In the chat group, the wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

Anton almost used the dark magic of eternal life just now.

Although it was in the past life, Anton was someone they knew after all.

They subconsciously worried about Anton's fate.

【Dumbledore: Only one step away, but this is Anton's fate. He is not born to be a dark wizard.】

【Harry: Phew, I was shocked just now. If Anton becomes a dark wizard, we will be doomed.】

【Cassandra: His magical potential is indeed very strong. Did you notice that Anton mastered time magic after just one use?】

【Cassandra: I remember when I took my first potions class, I was considered successful if I didn't make the cauldron explode.】

【Hermione: Alas, poor Neville.】

【Voldemort: I am so angry, so angry, so angry, why is there only that last step?! Why did that damn wizard break in!】

【Grindelwald: Although I also feel it is a pity, I still want to say】

【Grindelwald: Well done! 】

In the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Ancient One turned his back to Strange and was looking at the symbol on the wall.

The symbol was a huge sphere with two long diagonal lines running through it.

Strange was a little confused about the standard, so he walked in and asked;

"What is that? The Ancient One?"

"That is the symbol of the Holy of Holies."

"All the mages in every dynasty would build temples."

"Today, there are three temples"

"London Temple, New York Temple, Xiangjiang Temple"

"We mages built the temple, guarded the temple, and used it for protection."

Strange asked:

"What are you protecting?"

Gu Yi said coldly.

"Protect humans from the erosion of demons from other dimensions."

Seeing Gu Yi mention this, several wizards in the live broadcast room couldn't help but think of the chilling monster again.

Strange asked in a deep voice:

"For example, Dormammu?"

Ancient nodded.

"Dormammu, the most evil of them all"

"Legend has it that he is a dark wizard from ancient times, transcending time, space, and even all entropy."

"He himself is a dimension, he himself is magic itself"

"He is the conqueror of universes, the destroyer of worlds"

"He is the source of terror."

After saying this, Gu Yi paused.

"Of all the worlds he has conquered, the one he wants most is Blue Star."

"And Casillas has always wanted to contact him"

【Chat group】

【Grindelwald: What a long title! Universe conqueror, world destroyer. This monster in this world is really ambitious.】

【Dumbledore: Gellert, you still underestimate the enemy. I can feel the boundless power of that thing.】

【Dumbledore: I can feel the vast magic in him even through the screen. He is magic itself.】

【Dumbledore: If it weren't for Anton and the Ancient One, who were protecting this world, the world would probably be in danger.】

【Harry: I don't know why, but seeing the Dark Lord that Anton is going to deal with makes me feel more relaxed.】

【Ron: Me too. Phew, our mysterious man is just a human.】

【Ron: That thing is bigger than a planet!】

【Mag: Fortunately, these clever Eastern wizards built three temples to lock that thing out of time, otherwise I really don’t know how to deal with them.】

【Newt: Wow, it seems that there are so many unusual worlds outside the magical world.】

【Newt: I wonder when Anton will be able to catch that dark wizard. 】

On the screen, Ancient One stared at Strange with admiration in his eyes.

"You are born to learn magic."

"Even more talented than Casillas"

"I hope you can think about it seriously."

A bell interrupted their conversation.

Gu Yi frowned.

"It's Lunton, something happened in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Lunton."

As soon as the voice fell, the space around the two began to change.

The next second, Strange was already in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Lunton.

Wang and Mordo had already taken a defensive posture beside him.

But they were not on guard against Strange, but against the man in front of Strange.

The man's eyes were as dark as the night, and a thick dark circle covered his face.

It was like smoky makeup.

The man was Casillas.

Seeing the three people, he did not hesitate for a moment, raised his hands, without chanting, without precursors.

Dark magic poured out from countless places like servants, completely covering his arms.

There was no need for complicated spells, and magic turned into the simplest way in his hands.

A ball of light.

He grabbed the ball of light and smashed it to the ground.


With a loud bang, the whole Sanctum Sanctorum shook like a landslide in an instant.

Strange dodged a piece of rubble.

Once He looked back and found that Casillas and the two wizards had disappeared.

He staggered out of the door.

The scene in front of him surprised him a little.

Cars were driving on the streets, and the air was full of industrial exhaust.

