The degree of control a wizard has over his own magic power can basically be regarded as a reflection of his strength and realm.

The magic riot before the little wizard went to school was a rare opportunity to experience the legendary realm. The kind of free and easy words and actions are legendary.

After that, the little wizard began to learn magic. Whether it was learning spells or brewing potions, it was actually a sorting out and exploration of magic.

This is just like blood is a part of the human body, but people cannot control the flow of blood, and magic is similar.

Learning spells and studying the essence of magic is to learn to control magic. The higher the control, the stronger the magic power.

To put it bluntly, spells from level 1 to level 5 are actually the continuous learning and strengthening of the construction of specific magic circuits.

To make an analogy, if the entire magic construction is divided into 1 to 100 blocks.

For spells below level 5, the magic construction of the disarming spell includes 1 to 10, and the magic construction of the killing spell includes 2 to 20.

By analogy, learning more level 5 spells and including all magic power construction within 100 is also a stupid way to touch the legend.

After the legend, it is to use the magic power in the body that can be controlled as desired to provoke the elements of the world outside.

Shaw has never been able to step into the legend. In the final analysis, it is because he has not completely controlled the magic power in his body.

Although he took a shortcut with the help of the system and elemental talent and can cast a spell with legendary power, strictly speaking, it is still not a legend.

After hearing Snape's words, Shaw's heart tightened because he had scanned his lower back with magic power before.

But he didn't find anything unusual, let alone dispel it?

His mind turned quickly, and he carefully recalled that when he was in the secret room before, when he was slapped into the bottom of the pool, he should have hit the right hand of the Salazar statue, and it was the most prominent index finger.

The statue was all weird, and the flashing green mist was impossible to detect. The back waist should have been injected with something weird by the statue's index finger.

But the system at that time did not have passive defense.

It's terrifying to think about it!

Snape looked at Shaw in deep thought and asked in a cold voice.

"Can't dispel it?"

Shaw paused for a moment and said without revealing his expression.

"It can be dispelled, but it's too slow."

Snape looked at Shaw meaningfully, but did not continue to ask. He turned around and took out a bottle of potion from the cabinet and slapped it directly into Shaw's hand, saying in a stiff tone.

"This is a magic-dissolving potion, which is used to treat stubborn diseases of black magic. It is applied externally. If you want to take it internally, I will definitely go to your grave to offer flowers in a few days."

Shaw took the potion and glanced at Snape who was busy with his own business.

Not only did he shake his head, but the other party was obviously a smart man and was very good at observing words and expressions, but he never showed any color.

He clearly wanted to care about others, but he ended up being full of hatred and resentment.

Shaw put away the potion and asked about the business.

"Professor, how far has the alchemy machine been developed?"

Snape continued to fiddle with the unknown potion in his hand, and said lightly without looking back.

"It's the level of second-year potions. Borgin and Burke, this arrogant fly, can't keep up with my thinking. If you replace him with a more powerful alchemist, the development speed will be faster."

Shaw was speechless. Is this Versailles?

No wonder Snape has been so idle recently. He harasses Harry, who is already bored, every day.

And it's not easy to find an obedient alchemist. Old Percy is good, but he is not his subordinate.

"Ahem, I'll try my best. It's also good to maintain the current research and development speed. Then I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Shaw didn't stay for long. He turned and walked out. Snape said another word.

"Some guys in your pentagram are restless, and Yaxley is not doing anything."

Short paused, left a word "got it" and walked out of the office.

He knew those guys were restless, but it was hard to say whether Yaxley knew it or not.

After all, this guy was actually in the same group with those guys before, so it's not surprising that he turned a blind eye now.

And the spy Gloria stopped contacting him directly after she knew that he was not Tom.

Because the other party was Theodore's sister, Shaw didn't do anything to her.

So there must be people in the organization.

But the only talents who are about to graduate from Hogwarts and are confidants are Alice and Percy in the sixth grade.

Alice is not suitable for being an agent and investigating discipline.


Percy's ability and personality are suitable, and he is doing similar work in school now.

I just don't know if the other party is willing to end his studies early.

The seventh-year students at Hogwarts are actually a bit similar to ordinary seniors. Apart from taking the final graduation exam, they basically have to find their own way out.

Those with connections can go out for internships early until graduation.Those who have no connections can only wait for their diplomas to come out.

Shaw didn't think much about it. He asked and found out. He directly called Percy to the Black Lake with the main communication poker.

It was only the beginning of January. Hogwarts was still covered with ice and snow. The Black Lake had not thawed yet. There were still little wizards skating and playing snowballs on the thick ice.

Shaw watched the snow scene for a while by the Black Lake. The capable and serious Percy strode from behind and bowed to Shaw.


Shaw waved his hand and asked Percy to watch the snow scene side by side with him for a while.

Although Percy came forward, he was still slightly behind by half a body.

Shaw pointed to the Weasley twins who were playing human-pulled sleds on the ice in the distance. A little wizard who lost the bet and was acting as a sled dog was grunting and pulling the laughing twins in front of him.

"Your brothers are still as lively as ever."

Percy looked at his brothers in the direction of Shaw's finger, and a smile flashed across his serious expression.

"George and Fred have been naughty since they were young. Although they like to play tricks on people, they don't have any bad intentions."

Shor knew that Percy was speaking well of his brothers, but he didn't argue with him about whether the people being tricked would accept it.

This was just a prefix to intervene in the topic.

"Yes, it's most important for people to live happily. You didn't argue with your parents at Christmas. You've grown up and can't let your parents worry too much."

Percy shook his head and said with a little excitement.

"I didn't argue with my parents. They really don't like me to follow the chief, but I firmly believe that I am right. It's really stupid to be a pedantic and inflexible good person."

Shor reached out and patted Percy's shoulder.

"Don't get excited. Time will prove everything. We are practical people, not empty talkers."

"Yes, Chief, I understand!"

Percy agreed with a sonorous voice, and then took the initiative.

"Chief, you asked me to come here today. Do you have any important task for me to do? Don't worry, no matter what the task is, I will complete it to the death."

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