Chapter 15 Hogwarts Library

"Remember the duration of the transformation spell. It is determined based on the concentration of the caster, mana strength and the size of the changed object..."

Jerry tried transfiguration at the orphanage during his summer vacation. He wanted to turn a small wooden stick into a needle. After trying for several days, only the two ends of the wooden stick appeared metallic, and the deformation did not last long before it changed again. gone back.

Jerry asked, "Professor McGonagall, what would happen if I turned something else, like poison, into food?"

Hearing Jerry's words, Mag looked at him in surprise and replied: "The magic world has a basic deformation principle, Gamp's basic deformation law. Wizards can deform objects, but there are five major exceptions, one of which is food. Transfiguration cannot turn anything other than edible into food, not even Professor Dumbledore."

"Professor McGonagall, what about people turning into animals? Will they be conscious? What is the difference between transfiguration of people into animals and animagus?"

"There is no intelligence or consciousness when turning a person into an animal. Unless you use magic to control him, he will only act according to the instinct of the animal. This is the biggest difference with the Animagus."

After hearing Professor McGonagall's answer, Jerry nodded and sat back.

"Listen, if you are not sure, please don't use transformation, especially experiments such as turning people into animals, if you don't want to be expelled."

Professor McGonagall looked at the students in their seats who were discussing and whispering, and warned again.

"Now, give each of you a match. Your task is to try your best to turn the match into a needle before this class ends." After saying that, Professor McGonagall waved the wand in her hand, and it appeared on every seat. A match.

"From now on, remember what I said, you must increase your concentration, think about how the needle will change, and don't wave the wand at an excessive angle." Professor McGonagall walked off the podium and shuttled between the desks. Check on students.

Jerry was the same, trying to picture a needle in his mind, a needle without any patterns. Then he waved the magic wand at the match. For a moment, Jerry felt a strange magic appear. It was the same as when he practiced before, but this time he felt it more clearly.

Under the wand, Jerry Match's appearance slowly changed. His whole body slowly turned silvery white, and one end became sharp.

After it was completed, Jerry took it in his hand and looked at it. It was the same size and thickness as a match, with a sharp end and a silver-white metallic luster all over.

Looking at the match in his hand, Jerry thought that although it was a bit ugly, it should, maybe, be considered a success!

"Mr. Green, the swing of the wand is wrong. You need to lift it up a little. Don't think too much when you transform. I'll give you another match and try again."

Mag looked at the object that looked like a needle in Jerry's hand and was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Jerry's talent for transfiguration was so good. Although he didn't turn matches into needles, it wasn't much worse.

After getting the matches again, Jerry continued his previous operation, but this time he was more focused.

The match changed under the wand significantly faster than the last time. The body of the match soon turned silver-white, its body began to become thinner, and one end became sharper, and soon turned into a needle.

"Huh~" Jerry breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he heard the system prompt: "Transformation Lv. 1, 3.9%".

Seeing the needle on Jerry's table, McGonagall walked over quickly, picked up the needle, took a look at it, then raised the needle and said loudly: "Look, everyone, look, Mr. Green has finished, Slytherin plus five point!"

"Jerry, your talent for transfiguration is really high. If you are interested in transfiguration, you can come to my office to see me if you have any questions in the future." At this time, Professor McGonagall changed from his usual seriousness and said with a smile on his face. Smiled and said to Jerry.

"Of course, Professor McGonagall, I am very interested in Transfiguration. I tried to practice it during the summer vacation, but it didn't work. If I have any questions in the future, I will definitely ask you for advice."

After hearing Jerry's words, Mag nodded with some appreciation, returned to his previous serious look, and went to check on the other students.

Before leaving, Professor McGonagall told Jerry that he could try adding some patterns on the needle. Jerry tried it, and there were indeed some patterns on the smooth surface of the needle, but they were not what Jerry wanted. Until the end of get out of class, Jerry reluctantly added a snake pattern to the needle.

