Jerry grabbed Malfoy, pretended not to know what was going on, and asked him with a confused look on his face.

Malfoy: "Last night, three senior students were attacked and lay injured in the common room. Their clothes were also stripped."

"Really? Are the injuries serious? Where is the murderer? Has the murderer been caught?"

Malfoy looked at Jerry's innocent expression and felt a little dazed. Did he remember wrongly last night? Fili and the others didn't go to Jerry?

After returning to the dormitory, Jerry was no longer sleepy, picked up a few books, and went to have breakfast.

When we arrived at the dining hall, there were already quite a few people. Among them, the Ravenclaw table had the most people, and the Gryffindors the least. Slytherin didn't know if it was because of Snape, but there were also quite a few people there.

Jerry did not go to the Slytherin table and found Hermione, the "book king" in the Gryffindor area. At this time, she was holding a spoon in her left hand and still flipping through books in her right hand.

"Hey Hermione good morning?"

Seeing that the person coming was Jerry, Hermione put down her spoon and book and asked Jerry: "Jerry, were you okay last night? I just heard from some Slytherin students that your dormitory was attacked last night. ,Are you OK?"

"Don't worry, the people injured last night were some seniors. I only found out this morning."

"It's good that you're fine. The injuries of those seniors must have been caused by competing with others for some evil spell. Maybe it was black magic. I heard from my roommate that Slytherins are all dark wizards. Jerry, stay away from them. a little."

Jerry: "..."

"Gah~", when Hermione and Jerry were having breakfast, Tom flew in and dived directly into Jerry's oatmeal bowl. Poor Tom must be starving because he didn't eat last night.

Jerry touched Tom who was busy eating, and said to Hermione: "Hermione, I have something to ask you. My dormitory is at the bottom of the lake, and Tom can't fly in. From now on, I will ask you to take care of Tom at night."

Hermione patted her chest and promised, "Leave it to me."

"Hey, look, there's a little snake!"

Jerry looked back and saw that they were the Weasley twin brothers. Jerry had never expected that they could get up so early.

"Good morning, Fred, George."

"Good morning, Jerry, and Hermione, are you two dating? And Jerry, I'm George!"

Hermione blushed slightly when she heard what the twins said. Jerry was thick-skinned and completely ignored their jokes.

"Why did you two get up so early? It's not even seven o'clock yet!"

The twins didn't answer Jerry's question. They came over, put their arms around Jerry's neck and asked, "Jerry, did something happen to Slytherin last night? Do you have any inside information about us?" Let me tell you, I’ll give you a stinky egg, this is a prank prop made by our Weasley brothers.”

"Believe me Jerry, you will fall in love with it after using it. Of course, if you want to use it next time, you have to pay. As a friend, I will give you a 30% discount."

The corner of Jerry's mouth twitched slightly. It turned out that they had heard about the attack on a Slytherin student and got up early to inquire about the news.

"I don't know. As you know, as a Muggle-born wizard, he is very ostracized in Slytherin, and he won't tell me any news."

"Indeed, but Jerry, how did you get sorted into Slytherin?" The twins nodded and asked curiously.

"Maybe I offended the Sorting Hat!" Jerry replied with some embarrassment.

Upon hearing the news, the twins became excited and asked Jerry how he did it.

There was no other way, so Jerry could only say that it was kept secret, and it was Snape's request. Jerry hoped that Snape could scare the twins and stop them from inquiring.

When the twins heard what Snape said, they became even more excited. They thought it was some scandal about Snape, so they pestered Jerry to ask. In the end, Jerry had no choice but to ask them to find Malfoy and tell them that Malfoy knew everything. He was Snape's godson. If he didn't tell, they could use Stinky Egg and he would definitely speak.

Seeing that Jerry was so strict with his mouth, the twins had no choice but to go find Malfoy. Before leaving, they told Jerry that if he needed prank props, they would contact them and they would guarantee good quality and low prices.

After sending the twins away, Hermione smiled and asked Jerry: "Is it okay for you to bully Malfoy like this? Will he cause trouble for you? Do you want me to help you teach him a lesson?"

Jerry:? ? ?

"It's okay Hermione, violence cannot solve problems. Malfoy and I have reconciled. He will not cause trouble for me."

Thank you for your hard work, horse manure!

Hermione thought about it and realized that she was right, Jerry was not a person who would use violence.

"Jerry, I heard from my roommate that the library at Hogwarts is very large and has a lot of books. It's on the second floor of the castle. Let's go to the library to read after class."

Jerry nodded and agreed. He was still thinking about the alchemy in the forbidden book area.

"Jerry, Professor Snape wants you to come to his office, right now."

The speaker was Prefect Gemma Farley. She looked for Jerry in the Slytherin dining area but could not find him. She did not expect to find him in the Gryffindor area, and she did not expect that he would actually be with a Gryffindor. What a happy little witch chatting.

"I understand, prefect."

"Hermione, I'm going to leave now. I'll meet you in the classroom later. Tom will also leave your favor for the time being." After Jerry said goodbye to Hermione, he went to Snape's office.

Chapter 14 Transfiguration Lesson

"Professor Snape, are you looking for me?"

Jerry knocked on the door and entered Snape's office, where he found Snape brewing a potion. When Jerry came in, he ignored him. Just like that, Jerry stood aside and watched Snape brew the potion.

Half an hour later, Snape finished his potion and turned to look at Jerry, who was stretching his head.

