【In the chat area】

【Hermione: Saving space resources? When I was in Muggle school, someone mentioned this question. Isn't this a good thing?】

【Harry: It sounds like a good thing, but why is it that this battleship and this other weird thing combined together doesn't seem like a good thing?】

【Ron: I don't know why, but Harry and I agree. It feels a bit weird.】

【Grindelwald: Hahaha, you kids are really stupid. If someone wants to save resources, he can just do it directly. Why mobilize a large force across the entire universe? 】As soon as Grindelwald finished speaking, Stark pointed at the giant battleship in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

"This thing doesn't look like it's for environmental protection."

Strange said calmly:

"Our understanding of environmental protection is different from that of Thanos"

"Our understanding of resources is to reduce waste and reduce all expenditures"

"And Thanos, he killed half of the people on his home planet Titan"

"All he did was to implement his ideas."

"What he wants is to randomly kill half of the people in this universe, so as to achieve the balance he wants."

Stark took off his sunglasses, his eyes full of surprise.

After a long time, he uttered a comment


All the wizards in the live broadcast room were also speechless.

【Harry: Killing half of the universe just for the sake of environmental protection? This is a lunatic even crazier than Dormammu!】

【Ron: So this is how we save resources! Anton, is this universe full of demons?!】

【Voldemort: Look, you still say that I am guilty of heinous crimes, but in front of real lunatics and monsters, what I did is not worth mentioning!】

【Voldemort: I only want to kill those Muggles who steal wizard magic, and those who betray the pure-bloods】

【Voldemort: That madman named Thanos is going to kill half of the people in the universe just for the sake of a vague way of saving resources!】

【Cassandra: Crazy, I can only describe him as crazy, what kind of horrible logic is this?】

【Dumbledore: Some people cannot be understood by common sense. This kind of paranoia has its own logic.】

【Grindelwald: Indeed, and those who want to follow him are even more crazy】

【Grindelwald: But as an aside, that battleship looks great. Very fascinating.】

【Grindelwald: Unfortunately, there are no such Muggle things in our world.】

【Luna: Anton, you must defeat this madman!】

【Luna: If the world is handed over to such a madman, then the world will be over. 】

While the wizards were discussing, Strange and his men had already made their arrangements.

Stark only took a look at the situation of the battleship and made a quick decision.

"Let's sneak away"

"When special agents like Steve and Natasha come, we can have a good talk with this lunatic."

Banner readily accepted this proposal.

When they were about to run away with Strange and Wang, a thin black figure blocked their way.

They looked closely and found that the man had gray skin and white hair, but he was wearing a wizard robe. He didn't look like a Blue Star at all. Stark didn't hesitate to use his mouth to talk to the man with such a strange appearance.

"Hello, welcome to Blue Star, this is my territory"

"Thanos, if you want the gems or your crazy environmental protection plan, you've come to the wrong place.

The man completely ignored Stark's words and turned to Strange.

"I am Ebony Maw, the commander of the armies of the great Thanos."

"Come and collect gems for Thanos."

Upon hearing this, Stark was immediately relieved

"Ha, it turns out he's just a small fry."

Ebony Maw said coldly to Strange:

"Wizard, do you want this noisy creature to continue speaking for you, or do you want to hand over the Time Stone?"

Strange opened his hands.

Two precise Raggadoor Rings appeared in his hands.

Compared with the shield he used before, it has reached the top level.

This is a perfect Raggadoor Ring.

It represents a wizard's most precise control of light magic.

Seeing this, Ebony Maw nodded.

"not bad"

"Hand it over."

Strange said coldly:

"You came to Blue Star for no reason and ignored local laws."

"Should be captured."

After the word"capture" came out, Ebony Maw lightly tapped his index finger, and countless rubble pierced out of the void like spikes. It rushed straight towards Strange.

Strange waved his hand, and wanted to block all these boulders, but he didn't expect that the number of these boulders had reached a terrifying number.

He suddenly had an idea and created a portal.

The rubble entered the portal one after another, and the Mage King next to him also waved his hand, directly shaking out the rubble that entered the portal.

This attack and defense formed a wonderful combination.

Ebony Maw quickly raised his hand and lifted the vehicle with telekinesis, which blocked the rubble that flew out of him.

But this is not over yet.

Strange immediately changed the portal into an energy whip and whipped Ebony Maw.

The energy whip came with great force. The energy surged, not only splitting the car in front of Ebony Maw in half, but also whipping Ebony Maw and the car away a hundred meters.

After this fight, Ebony Maw had completely understood that his opponent was no ordinary one.

He also put away his previous contempt, and saw Strange whip out again.

He instantly moved forward , and got closer to Strange along with the energy whip.

Strange was also very fast, and with a flick of his hand, he pulled Ebony Maw away again.

Ebony Maw's power was gone in an instant.

But he chanted a few spells in a hoarse voice, and in an instant, countless vines emerged from the ground, gently lifting himself up.

The fight between the two wizards was undoubtedly very exciting for the wizards to watch.

They wanted to stand up and applaud immediately.

【Flitwick: The best wizard duel textbook! The best Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook! The dark wizard was very skilled and proficient in curses. Anton also used many tricks to resolve them.】

【Flitwick: I haven't seen such a great wizard duel since Grindelwald and Headmaster Dumbledore!】

【McGonagall: Flitwick, be careful. The two wizards you mentioned are in the group.】

【Flitwick: Just kidding, just kidding】

【Harry: Wait, did you notice that there seems to be a name written under Ebony Maw's feet?】

【Ron: It seems there is a name.】

【Ron: What's his name, Tom Riddle? 】

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