"President Philip, how can you say such a thing? We are all from the same college and should support and help each other. I, Malfoy, am not a person who discriminates against blood."

When the surrounding Slytherin students saw Malfoy's current appearance, they felt as if they had seen a ghost. Is this your line?

Malfoy wiped the sweat from his head, ignored the looks of the people around him, and thought to himself, you will also see ghosts in the future.

The subsequent sorting ceremonies went smoothly, and there were no more surprises. The sorting was soon completed. Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment, picked up the sorting hat and left.

Albus Dumbledore stood up.

He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than to see the students gathered together.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: Idiot! Crying nose! Residue! Screw it!

Most people didn't understand what Dumbledore meant, but everyone clapped and cheered.

After cheering, the food appeared on the table. Jerry had never seen so much food on the table at once: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, roasted potatoes, fried potatoes. Potato chips, Yorkshire pudding, pea shoots, carrots, gravy, ketchup.

Jerry was indeed a little hungry. He picked up his knife and fork and started eating slowly. His movements looked noble and elegant, and coupled with his handsome appearance, the female Slytherin students around him put down their knives and forks and watched quietly. he.

After the meal, Professor Dumbledore stood up again.

The auditorium also returned to silence.

"Oh, now that all the students have eaten and drank enough, I want to tell you a few more things to note."

"The Forbidden Forest next to the school prohibits any students from entering, and the same applies to senior students. If Hagrid discovers it, he will definitely be imprisoned."

"Furthermore, our administrator, Mr. Filch, also asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors between classes."

"Finally, I would like to remind all students that if you do not want to suffer an accident and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

"I would like to add that no student is allowed to enter the restricted book area of ​​the library, whether they are seniors or juniors. Once caught entering, they will be severely punished."

After listening to Dumbledore's words, Jerry felt that he was not warning the students, but giving Harry the first-year Hogwarts strategy guide.

What does the last sentence mean? Is it because you are afraid that Harry will run away? Or to prevent the Weasley twins from causing trouble? You can't be guarding me, right?

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore said loudly.

Dumbledore waved his wand lightly, and a brilliant light flew out from the tip of the wand, and lines of lyrics appeared above the dining table.

"Everyone choose a tune you like, prepare and sing!" Dumbledore said.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Please give us knowledge,

No matter we are bald old people

Or a kid who hurt his knee after falling..."

Everyone sang with their own tunes, and the Weasley twin brothers even sang with the melody of the funeral march. The combination of many voices was simply torturing the ears.

"Music," said Dumbledore, wiping his eyes, "is more charming than anything we do here! Well, it's bedtime now, and night walks are not allowed at Hogwarts. , classmates, please go back to the dormitories of your respective colleges."

The first-year students in Slytherin followed their prefect Gemma Farley through the noisy crowd, walked out of the auditorium, and headed to the lounge.

In the corridor, Jerry also met Hermione. She wanted to drag Jerry to find the professor, explain the situation, and change him to another college. It would be best to go to Gryffindor.

Jerry rejected Hermione, comforted her, sent her to the Gryffindor team, and then returned to follow the Slytherin freshmen to the lounge below the castle.

Chapter 12 Night Attack

Jerry followed the team down the stairs and soon reached the castle basement and came to a wet stone wall.

"Remember, the entrance door is hidden in the stone wall. This week's password is: pure blood. The password changes every two weeks." Prefect Gemma Farley said to the new students.

After passing through the stone door, we came to Slytherin's lounge, a translucent lounge located at the bottom of the lake (Black Lake). You can often see some giant octopuses or strange creatures through the windows.

The walls are made of black Gothic marble, and the ceiling is a transparent semicircle carved with crystal, allowing you to see the sparkling waves above your head.

A green light was tied to a chain on the ceiling. There is a fireplace indoors with a beautifully carved mantel and some carved chairs nearby.

After arriving in the lounge, prefect Gemma Farley stood high and began her speech:

"Congratulations! I'm Prefect Gemma Farley and welcome to Slytherin House. First, let me explain some of the myths. You may have heard some rumors about Slytherin House that we are all Dark wizard..."

