In the Gryffindor common room, Harry recalled his matriculation experience with a confused look on his face.

Smart? Is chatting with the snake in the zoo considered smart?

Cold, no feeling.

Charming, Harry recalled the annoying Malfoy who was eager to make friends with him.

It seems, a little bit.

As for the last one, Harry choked up a little.

After all, he still has relatives alive.

But they are the annoying Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley.


It seems to be true.

Harry slapped his head and said to Ron:

"It seems that you are right."

Ron knew that he had said something wrong, and he stammered:

"Come on, Harry, you are the savior, unlike that bastard."

Harry thought of Anton and said seriously:

"I'm not"

"I just survived by luck."

Hermione said faintly:

"In fact, it's not just Harry, the mysterious man is also like this"

"I've read some of his information."

After Hermione reminded him, Harry suddenly became excited.

"So, Voldemort is Casillas?"

Thinking that this question might be asked in this quiz game, Harry seemed to have awakened his spirit and acted as if he was sure of winning.

"Great, I'm about to get this problem."

Hermione shrugged.

"Okay, Harry."

"as long as you are happy"

"Speaking of which, those dark wizards haven't taken any action for a long time, and no one knows what they are doing?"...

In the chat group, the group members were also discussing the question raised by Anton.

Although wizards have a longer lifespan than ordinary people, except for Nicolas Flamel, other wizards' lifespans are not that long.

Not to mention that their appearance has not changed for decades.

【Newt: I'm also quite curious. The Ancient One seems to be only in her thirties, but she is much older than that.】

【Newt: And her tone doesn't sound like someone in her 30s.】

【Dumbledore: It is true that we cannot judge things by appearances. It is very good that Anton noticed this.】

【Dumbledore: I guess it's because these Eastern wizards have some unique magic, a power we have never seen before.】

【Snape: Or, in other words, each of them has a Philosopher's Stone in their body, enough Philosopher's Stone】

【Meg: You mean they are all Nicolas Flamel? Merlin! These mysterious oriental powers!】

【Grindelwald: Speaking of this, someone who is afraid of death might be envious】


Outside the screen, Voldemort put his face close to the screen, trying to make the video play again.

In order to resist death, he created seven Horcruxes.

Only then did he barely make his life reach a normal state.

But his soul was splitting every day, and countless voices were lingering in his ears like screams.

The wizards he killed tortured him all day long.

Night after night.

However, these Eastern wizards on the screen can actually stay young for at least a few decades.

And immortal?

What kind of outrageous Eastern magic is this?!

Now he wished that this thing could be played quickly.

Let him watch this magic carefully.

It seems that Voldemort's prayer was heard by the screen.

The video that had just stopped was played again.

The scene has come to the library of Kamar-Taj.

Strange took a banned book from the bookshelf and observed it carefully.

The first line of words on the cover quickly attracted the attention of the wizards.

How to control and master time.

The pages in the middle are a little incomplete.

But just based on these few lines of words, it is enough to see that this book is full of dry goods.

The chat group exploded all of a sudden

【Meg: Such dangerous knowledge! How could they leave it in the library? It should be placed somewhere safer!】

【Cassandra: Manipulating time, isn't that a time-turner?】

【Cassandra: But, it seems that the Time Turner cannot control time.】

【Dumbledore: The last person who used a time-turner to travel for a long time has disappeared in the cracks of time. He is neither dead nor alive. Now there are still people who can hear his wailing coming from the cracks of time.】

【Grindelwald: I'm beginning to be interested in this school. Their magic is more exciting than Durmstrang's.】

【Dumbledore: Now we just hope that Anton can control this power and not be swallowed up by it.】

【Voldemort: How is that possible? Those pages were stolen by that dark wizard. It is impossible for him to learn this kind of magic.】

【Voldemort: Hahaha, if I had known I should have taken something with me when I left Hogwarts】

【Dumbledore: It suddenly occurred to me that the Ravenclaw diadem seems to be missing.】


Strange slowly turned the pages of the book, and the words on the book jumped into the air.

"First, find the Eye of Agamotto."

Strange looked at the shelf, and the Eye of Agamotto flashed green.

He took it off the shelf and grabbed it with both hands.

