【Dumbledore: It's good to have dreams, Mr. Weasley, but you have to work hard for them.】

【Weasley: I'll memorize the Potions textbook now】

【Dumbledore: I am relieved that there are people to keep order among the Muggles.】

【Dumbledore: At least it is much better than a chaotic environment. 】

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, a roar came from outside the Sanctuary.

It was as if more than two hundred excavators drove outside the Sanctuary at the same time.

This sound alone made everyone in the Sanctuary feel alert.

"Who is it?"

Banner was overjoyed.

"It's Stark, he heard about us."

Just as Banner finished speaking, there was a loud roar outside the door.

Boom, the door slammed open.

A man in a high-end suit stood outside the door, with a tuft of mustache hanging on his lips.

He looked exactly like a playboy.

This image disappointed Ron greatly.

In his eyes, a wizard who is a silent man must be capable, handsome, and cold.

He must be ruthless and talk little.

At least he must be like his father, Mad-Eye Moody, who can make evil tremble at a glance.

This playboy-like man looks more like a millionaire who made a fortune by running a flying broom.

He doesn't look like a wizard.

Tony Stark took a look at the door and strode in.

His momentum was like walking on the red carpet in Ghana.

"Nice place, but too old"

"It looks like an antique shop.

Banner immediately went over and hugged his old friend tightly.

"Stark! Nice to meet you."

After the two hugged, Stark took off his sunglasses and looked at Strange and Wang.

"I came here because you said something was endangering the universe."

"If these are the two people, I have to doubt your loyalty."

Banner said:

"No no no, this is Master Strange, this is Master Wang"

"These two are both very outstanding people who once saved Blue Star from a dimensional tyrant."

Hearing this, Stark raised his eyebrows.

"I haven't heard of it."

As he said this, he leaned against the magic pot in the hall, but just as he leaned against it, he was opened by Strange's magic cloak.

"Hey, that hurts."

Strange said seriously:

"We are not gathered here to chat, the cosmic tyrant Thanos is coming to the Blue Planet"

"We must protect the gems."

Stark sighed and said in a cynical tone

"Alright alright"

"Everyone wants something as good as the Cosmic Cube."

"This tyrant Thanos comes to steal our gems, this is normal"

"The key is what is he going to do with it?"

Strange did not answer, but shook his head secretly.

The wizards in the live broadcast room also shook their heads when they saw Stark's expression.

【Voldemort: A typical Muggle, unaware of the danger that is so close】

【Voldemort: Doesn't he know how many monsters are coveting the blue star?】

【Voldemort: It is hard to imagine how such a person could become a silent person in that world.】

【Grindelwald: I didn't expect you to be so excited.】

【Voldemort: I just remembered some things from the past】

【Ron: Oh, I thought the Avengers were tough guys, but I didn't expect them to be such a playboy.】

【Harry: I think this man is quite interesting. He is a humorous person.】

【Snape: Yes, Potter, it's a pity that you didn't have him. He is very similar to a man I hate very much.】

【Snape: Arrogant, frivolous, thinks he is the real star】

【Dumbledore: Severus, you only see the surface.】

【Dumbledore: If this man named Stark is really a playboy, he wouldn't fly here just because of a phone call without evidence.】

【Dumbledore: He has a sense of responsibility in his heart】

【McGonagall: Although I believe in the judgment of Headmaster Dumbledore, who can always find the strengths of others, I can't see the advantages of this man at all.】

【Dumbledore: Let's wait and see. At least, he is still communicating with Anton, isn't he?

The two chatted briefly for a while, and Stark didn't completely object.

After asking a few questions, he agreed with Strange's statement.

At this time, the ground kept shaking.

The whole sky seemed to be torn apart. As soon as he finished speaking, Stark suddenly felt something strange.

The strange feeling was like the entire Sanctuary was about to collapse.

The ground was constantly sinking, and cracks appeared on many things.

Even in the air, there was that kind of dangerous and murderous feeling.

This feeling is definitely not ordinary!

Stark asked Strange nervously.

"Dr. Strange, were you trimming my hair just now?"

Strange said calmly:


"That means there was an earthquake!"

Stark rushed out the door immediately, followed by several people.

But the world outside the door was like purgatory.

The whole sky was completely covered by black smoke rising from nowhere.

Everything was shrouded in a gloom.

In the thick smoke, something was hiding its form.

The originally noisy New York City was now filled with people crying.

Stark immediately dialed the phone

"On Friday, all Stark Industries personnel were mobilized to support New York."

"Evacuate citizens, disperse crowds, and repair buildings"

""Quick! Quick! Quick!"

After saying that, he looked up at the sky.

An extremely huge black tornado was tearing the streets of New York.

Cars were swept into the sky by it, and even buildings were torn into pieces.

Stark was about to speak, but was stopped by Strange.

He shook his hands, and magic energy naturally burst out from his hands.

The tornado that was rising into the sky was shattered on the spot.

Seeing this, Stark took off his sunglasses and praised

"I was wrong, Dr. Strange, you are not one of those charlatans."

"Although the magic is a bit exaggerated, I must say that you are really good at it."

Banner smiled when he saw the two of them reconcile.

At this time, the fog in the sky also revealed its shape.

It was nothing else but an extremely huge space battleship.

Like a huge ship, it was deeply inserted into the center of New York City.

This thing made those wizards who had never seen Muggle technology feel deeply oppressive.

The dark appearance, the huge hull, and the extremely terrifying heavy artillery carried by these battleships all showed the extraordinary force of this thing.

Stark also felt this oppression.

He asked softly:

"Dr. Strange, you just said that you guessed Thanos's purpose"

"What is it?"

Strange said calmly:

"Save space resources."

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