With the revival of his previous memories, Anton still couldn't remember his past life very clearly.

But he could vaguely know some fragments.

He looked carefully at the situation on the screen.

The black wizard with black eye sockets was attacking the white magician frantically with extremely cruel means.

And Casillas himself did not make a move.

Needless to say, this iron-clad conspiracy tempted him to make a move.

Behind him, several professors had already started a heated discussion.

Although the question had a 50% chance of being correct, the greater the probability, the more difficult it would be to make a decision.

Snape pointed to the screen

"It's a clear inducement. If I were Anton, I would call for reinforcements immediately."

Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, nodded and agreed with Snape's suggestion.

"In this situation, the best way is indeed"

"It would be best if we could team up with the two accompanying wizards to have a three-on-four situation."

The short Flitwick said, turning to McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall, what do you think?"

McGonagall snorted.

"Did you notice that four dark wizards were attacking an innocent person?"

"If the wand is not used for this purpose, then you can just throw it away."

"And I believe Anton, he will definitely do the same."

Pomona nodded.


"If you don't stop evil, what kind of wizard are you?"

The four deans were divided into two groups. They all looked at Anton and Dumbledore.

Although they each gave their own opinions, the two wizards were the ones who could really decide the overall situation.

Dumbledore said to Anton gently:

"They have different opinions."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, several professors fell silent for a moment.

Dumbledore stood up, his tall figure casting a shadow on the remaining four wizards.

"This represents a point"

"My child, whatever choice you make, there is logic behind it."

"All of this is allowed."

He walked to Anton, leaned over and asked:

"So, what choice do you think you will make?"

Anton said without hesitation:

"I will choose to take action."

As soon as the voice fell, Professor McGonagall applauded happily.

"Well done."

Flitwick nodded repeatedly.

"Well, irrational, but correct."

Anton pointed at Casillas on the screen and said:

"Because this man really deserves a beating."

Dumbledore burst into laughter.

"well said"

"Then write down your answer."

As Anton wrote down the last answer, the scene on the screen played again.

The blade in the dark wizard's hand repeatedly stabbed the white wizard.

After just two moves, the wizard was almost exhausted and lost all his fighting ability.

Casillas stood far away, holding the sharp blade, as if waiting for something.

The whole scene changed from a fight to a dead end.

All of this was seen by Strange on the stairs.

He hesitated for a moment.

Then he clenched his fists and rushed out of the stairs.


The three dark wizards were stunned when they saw Strange walk out of the shadows.

They really couldn't imagine why someone would come out at this time?

Cheers broke out outside the screen.

Excited Mag rushed over and hugged Anton's shaking

"Born Gryffindor! Anton!"

"Your half-second hesitation makes your courage even more valuable!"

"Well done!"

Dumbledore smiled and applauded beside him.

"I'm not surprised by your choice."

"But Minerva, Anton has not yet told me which college he will go to."

"Are you being too hasty?"

McGonagall let go of Anton and walked aside awkwardly.

In the distance, Flitwick was also applauding Anton.

"Doing the right thing is more important than judging the situation"

"You taught me a lesson, Anton."

Snape shook his head in self-mockery.

"Anyway, we got it right"

【Congratulations to Anton, Harry Potter, and Luna Lovegood for answering the correct question!】

【Random rewards are being drawn!】....

In the public lounge,

Harry rubbed his hands excitedly, waiting for his reward.

Ron beside him was jumping excitedly, as if he had also received a reward.

"He really did it! He really did it!"

"I bet Anton will become an excellent Auror in the future!"

Hermione said curiously:

"Ron, you just said Anton wouldn't go up."

Ron said seriously:

"Because that scene was very dangerous. Do you remember our family motto?"

"Stay away from dangerous things"

"But I didn't expect Anton to be so brave.

Hermione sighed.

"Whatever you want."

She looked at Harry who was silent.

"Harry, what did you receive?"

Harry looked at the old thing on the table. It looked like an old textbook.

And it was much older.

Seeing the book, Hermione subconsciously focused. She looked at the cover. There was no name.

"What is this?"

Ron was a little excited.

"Didn't they give you that magic book?"

"The one who can control time"

"That's awesome Harry!"

"I don't know."