"Do you know what this potion is?" Snape asked hoarsely.

Jerry replied: "It's a bone spirit that can make bones grow back."

"It seems that Mr. Green has read the potions textbook in advance. He is a little smart and knows some basic knowledge."

Jerry listened to Snape's words, but felt more like he was mocking him.

Snape continued to speak in a sinister tone: "Jerry Green, a freshman who just entered the school, actually seriously injured three senior students. After they woke up, they didn't dare to say that you did it. It's really amazing."

"Professor, I didn't know you..."

Before Jerry could finish his words, Snape interrupted: "Shut up, Jerry, put away your innocent face. Do you think no one will know if those three idiots don't tell you? Stop being clever. .”

"Professor Snape, you should know that I am from a Muggle family. I just entered school yesterday and my branch is still Slytherin." Jerry didn't say anything else, Snape could understand.

"Don't you think you struck too hard? All the bones in the three people's hands were shattered, their sternums were broken, and even their teeth..."

"Stop, stop, stop, Professor Snape, I hope you can understand that from the time I entered this office until now, I have never said that I did it, so I don't know about these things. You misunderstood me. ”

This time it was Jerry who interrupted Snape and refused to admit what happened last night. If you can, use Legilimency.

"Jerry, you should know that some people and some things don't need evidence."

"Of course, but you're not that kind of person, Professor, are you?"

Snape: "..."

"I don't want this to happen again, do you understand?"

"Of course, of course, Professor, I am not a violent person. I don't know about other Slytherin students."

"Now, get out of my office right now." Snape had never been so upset because of a student, and Jerry was the first one.

"I wish you a good day, Professor."

As soon as Jerry left the door of Snape's office, he heard the sound of glass falling to the ground. It seemed that Snape was in a bad mood. I hope no students fell into his hands today!

Not long after Jerry left, Malfoy came to Snape and complained: "Godfather, I was..."


"Hi, Hermione, I'm back." After Jerry came out of Snape's office, he went straight to the Transfiguration classroom. The first class this morning was Transfiguration. Slytherin and Gryffindor were in class together.

It was still early, and Hermione was the only one in the classroom, but there was a cat standing on the podium, which must be Professor McGonagall.

"Jerry, why did it take so long? Does Professor Snape have anything to do with you?"

"It's okay, Professor Snape just cares about how I slept last night." After explaining to Hermione, he came to the podium.

Jerry looked at the cat in front of him and tried to ask: "Professor McGonagall, is that you?"

With a "swish" sound, the cat on the table disappeared, and McGonagall appeared in front of Jerry and Hermione. Hermione was startled by this scene.

"Jerry, how did you find me?" Mag asked curiously.

"I'm just guessing. The book I read on transfiguration said that there is an advanced transfiguration: Animagus, which can turn the wizard himself into an animal."

"You are very smart Jerry. In so many years, you are the first freshman to take the initiative to discover me."

Mag admired Jerry's intelligence, but he didn't know what his talent for transfiguration was.

"Professor McGonagall, at what grade do we need to be in order to learn the Animagus?" Hermione asked curiously from the sidelines.

"Miss Granger, Animagus is a very advanced form of transformation, which can only be mastered by at least fifth or sixth grade, and not everyone can learn it."

"Professor McGonagall, if a student has a particularly good talent for Transfiguration, can he learn it in advance?" Jerry couldn't wait until then and asked impatiently. After all, the system showed that his talent for Transfiguration was not low.

After hearing what Jerry said, Professor McGonagall thought for a moment. She was also afraid that Jerry would practice Animagus in private, and said, "If Mr. Green's transformation skills meet my requirements, you can come to me and I will teach you." Nemagus and, of course, Miss Granger."

"Remember, never practice Animagus in private. It is very dangerous. If an accident occurs, it will turn into a half-human, half-animal monster."

Jerry and Hermione nodded, remembered Professor McGonagall's words, and returned to their seats.

As time passed, students from the two colleges entered the classroom one after another. Students from different colleges sat clearly in two different areas of the classroom.

Jerry did the same. He came to the Slytherin area and sat down in a seat near the front where no one was around.

Harry and Ron set the right time and entered the classroom. They glanced at the podium and breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't see McGonagall.

"Fortunately, Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet." Ron said happily. When he saw the cat on the podium, he thought it was someone's pet and reached out to touch it.

With a snap, the cat turned into Professor McGonagall, and Ron jumped up in fright.

"Mr. Weasley, are you here to perform a sideshow? And why are you two here just now? Check the time. If you do this again next time, I will turn one of you into a pocket watch."

The Slytherin students around him laughed. The opponent was a Gryffindor student, and it was the famous Harry Potter who was unlucky. They really enjoyed watching it.

"Sorry, Professor, we're lost." Harry still wanted to explain.

Mag said sternly: "Then turn it into a map. Now go back to your seats. You don't need a map anymore, right?"

"Before going to class, I want to make it clear to you that Transfiguration is the most dangerous and difficult course among all your first-year courses. Therefore, in my class, no playing or playing is allowed. If I find it, I will I will personally kick you out of the classroom and never let you in again.”

Before the class started, Professor McGonagall gave everyone a warning. The effect was very good. The classroom, which had been playful just now, suddenly became quiet. Professor McGonagall was very satisfied with the effect.

"Put away your wands. I will give you a chance to practice later. Take out all your textbooks on the basic theory of transfiguration and learn the basic theory first."

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