appearances of the nine Little Brothers, Hao Su faintly felt a bad premonition in his heart, and cautiously touched Yu Qing to give Own Disillusionment Zixia Suo.

In an instant, you can travel thousands of miles.

Within the Heavenly Dao Sect.

Yu Qing’s complexion was very ugly, her brows furrowed, and he asked Chu Feng, “Master, you said that Haosuan, he will really mess up the great world with several other Golden Crows?”

“Will he… die?”

After all, the two of them had been in friendship for tens of thousands of years, and this Yu Qing felt more or less uncomfortable even though he knew Haosuan’s fate.

That disillusioned Zixiasuo was given to Haozhen because of this.

“Hope, he can survive!”

Xu Qing frowned and said helplessly in his heart.

As the saying goes, it’s up to people to make things, and it’s up to heaven to make things happen.

He has done all he can do. Whether his friend owns can survive, it depends on him.

Chu Feng looked not far away and shook his head slightly.

The Lich Catastrophe is about to begin!

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