Old Percy's origin is not simple. He is the cousin of Gregorovitch, one of the three great wand makers, and has a rich family foundation.

When he was young, old Percy, who was rich in alchemy knowledge, did not choose to make wands. At that time, the basic theories of physics and chemistry were developing most vigorously.

So old Percy went to the Muggle world for a long time. He worked with scientific masters such as Einstein for a period of time, and his understanding of science was quite high.

Therefore, the alchemy products made by old Percy always have some science fiction colors.

And the source of the news that Grindelwald was able to get the old wand in Gregorovitch's hand was revealed by old Percy.

And Grindelwald promised to help him become the second Nick Flamel and make the Philosopher's Stone, so old Percy officially became the chief alchemist of the Witch Party.

In fact, Shaw also took a fancy to this upright alchemist master, a very pure scientific researcher.

On weekends, he would respond to any request in the house.

Shaw sat upright, watching old Percy in the two-way mirror while doing alchemy experiments and telling him some knowledge about alchemy.

According to the history of magic that can be found in documents, the origin of European alchemy is the common derivative of Pan-Greek culture including magic civilization in the centuries before Christ.

Later, it was passed on to the Arabs for development and then passed back to Europe.

Not to mention the various powerful alchemists among wizards, there are also many powerful alchemists among ordinary people.

Scientific achievements such as chemistry and the periodic table of elements can be said to be derivatives of alchemy.

Newton was also obsessed with alchemy, but due to the lack of magic power, his achievements in this area were not very ideal.

And there is another historical version within the alchemist group.

Alchemy, like human civilization, has been interrupted. For example, the current development of Egyptian alchemy is reorganized from the excavation of the pyramids, which is very different from European alchemy.

The alchemy inheritance in China is also relatively complete, but Chinese alchemy follows Taoist thought, which is too obscure for Westerners. There is not much communication between the two sides, so it is a relatively independent system.

In Western alchemy theory, the whole world is made up of several elements that are constantly flowing, and the purest metal element in the world is pure gold without impurities.

Other metal products such as copper, iron and silver can be produced into unique metals through certain training and combination, such as fine gold and secret silver.

Alchemists believe that all things have life, and the human body is a form endowed with vitality by the soul.

They firmly believe that if they can find a substance that can purify everything, they can make human beings and the substances around them form the purest state and can truly transform each other.

The greatest alchemy achievement of this theory is the Philosopher's Stone made by Nicolae.

Although Old Percy boasted that his level had reached the legendary alchemy level and the production theory of the Philosopher's Stone was perfected, he dared not make it.

Because the basic substance that can purify and transform everything is the soul.

To make the Philosopher's Stone, at least millions of souls are needed as raw materials.

The two major functions of the Philosopher's Stone, which make people immortal and turn stones into gold, are funny to say, but they actually follow the law of replenishing things with things and the law of conservation of mass.

Shaw only attended such a not-so-formal class, but he felt that he had benefited a lot, which was much better than his blind man touching the elephant.

He now came to his senses. The content of the legendary alchemy book "The Book of Abraham" should not have the specific method of making the Philosopher's Stone, but expounded some profound theories.

Or does it contain prophecies?

Shaw took out the "Book of Abraham" from the ring outside the blind spot of the two-way mirror.

He wrote down some obscure parts of his translation, and copied the ones that could not be translated.

Then he showed it to old Percy.

"Teacher, can you understand these? This is what I found in some ancient alchemy manuscripts, and I have never been able to understand it."

In the two-way mirror, old Percy put down the alchemy materials in his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Don't believe that the older is the best. Alchemy, spells, and potions are all advancing with the times."

He said so, but he still stuck his eyes on the two-way mirror and looked at it carefully.

But he couldn't take his eyes off after seeing this, and he kept muttering.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, how can there be such a subversive theory, no, before there is an experiment, it's all empty talk."

Old Percy took the parchment from the table next to him and quickly copied down what Shor showed, even translating those that Shor couldn't translate into German.

Shor blinked, old Percy was really knowledgeable.

"Teacher, can you explain it?"

Old Percy didn't have time to pay attention to him at this time, and said impatiently.

"It's useless to explain it to you before there is experimental proof."Then he closed the two-way mirror, and it was dark in front of Shaw. He smiled, but he didn't care much. Instead, he admired old Percy's attitude of research and his seriousness in knowledge. He put away the Book of Abraham. Isn't it a free gift to help decipher? He doesn't have to work hard. As for those advanced contents being learned? Shaw already regarded old Percy as his own in the future, so it didn't matter. He walked out of the Room of Requirement and went to the basement. His lower back was still a little uncomfortable, so he had to find Snape. The two met in the cold potion office, and naturally there was no lack of mutual ridicule. Snape was not a man who would do good deeds just because of his loyalty. Hearing Shaw At Snape's request, his empty eyes showed a weird look.

When Shaw saw him like this, he knew what the other party would think, which was why he didn't dare to go to the school hospital.

Sometimes the higher the position, the more people below are keen on gossip. This is a kind of human nature, and there is a subconscious desire to drag the high-ranking people into the quagmire.

For example, the various legends about Shaw on campus, although there were factors of malicious rumors before, other little wizards are also happy to listen to these ugly gossips.

For example, the ancient emperors dared to stay in the harem for a few more days, even if they simply wanted to take a vacation, but within a few days, rumors that the king was licentious and the country would perish would spread among the people.

So Shaw is now very cautious in his words and deeds, and hurriedly explained to Snape.

"This is a sharp object that hits it, not false! Not false! "

Snape didn't react. He pinched Shaw's waist and cast a few unique detection spells.

The strange look in his eyes just now became more serious and he gave his own judgment.

"This is the result of being hit by an item containing some special magic. The magic is stagnant in your area, so you feel pain.

You don't need to take medicine. Try to use magic to dispel it. Don't tell me that you haven't reached the level of being able to control the magic in your body freely."

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