After class, Hermione walked over quickly, sat down next to Jerry, picked up the patterned needle, and said to Jerry: "Jerry, you are so awesome!"

"You're great too, Hermione. Didn't Professor McGonagall give you extra points too!"

Hermione was a little embarrassed. During the entire Transfiguration class, only one end of her match became a little rounder, which was far inferior to Jerry's Transfiguration.

Seeing that she was still struggling with the Transfiguration class, Jerry pulled Hermione up and said, "Let's go. You can practice Transfiguration slowly. Didn't we make an appointment to go to the library?"

After hearing this, Hermione stopped thinking about transfiguration and left the classroom with Jerry.

The Hogwarts library is located on the second floor of the castle. The walls are made up of thousands of bookshelves, each filled with a variety of books. They are classified according to themes and subjects and arranged in an orderly manner, forming a huge knowledge grid.

Between the bookshelves, narrow walkways pass through them, like a maze.

In the center of the library is a huge reading table with soft and bright lights that illuminate the entire space.

Surrounding the reading table are ancient wooden chairs carved with magical runes, providing students with a comfortable and conducive reading environment.

Deep in the library, there is a door leading to the mysterious forbidden book area. Books considered too dangerous or too precious are stored there, and only certain students and professors are allowed access.

As soon as the two entered the library, Hermione was attracted by the huge stone arch, which was carved with various complex magical symbols and ancient incantations.

"Jerry, do you know what this text is?"

Jerry looked at the characters on the door carefully, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. It seems to be rune characters. We can look it up in the library later."

"You two, in the library, no loud noises are allowed, please pay attention to your voices."

Jerry, Hermione apologized quickly.

"I am the administrator of the Hogwarts library. You can call me Mrs. Pince. In addition to no fighting, graffiti and destruction of books are strictly prohibited in the library. If you are discovered by me, I will definitely send you to Filch's. And you should pay attention, the library closes at eight o'clock in the evening, so pay attention to the reading time."

Chapter 16 Agreement

"Let's find a place to sit down first!"

After Hermione and Jerry walked around, they found two empty seats and sat down. Hermione took out the Transfiguration homework assigned by McGonagall and started writing.

Jerry was a little absent-minded now. He planned to go to the depths of the library and wander around the restricted area first.

When Jerry came to the iron door of the restricted book area and approached the door, a cold wind blew, as if to warn him. Jerry tried it, but the door was locked. He didn't know if the unlocking spell could open it.

"What are you doing here? This is a restricted book area. Students are not allowed to enter without a warrant from the professor." Before Jerry could try, Mrs. Pince's stern warning came over.

"Madam, I was looking for a book and accidentally came here. I saw that the iron door was locked here, so I was curious and came over to take a look." Jerry explained.

"What book are you looking for?"

"Basic Alchemy, ma'am."

"On the third row outside, on the second bookshelf from the left." Mrs. Pince thought for a while and told Jerry the location of the books.

"I know, thank you, Mrs. Pince." After thanking him, Jerry turned and left.

On the way back, Jerry was thinking about how to enter the restricted book area. During the day, Mrs. Pince was there, so he couldn't enter at all, and the door was locked. The unlocking spell might not open it, but it would open it. Jerry didn't believe Dumbledore would. Without any other protection, maybe Dumbledore would appear as soon as he entered and catch him.

Harry was able to enter the Restricted Book Zone because Dumbledore did not even lock the door to the Restricted Book Zone because he was afraid that Harry would not be able to unlock the book.

Jerry decided to try secretly in the library tonight. If it didn't work, Jerry would wait for Harry to have the invisibility cloak and let him bring him in.

If that doesn't work, the only option is to find a way to get the warrant from the professor.

Snape definitely couldn't do it. Jerry had just offended him. Jerry was a little worried in Potions class. If he dared to ask Snape for a warrant, he would probably have to send Jerry to the principal's office. Other professors Not to mention, but Lockhart should have a chance next year.

After finding "Basic Alchemy", Jerry returned to Hermione with the book and started reading.