It was obvious that the world in front of him was not Kamar-Taj at all.

It was Lunton.

In just a blink of an eye, he had come to Lunton from Dragon Country!

At this moment, a battle between wizards was taking place in front of him.

The black wizard who was showing off his might just now, with two believers who also had dark circles under their eyes, was beating a wizard.

In the hands of the believers, there was a sharp blade forged by magic.

It was emerald green like jade and dark like snake teeth.

It was obvious at a glance that the thing was an absolute divine weapon.

But the wizard had only a stick in his hand.

This was a battle with a huge disparity, but the outcome was doomed.

Three to one.

Three knives against a stick.

The picture stopped abruptly.

The mechanical voice sounded from the screen again

【Q&A begins】

【Faced with a drastic battle, what choice will Strange make?】

【Fight or flight?】

【Countdown begins】...

In the castle, Voldemort knocked on the wall and asked the Death Eater behind him the fatal question.

"What would you choose for this question?"

The Death Eaters looked at each other.

After Fenrir's mistake last time, they dared not say a word.

In the crowd, the blond man Lucius boldly raised his hand.

"Master, is that Anton smart?"

Voldemort snorted.

"The talent is decent, and the memory is amazing."

Lucius smiled slightly.

"The result is obvious. He will definitely run away."

"There were three people on the opposite side, and he was alone, and he was a new recruit who had just joined the magic world."

"No one would stay here unless they were an idiot."

A sneer came from the Death Eaters.

"Lucius, are you sure you are talking about Anton and not you?"

Lucius blushed and said angrily:

"Please understand, master!"


Voldemort roared. He was very angry because he didn't learn the powerful dark magic today.

After the roar, the Death Eaters retreated.

Voldemort said coldly:

"Lucius is right."

"If you're not an idiot, you'll run away."

"Bella, help me answer the escape option"......

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry scratched his head.

"It must be a war."

Ron, who had always agreed with Harry, suddenly asked back:

"Why? Harry, those dark wizards have magical weapons, and those knives seem to be poisoned."

"According to common sense, shouldn't it be about tactics or something?"

"That's what Wizard Chess says."

Hermione retorted:

"No, Anton will definitely take action"

"Haven't you noticed that the dark wizards have discovered him?"

"He could Apparate, or use his portal."

Harry and Hermione shook their heads.

"No, Anton is not that kind of person."

"He's a Gryffindor."

"He has a heart of a lion"

"There is also the courage buried deep in my heart."

Ron blushed a little

"Okay, but those three dark wizards are really scary"

"The smoky makeup and the blade in her hand.

The two shrugged.

Harry clicked OK without hesitation.

"Yes, Anton, he will definitely take action"......

In the corridor, Luna stood beside Cassandra, ignoring the shouts of Mrs. Norris outside.

She timidly asked Cassandra


""Will Anton come?"

Cassandra glanced at the screen. Three dark wizards were waving their shining blades, almost knocking the white wizard to the ground.

She asked:

"People say that Ravenclaw students are the best at judging the situation and can almost see the future."

"Lovegood, what do you think?"

Luna straightened her blonde hair and said with a firm look in her eyes:

"The number of people was about three and a half to one, and the man with the stick had no fighting power at all."

"And the dark wizard who appeared before was too powerful.

Cassandra nodded in agreement.

"You have made very careful observations."

Then, Luna clenched her fists firmly and said:

"I think Anton will definitely go."

Cassandra was startled, then smiled.

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha"

"After recognizing all the circumstances, you can still give such an answer"

"That's very thoughtful."

Luna's face turned even redder when Cassandra smiled at her. Her originally fair face was flushed red.

But her expression was as firm as usual.

She raised her head and looked at Cassandra seriously.

"I believe in Anton."

Cassandra patted Luna's head gently.

"Well, blonde, you have beautiful hair"

"I don't know why, but if any of our college students answered"

"They all thought Anton would run away, but I was different."

"I believe him too."

After saying that, Cassandra had already pressed the button on the screen.

She chose.......

In the hall of Hogwarts, the deans once again focused their attention on Anton.

Whether he could answer the question correctly now depended on Anton.

Anton stared at the screen.

A flash of inspiration came to his mind.

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