Shaw returned to Hogwarts, but did not go back to the dormitory directly. Instead, he went to the prefect's bathroom to take a nice bath and applied some external compress on his lower back.

It hurts everywhere. I have to ask Snape if he has any special medicine.

He dared not go to the school hospital, fearing that the loud-mouthed Madam Pomfrey would spread some rumors.

Then he closed his eyes and thought about the experience of the secret room today.

Not to mention, he gained a lot.

He got several books on Animagus Transfiguration and human experiments, got a basilisk pet and let it explore the secret passage of the Forbidden Forest, and discovered the secret of the giant stone statue of Salazar.

The biggest gain was actually that "death".

He saw the legendary misty illusion and witnessed the door to the kingdom of the dead.

He has a deeper understanding of the soul and death.

This kind of obscure knowledge that touches the taboos of magic is very strange. Sometimes you understand it, otherwise it is useless to understand it.

Even his Killing Curse can reach the fifth level of power without the system's blessing, and even if he specializes in this spell in the future, his efficiency will be greatly increased.

His understanding of the Petrification Curse has also greatly increased, and he has comprehended a variant of the Petrification Curse. If this Petrification Curse is practiced to a high level, it is not possible to break the curse by himself.

Then the cursed person will become a stone forever, what is the difference between that and death?

However, this spell is a bit useless. It may be useful in certain circumstances, otherwise it is better to cast a Killing Curse.

As for whether to go to the United States, Shaw thought silently for a while and decided to send someone else to explore the way first.

He is still working hard on the basics and is not lacking in advanced knowledge. Even if the Chamber of Secrets really has a huge hidden secret, it can't be blessed on him for a while.

He took the communication poker and asked Lucius to arrange someone to go to the United States.

In name, he was looking for the Rawl family who immigrated to the United States to discuss the matter of the Hogwarts director, and secretly began to establish a business channel to pave the way for future dumping of products.

By the way, we can build up power on the spot, gather intelligence, and make plans for the future.

In the next year's Top Five Tournament, we can also get in touch with the younger generation of the American magic world in advance, so it is not urgent.

Today, Shaw's classes are spells in the morning and defense against the dark arts in the afternoon.

After the spells class, Shaw asked Professor Flitwick about some petrification spells, and the professor was pleased that Shaw finally returned to the "right path".

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, after the new semester started, Lockhart began to analyze the unreasonable parts of the books published by the young wizards in the first half of the year.

Shaw listened very seriously below, because what Lockhart said was all practical and very useful.

But it always felt strange, as if he was confessing himself.

After class, Lockhart gave Shaw a secret signal before leaving the classroom.

Shaw's eyebrows flashed with joy, and after turning around and telling Draco that he would not go to the hall for dinner, he came to the dark magic office alone.

Lockhart had just entered, and the door was not closed.

Shaw walked in directly. Vita was not in the living room. After Lockhart nodded to him, he entered the wooden box space by himself with his student's homework.

Shaw closed the door with his backhand, exhaled, and sat down on the sofa.

At a glance, he saw a mirror about ten inches long and wide on the coffee table. The mirror frame had complicated patterns. It was an alchemical product at a glance, and the grade was not low.

Shaw took the mirror in his hand and studied it without being polite, and found that it was a two-way mirror.

In fact, it was a magic version of the videophone, a super version of the communication poker, and it was very difficult to refine.

There was a similar two-way mirror in his home, but it was relatively small. In the original book, it was given to Harry by Sirius. Later, Harry was trapped in Malfoy Manor and was rescued by Dobby after seeking help through the two-way mirror.

Shaw saw the scene on the other side of the mirror. It seemed to be an alchemical studio with very complete equipment. Various alchemical materials and products were placed on the counter, but there was no one in the studio for the time being.

Xiao Er was quite curious about where the other side was.

He looked at the signature on the lower right corner of the mirror frame and it looked familiar. Some of the exquisite alchemy gifts Vita gave him, including the projection ball and the fierce fire bird cage that Guan Pettigrew, were probably made by the same person.

He was probably the owner of the studio opposite, an alchemist employed by the Wu Cui Party.

At this moment, Vita walked out of the bedroom and said lovingly to Xiao Er, who was looking at him intently.

"This is a Christmas gift for you. Do you like it?"

Xiao Er turned his head and saw Vita in a lavender uniform. He felt that the other party was a little different but couldn't tell.

He hurriedly stood up and bowed.

"Professor, you're back."

Vita came over with a pleasant face, rubbed Xiao Er's hair, pulled him to sit down, and said lovingly.

"Well, I came back after I was done. It seems that you like this two-way mirror very much. I know that you like alchemy, so the real Christmas gift I gave you is to find you aAn alchemy master as a teacher.

If it weren't for my bad relationship with Nick Flamel, I would definitely find a way to get him to accept you as an apprentice. But if you can get Dumbledore to introduce you, you can also get to know Nick Flamel. "

Shor felt that Vita's tone and demeanor were more sincere when he came back this time.

Before he could thank him, an old man's dissatisfied voice came from the two-way mirror.

"Vita, I'm not happy with what you said. What's so great about Nick Flamel? Except that he made one more Philosopher's Stone than me, how am I worse than him?"

Shor looked at the two-way mirror and saw a sloppy old man in greasy work clothes, looking angry.

Vita's eyes flashed with cunning, and he continued to provoke.

"Old Percy, the Philosopher's Stone is the ultimate alchemical product. You are stubborn and unconvincing, and my student has a first-class alchemical talent. He has only been learning alchemy for a short time, and his level is already quite high. If I had no choice, I would not necessarily let you teach him. ”

People who do research are usually straightforward, without any scheming, and they don’t bother to spend time thinking about these things, and they devote themselves to research.

So the old Percy on the opposite side immediately got angry and his beard trembled, and he said to Shaw.

“Boy, you must learn from me, it’s no worse than following Nick Flamel. I already have a complete theoretical basis for the research on the Philosopher’s Stone.

I just can’t bear to kill people on a large scale to grab souls, otherwise I would have definitely made the Philosopher’s Stone! But I heard that Nick is dying, so how can he have time to teach you. "

Shor glanced at Vita inconspicuously, and the other party gave him an affirmative look.

He thought, wow, I didn't realize that this droopy old man's alchemy level was so high.

Niccolome is not easy to find, and it is not certain that you can get the wool from him even if you find him.

I am really interested in alchemy. I was still looking at how to design a multifunctional pair of glasses for the basilisk this morning.

I didn't expect Vita to introduce me to an alchemy teacher who is almost as good as Nicolome.

He quickly bowed to the old man in the two-way mirror.

"Hello, old man, I am Shor Black. It is an honor to learn the fascinating alchemy knowledge from you."

Old Percy laughed.

"Yes, yes, you are right, kid, alchemy is a fascinating and great subject. "

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