As soon as the news that Ebony Maw was Riddle came out, the wizards understood it immediately.

Needless to say, these two people look quite similar.

Gray skin, big eyes, one has a nose, the other has no nose.

Powerful in magic, wearing black robes, plus slender fingers.

No matter how you look at them, they look alike. It was just this comparison that instantly exposed the problem.

These two people are not just past lives or future lives, they are like brothers from different species!

The live broadcast room immediately turned into a sea of joy.

【Ron: Who is Tom Riddle?】

【Voldemort: Weasley boy, do you dare say that name again?】

【Ron: You-Know-Who?! I always thought you were called You-Know-Who.】

【McGonagall: You-Know-Who, don't even think about threatening our students. If you dare to set foot into Hogwarts, we will send you to Azkaban!】

【Harry: That's right!】

【Voldemort: Hahaha, just you?】

【Dumbledore: Although our main concern right now is the fate of the other world, I don't mind if you want to go to war, Tom.】

【Dumbledore: This time, it's not just a matter of setting fire to your cupboard.】....

In the old castle in Albania, Voldemort was trembling all over, with an expression of excitement and disappointment.

He was excited because in his previous life, this dark wizard named Ebony Maw was obviously a powerful wizard.

Although he was a strange alien creature, he was proficient in the use of evil curses and silent spells. Even when facing Anton, who was a magical genius, he was only slightly inferior.

If it really came to magical attainments, this previous life was even better than himself.

This made him very happy.

Behind him, a group of Death Eaters were also boasting.

"Great Master, even in your distant past life, your power is beyond everything!"

One Death Eater even said against his conscience:

"Your magic attainments have long surpassed the times. Even if two people work together to deal with you"

"You can also not fall behind."

Voldemort laughed loudly.

He felt that his subordinates' words were more pleasing than the last.

"Not bad"

"Ebony Maw is indeed a powerful wizard, and he possesses the purest magical power."

After saying this, the dying Fenrir raised his hand.

"Master, I have a question to ask."

Voldemort was in a good mood

"Ask, Fenrir, even my most foolish servant is entitled to a reward."

"Master, since you were such a great wizard in your previous life"

"Then why would you listen to that guy called Thanos?"

"Why do you want to work under him?"

This sentence made Voldemort's smile stop abruptly.

Veins on his face suddenly popped up.

"Come! Throw Fenrir out! Never let him come in again!"

Several Death Eaters immediately followed suit and threw Fenrir out of the castle in an instant.

Voldemort's mood was slightly calmed down until he could no longer see Fenrir.

What kind of problem is this?

Why should he listen to this guy called Thanos?

He also wanted to know this, although he himself had been a subordinate to others and even worked under the Borgin and Burke brothers for the secret of the Horcrux.

But from this description, this Thanos is a completely paranoid lunatic.

Why on earth should he work under him?

Is he crazy?

Voldemort became more and more angry as he thought about it.

In addition to being angry, he also wanted to know what that lunatic called Thanos looked like and what kind of means he had.

To make a person like him willing to work for him?

While thinking about it, the picture on the screen had already switched.

The scene changed from Blue Star to a spaceship. Obviously, this was the time after the battle between Strange and Ebony Maw.

The tired Strange stood in the middle of the spaceship, and next to him was the equally tired Stark.

"Doctor, I told you to hide a long time ago"

"You are what they are looking for, not just fancy things."

"You, and the gems on your body, are the ultimate weapon of that madman Thanos."

Strange straightened his collar and calmly retorted

"I'm not your subordinate, Stark."

"I will not sit back and watch that monster burn the Blue Planet to ashes."

Hearing this, Stark sighed.

"That's why you are trapped billions of light years away from the blue planet, and you are isolated and helpless."

When he said this, a boy in the distance suddenly raised his hand.

"No, Mr. Stark, I am your backup.

"Peter, you are a ticket dodger"

"Didn’t I tell you not to come?"

The boy raised his hands helplessly.

"But, Mr. Stark, if the universe disappears, will the neighborhood we live in still exist?"

This sentence caused a lot of applause from the wizards watching the live broadcast.

Seeing this refreshing and somewhat familiar boy, the wizards in the live broadcast room began to speculate about his past life. With the example of Voldemort in the past.

Seeing the boy's awkward look, several people also began to make judgments

【Snape: Blonde hair, big eyes, silly look, I guess he is Neville Longbottom】

【Ron: Snape is right, but Neville was not on the list revealed in the previous life.】

【Snape: You should call me Mr. Snape. Five points from Gryffindor for being disrespectful to your teacher.】


【Harry: Ron, my name is Percy, and I'm begging you to stop deducting points from our house, please.】

【Harry: Ron, I'm Fred. Well done. You ended our point deduction competition in one fell swoop.】

【Ron: It's over.】

【Dumbledore: Actually, he is more like Newt. He is just as youthful, brave, and stands up for justice.】

【Newt: Professor Dumbledore, you flatter me. I just don't like living by the rules.】

【Ron: Is this boy named Peter from Hufflepuff? I think he looks more like our Gryffindor.】

【Pomona: Gryffindors aren't the only ones who have courage, Ron.】

【Pomona: We Hufflepuffs have】

【Pomona: Newt is the proof. 】

As he was speaking, a box with a name appeared under Peter's feet.

It was Newt.

This caused another round of cheers in the live studio.

Stark said helplessly:

"Well, Doctor, I'll adjust this thing and send you home."

Strange retorted:

"There's no need, Mr. Stark."

"Why don't we just drive this thing straight into Thanos' lair?"

"There are three of us, as long as we work together properly"

"Can get rid of Thanos."

Hearing this, Stark's eyes lit up.

"Taking the initiative, huh?"

"I like it!"

Just as he was about to adjust the spacecraft, a violent warning sounded suddenly.

"Warning! Warning! UFOs are approaching!"

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