Looking at this green giant that looks like a baby elephant, the wizards in the live broadcast room all felt their scalps tingling.

The wizards have a very comprehensive understanding of strange creatures, and all kinds of strange creatures are recorded in the textbook written by Newt.

The only difference is that this green giant, although it looks like a giant, is smaller than a giant, and looks ferocious, as if it is not a good person.

In the chat group, the wizards started a heated discussion.

【Newt: What kind of new species of giant is this? Why have I never seen one before?】

【Newt: He has green skin and looks like a hybrid of a giant and a troll. He looks smaller than an ordinary giant, but he looks like a human.】

【Newt: I'm going to record him.】

【Hermione: Could this giant be the Thanos that Dormammu mentioned? The tyrant known as Thanos?】

【Harry: Looks like, this guy is kind of scary too】

【Dumbledore: Harry, don't judge something by its appearance. This giant may just be passing by.】

【Snape: I don't think so, Headmaster, that thing is in Anton's Sanctum Sanctorum】

【Snape: This is definitely not a coincidence.】

【Snape: It must be related to that Thanos】

【McGonagall: This is the first time we have the same idea, Professor Snape. There are no coincidences in the world. 】

The wizards continued to wait for the development of the gaffe.

In the center of the screen, the Wizard King and Strange also looked curious.

"Black hair, green skin, and a lot of supernatural power."

The Mage King suddenly slapped his head.

"By the way, Master Strange, I know who this is"

"He is a member of the Avengers, Dr. Hulk Banner."

As soon as the Wizard King finished speaking, the Hulk on the ground jumped up from the ruins.

But at this time he had turned into a human form, looking at everything around him with regret, and apologized to Strange.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Looks like I destroyed your precious mahogany staircase."

"But don't worry, the Avengers will pay for my expenses."

Hearing this, the two looked at each other.

Strange snapped his fingers, and green light enveloped the stairs.

In just a moment, the damaged stairs were instantly repaired, as if the Hulk had never been there.

Seeing this superb magic, Banner's eyes were wide open.

He suddenly remembered something.


"Are you the person in Hong Kong before?"

"Doctor Strange?"

Seeing that someone finally called him by his correct title, Strange was very pleased and nodded.

Banner immediately said anxiously:

"There is no time, Doctor. Blue Planet is facing an extremely huge crisis."

"Thanos, Thanos is coming."


Hearing this name from the Ancient One and Dormammu,

Strange immediately asked.

And Banner also told everything he knew.

"He wants to collect all the gems to accomplish one thing."

"And this matter concerns the future of all life in our universe."

"But, Doctor, what gem is he looking for?"

Hearing the word gem, Strange hooked his finger towards the wall.

An ancient secret scroll jumped from the bookshelf into his hand.

Without moving his fingers, the pages turned automatically, chanting the message

"In the ancient times, before time existed, six Infinity Stones were created in the universe."

"Those gems represent the authority of the universe and the true supreme power."

"They are Power, Soul, Mind, Space, and Reality."

Strange pointed to the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

"There's still time"

"Those who possess them can obtain supreme authority, which is the power to change the universe with just a flick of the finger."

Hearing this, all the wizards in the live broadcast room were choked.

Since ancient times, power has been the most moving thing.

If you really get the supreme power, even the smallest wizard can control everything.

【Voldemort: Six gems! Infinite power! What a thrilling story. It's a pity I wasn't born there.】

【Voldemort: Otherwise I will control more than just Muggles, I will unify the universe】

【Grindelwald: That's quite ambitious, but why don't you consider restoring your nose first?】

【Voldemort: Vulgar】

【Harry: If you have six gems, you can have all the power, which is really exciting.】

【Harry: I can do many things, I can cure many diseases, and I can learn magic.】

【Harry: Even my parents can be resurrected】

【Harry: But, come to think of it, it's pretty boring.】

【Harry: That Dormammu has a lot of power and endless life, but he still lives that kind of life】

【Harry: Not very happy】

【Ron: Well said, but if I had such power, I would be the Minister of Magic, and let Professor Snape be my secretary, and scold him every day, and let him deduct my points every day.】

【Snape: Mr. Weasley, have you forgotten that I am also in the group?】

【Ron: Professor, I, I didn't mean it.】

【Snape: He has great ambitions, so he gets one point from Gryffindor. However, he is rude to his teachers, so he gets nine points from Gryffindor.】

【McGonagall: Ron! Do something for your house!】

【Ron: Sorry.】

【Dumbledore: Power is indeed fascinating.】

【Dumbledore: It's terrible. There are such things in that world. People living in that world must be very dangerous.】

【McGonagall: Principal Dumbledore, the robot that fought Anton had six gems on its forehead.】

【Dumbledore: Could it be that the tyrant is actually a robot?

With doubts, several people continued to watch the changes on the screen.

Listening to Strange's explanation, Banner nodded frequently.

He was quite aware of Thanos's threat.

This legendary fallen Titan was not just fallen, he was a complete madman.

And now, he knew why this madman came to Blue Star.

Thinking of this, Banner said:

"Dr. Strange, if it is so serious"

"Then we have to call in the Avengers"

"At least, inform Stark."

When the wizards heard the name of the Avengers, they paused again.

【Ron: Avengers, what is this? It sounds like Gringotts' thugs. Hermione, you know more about Muggles than any of us, can you explain it?】

【Hermione: It's very strange. I don't know. It should be something unique to Anton's world.】

【Hermione: But according to my guess, it should be some people like the Unspoken Man.】

【Hermione: Some secret agent of the government department】

【Ron: Cool】

【Ron: I want to be a character like this in the future. I wonder what the agents in the Muggle world look like. 】

As he said this, Ron looked at the screen expectantly.

I really don’t know what kind of person the agent named Stark is.

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