"Come on Hermione, it's noon. Let's go eat first. We have classes in the afternoon. Let's come over in the evening."

Hermione nodded, packed up her things and left with Jerry.


"Pile of Cockroaches"

"Albus, what happened to that child?" Snape asked Dumbledore in a hoarse voice as soon as he entered the principal's office.

Dumbledore turned around slowly, saw Snape and said, "Severus, welcome to my place, would you like a piece of toffee?"

"Answer my question, Albus!"

The former principals hanging on the wall seemed to hear the noise, and they all leaned over with their ears. Children, what children? Is it Dumbledore's child? Is it an illegitimate child? Does Grindelwald know?

"Which child are you talking about? Harry? Don't worry, Severus, Harry will be safe at Hogwarts."

Snape sneered and said, "You know who I'm talking about, Albus. You brought that child back from the orphanage yourself. Don't tell me that you two have nothing to do with each other."

Hearing Snape's words, Dumbledore sighed and replied: "Jerry is different from Harry, Snape."

"Do you know what he did last night? Three senior students were seriously injured by him. Even Voldemort was not so cruel when he first entered school. Dumbledore, you still want to train another Dark Lord. ?"

"Severus, Jerry is different from Tom back then. You can't be biased against him."

Snape said coldly: "I will not be biased against any student."

Dumbledore nodded and said: "I can't interfere with Jerry's choice, I can only guide it. The same goes for you Severus, who is also your student."

"Then why let him come to Slytherin, go to Gryffindor, isn't Hufflepuff bad?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "I said, I can't interfere with Jerry's choice. He is different from Harry. Although he is sorted by the sorting hat, if Jerry doesn't agree, he will definitely explain the situation to the professor. , asked for reclassification, but he didn’t do it even once.”

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Snape looked at the Sorting Hat and asked, "What happened during the sorting?"

The Sorting Hat was a little flustered and said, "Yeah, it's nothing. I just chatted with that kid for a while."

Snape snorted and looked at Dumbledore.

"Tell Severus, you will find out sooner or later anyway."

Hearing this, the Sorting Hat seemed to be relieved and said: "That little bastard took advantage of the sorting process to try to trick me, use sweet words to cheat, come, and sneak attacks. I, a thousand-year-old hat, simply don't know how to use martial arts." Virtue."

"What exactly did you say to him?"

"Also, I didn't reveal anything major. I just accidentally revealed that "Forbidden Alchemy of the Human Body" was in the restricted section of the library. Well, I accidentally revealed it. You can't blame me for that. Everyone, it's really that kid. So cunning."

After hearing the Sorting Hat's words, Snape said to Dumbledore: "So, you want me to watch him and not let him enter the restricted book area?"

"No, Jerry has already been there once this morning, but he just didn't go in."

Snape heard Dumbledore's words and asked with some confusion: "What if he goes in and gets the forbidden alchemy?"

Facing Snape's question, Dumbledore stood up, came to the window, looked at the scenery outside, and after pondering for a while, he replied: "I won't stop it. As I said before, if he really That being decided, I will not interfere.”

"Why? Aren't you afraid that another Voldemort will appear, even scarier than him?"

"Because of a promise, a very ridiculous promise, but some things force me to abide by this promise." Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

Snape still refused to give up and warned: "You will regret it, Dumbledore. Don't forget your age, others are just afraid of you who were powerful before!"

"No, Severus, there are some things that I know better than anyone else, and Jerry is different from Tom. He has lived in a loving environment since he was a child, and he also knows what love is. As long as we guide him correctly, he will not become The Dark Lord’s.”

"Huh, I hope you're right." After saying that, he turned around and left the principal's office.

"Wait, Severus, after you return to Slytherin, you should pay attention to see if anyone approaches Jerry too enthusiastically and find out the origins of these people."

Snape was a little surprised and asked, "What do you mean?"

Dumbledore, still the Riddler, said: "This world is no longer what we knew!"

Just like that, Snape left the principal's office with a head full of questions.

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