Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1278: Flower Picking Avenue

Jiang Zizai saw that it was Liu Shizhen, Zhao Wutian and Huang Xi, as well as several other ninth-level God Kings, and there were also twenty or so eighth-level God Kings following behind.

When Jiang Zizai came in, they still felt that there was a chance, because this way they could screen out some people and prevent others from taking advantage of the situation!

"Don't struggle, how far can you go for a guy who just became a God King?" Zhao Wutian sneered. He saw that Jiang Zizai seemed to move very quickly in the impact of the soul wave, but he didn't think how deep he could go. Even if he was the purple flower, he still had one-third to get close. In their opinion, it would be very good for Jiang Zizai to get one-fifth at most.

They were also very fast, and it seemed that they caught up with Jiang Zizai immediately and oppressed him, but they were more vigilant to each other. While moving forward, they were also vigilant about the positions of others!

In fact, all this happened between the flashes of lightning and fire.

Then, something happened that made their minds suddenly blank.

That is, after this, Jiang Zizai actually accelerated. He walked as fast as if nothing had happened. In an instant, he distanced himself from Huang Xi and Zhao Wutian. He was like an arrow, piercing directly into the range of the soul wave. In less than ten breaths, he walked two-thirds of the distance.

When Jiang Zizai stood at a distance of only one-third of the distance from the purple flower and looked back at Zhao Wutian and others, they had only walked less than a quarter of the distance. At this moment, they raised their heads and looked at Jiang Zizai in astonishment, forgetting to move forward.

"This..." In this underground palace, except for Xue Yilian who was smiling, everyone else was trembling.

"Didn't he just become a god king? In a year, he could only practice one or two levels at most. How could he..." Zhao Wutian didn't dare to believe his eyes at all. This was something that could not exist in the entire Forty-Nine God Realms.

Not only him, but everyone was in a daze now.

"I understand. No wonder he can control the ancient black fire pillar. It is very likely that his soul is very strong. He must have practiced some method to strengthen his soul, so he can reach this position." Liu Shizhen narrowed his eyes slightly.

They were slightly stunned, but they were still chasing forward. Although their speed was not as fast as Jiang Zizai, at least the three of them were sure to reach Jiang Zizai's current position. As for the others behind, there was no need to think about it.

Jiang Zizai was too lazy to pay attention to them. Now, in fact, he only needed Chaos Lightning to rely on his speed to be invincible. They wanted to besiege him again, which was impossible, and they didn't even need the cover of the soul wave.

Of course, he was also very quiet now, because these people could not get close to him at all, and he was the only one who had the Heavenly Soul!

At this point, the soul wave is actually very violent. The surging waves are constantly roaring and impacting, which is deafening, but it is much better than the millstone of the Taixu Universe Soul Refining Technique. Until today, Jiang Zizai is still enduring the grinding of the millstone to make his heavenly soul stronger.

So the soul wave of the purple flower is somewhat difficult for him, but it may not be impossible to challenge.

At this moment, he ignored Zhao Wutian and others and continued to move forward, and he was still able to move forward. This really set off the whole scene. Many people withdrew directly because of the discomfort. Only more than 30 people were still chasing, but it was obvious that they could not reach Jiang Zizai's position at all.

They had tried it before, even Liu Shizhen could only move forward two-thirds at most, and now Jiang Zizai's position is already four-fifths of the total distance, and the purple flower is almost in front of him.

And Jiang Zizai seems to have enough energy to move forward, unlike others, who are already sweating profusely at this time.

"Impossible!" Zhao Wutian was still immersed in disbelief. His steps were light and sweaty, but he saw Jiang Ziyu moving freely inside. This reality was difficult for him to bear. The more unstable his state of mind was, the worse his performance was. He could only retreat and could not move forward at all.

Some other people saw that it was impossible and this was reality.

"What a pity. As long as he hides in here, no one can do anything to him!"

"No wonder he is so fearless and confident!"

"How can he have such a spirit? Is he going to hide in there for four years?"

"If he doesn't come out before the end of the forty-nine sacrifices, it's true. But can he stand the loneliness?"

They are now like a group of hungry wolves that can't climb trees. Seeing that the meat is already hanging on the tree, they can only salivate below, angry and depressed, but there is nothing they can do. The more they look, the hungrier they become!

Later, even Zhao Wutian and Liu Shizhen couldn't hold on any longer and came out directly, all of them pale. Jiang Zizai was the only one within the range of the soul wave. He was still approaching the purple flower and maintaining a certain walking speed, just a little slower than before.

"Jiang Zizai, are you really determined to hide in there for four years?" Huang Xi asked with contempt.

"What a joke, I'll pick this flower and go out." Jiang Zizai said.

"You want to pick flowers?" Everyone was shocked. Is he really not afraid of death? This guy who just became the God King not long ago, so many people are eyeing him, he finally climbed up the tree, and now he said he would cut off the branches and jump down?

"Oh, then we'll wait and see. You must do what you say, don't be a grandson who doesn't keep his word." Huang Xi sneered.

Zhao Wutian actually talked a lot, but when his hatred and murderous intent surged, he didn't want to talk, but Huang Xi asked more questions.

"Come on, I know you are old, and compared to me, you are an old witch, but don't recognize your grandson randomly." Jiang Zizai laughed. In that position, his tone of voice was so normal, and he could even laugh, which was even more terrifying.

Hearing this, Xue Yilian couldn't help but chuckle. She knew that Jiang Zizai was not a messy person. Since he dared to go out, he must be sure that he would not lose his life, and the arrogant and fierce others did not realize this at all.


Huang Xi didn't say anything else. She still hadn't figured out how to get Jiang Zizai's treasure safely, so she was very troubled. The competitors were eyeing him one by one. Now the most afraid thing was that Jiang Zizai would not come out, but what Huang Xi really couldn't figure out was that Jiang Zizai actually walked towards the purple flower!

In full view of everyone, he actually walked to the side of the flower!


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