A green light came out of the Eye of Agamotto, and the bright green light illuminated the entire space.

Like the meeting of a magic wand and a wizard, the Eye of Agamotto instantly jumped in Strange's hand.

The magic power continued to flow.

It was like meeting the master of fate.

Strange held the Eye of Agamotto in his hand and walked to the page again.

He began to recite the spell.

As the spell was constantly recited, the green Ring of Raggalor flashed beside Strange's hand.

The magic weapon on his neck began to emit a jade-like light around.

The half-eaten apple on the table began to gradually become complete.

Strange waved his hand again, and the apple gradually changed from complete to incomplete.

From incomplete to complete is the life of the apple.

In other words, in just a few seconds,���, Strange let Apple experience his life.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was a little surprised.

You know, the magic of controlling time requires extremely strong talent and self-control.

Otherwise, you will be swallowed up by this power immediately.

However, Strange seemed to be completely untempted.

Not only did he control time freely.

But his personality did not change much.

He was already as ordinary as usual.

However, combined with Anton's previous genius performance on the snow mountain, there was some logic in it.

【Dumbledore: It seems that my worries are unnecessary. Anton also had a good ability to restrain himself in his previous life and did not blindly pursue power.】

【Ron: That's amazing! If I had this kind of magic, I could eat half of a chocolate frog and then use magic to restore it. Wouldn't I have endless chocolate frogs to eat?】

【Hermione:.......Ron, you have some talent in this kind of boring aspect.】

【Hermione: But what is Anton going to do with the restored apple? Do you want to eat it?】

【Newt: Maybe he wanted to save the apple and eat it more often. The apple was very red and looked delicious.】

【Voldemort: ??? I'm so mad, he actually used time magic for such a boring thing!】

【Voldemort: If it were me! I would use him to summon the entire army of Inferi! And then make a mockery of the world!】


After taking the apple for experiment, Strange picked up the incomplete magic book.

He recited the spell again.

The spell was recited.

Those pages torn by the black magician seemed to have life, growing out of the incomplete parts.

The originally incomplete pages gradually revealed their true appearance.

They were two pages with simple spells written on them.

The complexity was even simpler than Expelliarmus.

But the effect of this spell was extremely tempting.

It guided wizards to worship the dark dimension, and then grab eternal life from the dark dimension.

Strange stared at the torn pages in a daze.

He never expected that the power of these pages would be so terrible.

"Dark dimension? Eternal life?"

The live room was completely blown up.

【Newt: I can't believe that those Eastern wizards have such powerful magic? Eternal life, doesn't that mean everyone can defeat death?】

【Ron: That's horrible! I'm going to go to Hogwarts for the rest of my life.】

【Dumbledore: Immortality is not a blessing, it may be the most terrifying curse】

【Voldemort: Zoom in! I want to zoom in! Why can't I zoom in on this damn video?!! 】

Amid the sound of Voldemort's devil howling, the scene suddenly switched.

Strange chanted the spell again.

He was planning to experiment with the spell to gain eternal life from the dark space.

As the spell was chanted.

The space began to gradually squeeze and deform, and more and more mirrors appeared in the space.

The world in front of us was like a mirror.

It was torn into cracks by Strange's spell.

Seeing this, the wizards took a breath of cold air.

This magic power should not be underestimated.

As the space was torn, the so-called dark space was about to descend.

At this moment, a loud shout came from outside the room.

""Master Strange, what are you doing?"

The magician Mordo rushed in from outside, and the spell was interrupted instantly.

He looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

The pages of the book were turned, and cracks were cut in time.

All of this pointed to one thing, Strange used a spell.

Mordo stood there for a long time.

He couldn't say a word.

The magic of controlling time is a unique talent of the Supreme Sorcerer of all generations.

Only wizards with enough talent to rival the Supreme Sorcerer can have this honor.

"You? How did you do it?"

Strange said:

"I was just following the instructions in the book."

Mordo's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Follow the instructions in the book?"

"Just one time and it's done?"

Strange nodded.

Mordo looked extremely surprised and patted Strange on the shoulder.

"Master Strange, you were born for magic."

After saying that, he snatched the magic secret book from the table.

"Now, go find Master Ancient One"

"She has something very important to tell you."

"This matter concerns the fate of each of us."

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