Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 1277 Soul Wave

No matter how you calculate it, Jiang Zizai's life is more important than everything they get.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’ π‘‘π‘€π‘˜π‘Žπ‘›.π‘π‘œπ‘š

If there weren't too many competitors, Zhao Wutian would have taken action long ago. On the one hand, Jiang Zizai means treasure, and on the other hand, it is also because he can clearly feel that Xue Yilian has a bad attitude towards him, but treats Jiang Zizai well.

The last time she was defeated by Jiang Zizai, he could tell that something was a little strange.

When murderous intent and jealous hatred came together, he had never had such a level of murderous intention.

"I don't believe it anymore. You can still enter the reincarnation state again and again." He took a step forward, but at this time, almost everyone took a step forward. As before, in front of these hungry wolves, Jiang Zizai seemed to be just An immovable piece of meat.

They didn't regard Jiang Zizai as the same thing, but regarded everyone else as competitors.

This is the time when a single move can affect the whole body.

The slightest movement by anyone may cause a battle to break out in this underground palace in an instant, and it is a fierce battle, regardless of life or death.

Xue Yilian, who was closest to Jiang Zizai, attracted more people's vigilance. Some people must have thought that she was trying to seduce Jiang Zizai with her beauty.

At this heated moment, Jiang Zizai made an understatement, as if he didn't care about the fact that everyone wanted to kill him. Instead, he walked towards the crowd in a relaxed and natural way, even a little carefree, and said: "Everyone is doing this seriously. What, what’s so interesting about me? I shouldn’t look at this flower more, right? I just saw it, and you all tried, but no one can get close, so it seems it’s my turn.”

As he spoke, he swaggered towards the strange flower in the center.

"You don't have to pretend to be crazy. One thing is for sure today, that is, you are dead. The suspense is only in whose hands you will die." Huang Xi said in a cold voice. Beside her, Huang Yu stood as expected. She looked at Jiang The look in his eyes was free, but there was still some fear.

"Then I'll die in your hands, why don't you take action?" Jiang Zizai opened his arms in a hug gesture, leaving the door wide open, looking completely careless. This made Huang Xi frown deeply.

She had never been so provoked.

If she was the only one, she would have taken action long ago. Unfortunately, now that Jiang Zizai said this, everyone looked at her with vigilance. Now, she was in this moment where she was buried everywhere. Whoever made a move first would be killed immediately. It ignited, exploded instantly, and fell directly into the melee. If she took action first, everyone would target her. If she was not careful, she might die here.

Therefore, even if Jiang Zizai was so provocative, she still stood her ground. Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. She could still endure this little provocation.

"Since you haven't done anything yet, I'm going to give it a try." Jiang Zizai laughed dumbly. In fact, he knew the psychology of these people and what state they were in now. They felt that Jiang Zizai would definitely die today. There was no need for this. No doubt, everyone wanted to kill him, but there were too many hungry wolves.

There were so many that, out of fear of each other, no one ever started. Some people must even think that this is definitely a fight to the death today, and there may be no point in taking action first, because after getting Jiang Zizai's treasure, there is a high possibility that he will become the next piece of fat, and become a treasure like Jiang Zizai, and be Everyone is afraid.

Qingyang Ancient God's style is very likely to set up such a game. There is a certain possibility of being the first to kill Jiang Zizai, which may not be a good thing.

Of course, it is also possible that by killing Jiang Zizai, he would be protected by the Qingyang Ancient God, and it is not certain that he would be able to escape unscathed.

It is these uncertainties that make everyone present struggle, because there are too many people and the place is not big enough. Whether to be the first to kill Jiang Zizai or not is a dilemma, not to mention facing Pressure from other people.

No matter how murderous Zhao Wutian was, he was still patient and thinking about whether to kill first.

"He is obviously not in the reincarnation state now. As long as I take action, he should be able to die instantly. I am afraid that after I get everything, I will become the next target and they will surround me and kill me!" Zhao Wutian's mind was in chaos.

The treasure is right in front of them, but no one dares to move yet. This scene looks a bit funny.

In this case, leaving them confused and confused, Jiang Zizai swaggered towards the purple flower. When he arrived at this position, the calling voice became more and more obvious. When Jiang Zizai's heavenly soul covered the flower, He already knew that this was a flower of the soul!

Everyone of them had wanted to get close to this flower before, but the heavy waves of souls on the flower were shaken. Even Liu Shizhen, the God of Silence, never got close to this purple flower.

And now, while they were hesitating, Jiang Zizai had already entered the soul wave range of this purple flower.

He has already felt the impact, like a big wave, coming one after another. From this step on, it is already difficult for ordinary souls to bear it, let alone go inside.

Except for Xue Yilian, no one knew that he had a divine soul, so no one was worried about him arriving in this area. They still looked at each other with normal eyes. The scene was a bit subtle. So far, there was still a lack of someone with a hot head to ruin the atmosphere. The first person to take action against Jiang Zizai.

However, it can still be arranged.

Zhao Wutian couldn't help it, but he didn't do it himself. Instead, he gave an order. After struggling for a while, Zhao Xuanming suddenly rushed towards Jiang Zizai. His move directly affected everyone. In an instant, everyone moved!

Zhao Xuanming saw this and shrank back. The treasure was important, but his life was more important. He was not interested in Jiang Zizai anyway. He didn't succeed when the opportunity was so good, not to mention that so many strong men were here this time.

However, he did make the scene completely chaotic. As long as there was chaos, war was inevitable. In the first stage, everyone rushed towards Jiang Zizai.

It's finally here.

These people were murderous and couldn't bear it anymore. At this time, they broke out. The scene was really scary. It felt like thousands of troops were coming towards him.

Jiang Zizai didn't do anything else. He directly accelerated and went towards the purple flower. Although these waves were strong, they were in the outer circle after all, and the impact on Jiang Zizai was not too great!

The gap came out all at once.

Jiang Zizai was moving at an extremely fast speed, but when this group of people caught up with him and entered the range of his soul shock, his speed immediately slowed down. Some of those with weak souls were already struggling to move. Only a few who were close to possessing heavenly souls could maintain the same speed as Jiang Zizai.

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