Harry flipped open a page at random. There was no text on it, but a series of photos.

"Is this a photo album?"

A handsome man was hugging a beautiful witch. They were both very young and smiling at the camera.

The man looked very familiar to Harry.

There was a line of text next to it:

"Prongs thanks Padfoot for his gift and invites him to be little Harry's godfather"

"Apart from him, there is no one in the world who is more qualified and suitable than him."

"P.S. Lily likes it too."

Harry's eyes began to shed tears, and he excitedly turned the page of the album and greedily looked at the contents behind it.

Ron asked curiously:

"Harry, why are you crying?

Harry said calmly:

"The people in this album are my parents.".......

Below the portrait of the Ravenclaw Eagle.

Luna weighed the object in her hand curiously.

"Senior, that strange screen gave me a bottle of potion"

"What is this used for?"

"We haven't learned our lessons yet."

Cassandra took a look and her face turned red instantly.

Pink medicine, transparent bottle mouth.

Isn't this a love potion?

She looked at Luna with an innocent face.

She really didn't want this little angel to be exposed to the magic world too early.

She said casually:

"This is very expensive stuff"

"This thing can help you make many, many friends"

"Just put it in the drink and let people drink it."

Hearing this, Luna smiled happily and held the love potion in front of Cassandra.

"Okay, I'll buy you a drink then."

Cassandra blushed even more and waved her hands hastily.

"No, no, no, we are already friends, we don't need this kind of thing."

Luna raised the potion higher.

"That's even better. I want to be friends with my senior sister forever."

"Come to think of it, I haven't made any Slytherin friends yet."

Cassandra hastily pushed the potion aside.

"No, no, no"

"Better give it to boys."

""A boy?"

Luna scratched her golden hair.

A person came to her mind.

It was thanks to this person that she got the potion.

"Well, I think I know who to give it to.".......

Inside the gate of the academy, Anton looked at the book.

Although the teachers were curious, it was a good tradition of Hogwarts not to see people's privacy.

The Book of Vishanti.

Speaking of which, Anton was quite familiar with the name of this book.

But he couldn't recognize it.

To be on the safe side, he didn't open it rashly.

After all, there was the precedent of the monster book of monsters. He didn't want to do this kind of thing again.

Dumbledore next to him raised a magnifying glass and glanced at the cover.

He showed a surprised expression.

In the matter of reading, Dumbledore has been ranked first in the school.

Like Professor Flitwick, the duel champion, it is a little-known secret.

He has seen countless magic books, some that bite people, and every page of the book is cursed.

Opening it will kill you.

But he has never seen such a magic book.

His pages are completely protected by the most complex and mysterious white magic.

Its defense ability is even not inferior to Gringotts.

The most important thing is that this book seems to have a circulation system inside.

The magic on it will automatically generate and innovate, and as the magic is generated, the pages on the book will also be generated.

In other words, this book is like a perpetual motion machine, endless.

The content on it is impossible to read it all.

"I guess this is an encyclopedia of white magic."

"It will automatically record all the white magic in this world and then include it here."

"The person who compiled this book possesses very powerful magic."

Hearing this, all the teachers showed envy on their faces.

This is a complete collection of all white magic! It also includes all the magic from ancient times to the present, both at home and abroad!

As long as you are a magician, who doesn't want to have such a thing?

But at the same time, this thing is reasonable in Anton's hands.

Anton shrunk the book casually and put it in his pocket.

"Thank you for the popular science, Headmaster."

Dumbledore said happily:

"Very good, Anton, this thing will be more useful in your hands"

"However, I am more curious about the situation of the warrior on the screen."

After saying this, everyone shifted their attention away from the book page that Anton had obtained.

Speaking of which, although Anton has strong magic power, he has very little formal duel experience.

If he really wants to deal with three dark wizards holding magic blades,

I am afraid the result is not very clear.

In other words, it is like a wizard who has just learned to disarm you, and is dealing with others' Avada Kedavra.

Whether in terms of spells or mentality, he is not as skilled as his opponent.

Thinking of this, the wizards' hearts tightened again.

What's more, there is still a dark wizard who has not made a move.

They looked at the screen again.

On the screen,

Strange has already set up his posture and is ready to make a move at any time.

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