Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1279: Trapped Beast Fights

It can be seen that he is not feeling so well, his face is slightly pale, obviously he is bearing the soul impact of the purple flower, but he can stand, can stand in that position, for others, it is already a miracle among miracles!

"Zhao Xuanming, are you really sure that he was not in the state of reincarnation when he defeated you?" Zhao Wutian turned around and asked.

"Really not. There is nothing special at all." Zhao Xuanming said seriously.

"Lian'er, do you think it is not a reincarnation state?" He turned around and asked Xue Yilian, but Xue Yilian rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"A God King, in one year, has the ability to defeat the opponent of the eighth level of the God King realm and the Heavenly Artifact. Is this a story?" Zhao Wutian gritted his teeth and said, he still couldn't get through this level.

"I can't believe it either. There must be some special means." Huang Xi said.

Even if more people say it, the idea that will not change will still not change.

"Look, what is he doing?"

Jiang Zi's next behavior really shocked everyone present.

Everyone was worried that he would have to stay in there for four years and would be safe after the 49th sacrifice, but they never expected that he would actually reach out to touch the purple flower and pick it.

"He's crazy!"

"He's absolutely crazy and is looking for death!"

"Without this flower, everyone will attack him and he will be broken into pieces in an instant."

No matter what people said, Jiang Zizai was still only concerned about himself. He really reached out and pinched the root stem directly to pull up the purple flower. The whole process was very easy. When the purple flower was pulled up, it began to change into a purple petal and fell into Jiang Zizai's hand.

Red flowers, purple flowers and white flowers are all one of the colors of the seven petals of the colorful flowers that appeared outside.

If there are seven petals in total, there may be a green flower, a blue flower and a yellow flower, and a black flower. After turning into a petal, it is similar to the black petal in Jiang Zizai's natal totem.

When he picked up the purple petals, as expected, the soul shock had disappeared, and Jiang Zizai was once again exposed to people's murderous intentions, which meant that his piece of fat meat had fallen from the tree and landed in the middle of a group of hungry wolves.

"There is no door to hell, you broke in?" Zhao Wutian was unbelievable again.

In fact, no one could figure out why he wanted to die like this.

"Don't brag, relying on you, can you catch me?" After the success, Jiang Zizai certainly didn't want to stay here. Purple fire wings grew directly behind him, and chaotic lightning was wrapped around his body. Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly accelerated and turned into a blue lightning, lightning and thunder, and the speed was terrifying.

"Want to leave!"

He obviously wanted to leave after getting the purple petals. Now everyone knows his purpose and his audacity. What's unexpected is that his speed is so terrifying, even faster than when he got the crystal beast heart and escaped in Shenglong City!

"You can escape once, and I can let you escape a second time! There is no lake here!" Zhao Wutian exploded. If he let Jiang Zizai go, he would lose all his face.

But Jiang Zizai still had the ancient black fire pillar in his hand. Wherever he went, the long stick swept across, and the ancient black fire swept everywhere. No one dared to block his way. They just gave way. Before they could catch him, Jiang Zizai easily forced him away. On the way of Zhao Wutian and other top masters, there were burning ancient black fires everywhere. Zhao Wutian was also blocked by the ancient black fire, which burned him.

"Where did you go!"

"Over there!"

In fact, if there were fewer people, they could still chase him, but now there were many people. Jiang Zizai was so bold that he went directly into the crowd, which caused huge trouble for Zhao Wutian and Huang Xi. They also had to go through the crowd, but the crowd would definitely stop them. After all, everyone was a competitor to each other, and the scene was once extremely chaotic!

In this chaos, Jiang Zizai relied on the Chaos Thunder Bell and the Ancient Black Fire Pillar to easily appear in the passage again. He could directly enter the previous cave passage, reach this maze, and escape. When he left, he also covered the entrance of the passage with a thick layer of ancient black fire, which made most people who wanted to chase him through it afraid!

It was indeed not difficult for him to escape. Zhao Wutian and his men might be able to catch him outside, but in this chaotic cave, everyone became obstacles to each other, which made them tied up and unable to move at all.

"Do you believe it now?" Seeing Jiang Zizai leaving Wuyou, Xue Yilian rolled her eyes at Zhao Wutian.

Zhao Wutian was a little crazy. This was definitely the speed of a top god king, but he did not give up, but rushed out directly, ready to chase Jiang Zizai through the ancient black fire!

But most people obviously knew that with such an incredible speed, Jiang Zizai actually got the treasure again and escaped!

He now has three petals!

In fact, there were still many people chasing after them. When they were about to penetrate the ancient black fire, three people suddenly stopped with shocked expressions. These three people were Zhao Wutian, Huang Xi and Liu Shizhen.

The next moment, people saw dazzling light on them. For example, a blue light appeared on Liu Shizhen's body, a green light appeared on Huang Xi's body, and a yellow light appeared on Zhao Wutian's body!

When they took out the light, everyone discovered that it was actually a petal!

It turned out that in addition to the purple petals just now, there were other petals, and each of the three of them got one!

Now the petals are flashing, what does it mean?

They haven't figured out this position yet, and suddenly, there is a huge force on the petals, pulling the three of them, and instantly gathering in the center of the underground palace. It turned out that in the space in the center, a transparent light ball appeared, completely sealing them in!

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know."

Suddenly trapped by the light ball, the three of them were a little panicked and tried to rush out, but they failed directly, because the light ball seemed transparent, but it was actually very solid, and the three of them were completely locked in.

"Is this the game rule of Qingyang Taigu God?" Liu Shizhen squinted his eyes.

"Game? We all got the petals to be eligible to participate?" Huang Xi reacted quickly. Now the people outside were staring at them outside the light ball. They couldn't get in, and Liu Shizhen, Zhao Wutian and Huang Xi couldn't get out either.

"Is it a fight between trapped beasts? Let's decide the winner?" Zhao Wutan was very familiar with this pattern. He often played it. He would trap a group of people in one place and let them kill each other until only one was left alive. The person who was alive at the end would definitely be very terrifying.

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