He talked a lot, all about pure blood, but Jerry didn't pay much attention to it. After the speech, other students introduced themselves to each other and said which family they came from. Jerry ignored them and went back to the dormitory alone. .

Pushing open the bedroom door, he found a single room with luxurious decoration, but it was a pity that Jerry didn't like it here. It was damp, cold and dark, and it was probably very cold in winter. I wonder if he would get rheumatism after a long time.

The most important thing is that Tom can't fly in unless he stands on his shoulders and brings him in.

Jerry thought for a while and could only ask Hermione to take more care of him.

After packing up his belongings and checking every corner of the room, Jerry locked the door and found no problem. He washed up and lay down on the bed. After a while, he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Jerry was awakened by a sound of voices.

"You two, please step softly and don't wake him up!"

"What are you afraid of? We're just a freshman. Even if we broke in like this, the guy would probably be trembling with fear."

"Hurry, Fili, open the door with the unlocking spell! I can't wait to see that mudblood cry!"

"The Alajo Cave Opens"

With a "pop" sound, the door opened and he walked in.

Standing in the darkness, Jerry saw the people coming clearly. There were three people in total. One of them was the senior guy who gave him trouble during the sorting. The other two were unknown to Jerry.

"Still sleeping on the bed!" the big man whispered to the other two, and then the big man jumped up and pressed towards "Jerry" on the bed.

There was a "click" sound, and the bed board made a snapping sound. The big man realized that something was wrong. He opened the quilt and saw that there was only one pillow. He realized that something was wrong.

"Expelliarmus", a spell sounded in the darkness, and the only student with a wand was disarmed.

"Total petrification"

"Total petrification"

"Shattered to pieces"

Jerry quickly cast three spells, and after controlling two of them, he cast a crushing spell on the last big man. This was the first time Jerry cast an offensive spell on someone.


After quickly closing the door, he cast a whispering spell on the big man who was wailing in pain, so that the screams in the room would not be heard from outside later.

Jerry was very angry. He simply couldn't imagine that if he didn't wake up tonight and didn't prepare early, his ribs would definitely be broken if the big man hit him like this. Jerry became more and more angry as he thought about it. A crushing spell was given to his right hand.

After seeing him struggling in pain in the air, with his mouth wide open but unable to make any sound, he felt a little better.

Jerry decided to give these three a hard lesson tonight, and also warned the other Slytherin students that he was not someone to be trifled with.

He rummaged through the suitcase and took out a baseball bat. This was specially prepared by Jerry, and now it comes in handy.

Seeing Jerry walking towards him with a wand in his left hand and a baseball bat in his right hand with a friendly smile on his face, he was struggling more and more fiercely.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it won't hurt!" Seeing his frightened look, Jerry said comfortingly. It was a pity that they couldn't hear their screams. If conditions allowed, Jerry really hoped that Can be heard by all the students in Slytherin.

With a "bang", a baseball bat hit his chest. The big man instinctively blocked it with his uninjured left hand. There was a click and he was interrupted by the baseball bat.

"Hey, what are you trying to block? I just wanted to break a few of your ribs. It's fine now. My left hand is also broken."

Ignoring his plea for mercy, Jerry raised the baseball bat and hit him on the chest again. This time it hit him firmly on the chest. Jerry also heard the sound of broken bones, and the big man fainted. past.

Seeing this situation, Jerry nodded, satisfied, then turned his head and looked at the other two people who were petrified.

After the petrification spell was released, the two burst into tears and their legs were weak from fear.

After the "Upside Down Golden Bell" hung the two people up, Jerry did not leave them alone and asked about the situation of the three of them.

"Mr. Green, I, I was wrong, please forgive me, it's all Ge and Gray's ideas that threatened us." Fili said while crying.

These two people, one was named Fili, the other was named Jack, and the big one who fainted was named Gray. Now the two put all the blame on Gray, but it was of no use because Jerry had no intention of letting them go.

"Don't be afraid, why are you still crying and moaning? Look at Gray. He has three broken limbs. Doesn't he have no objection at all now?"

Seeing that Jerry had no intention of letting them go, the two shouted for help, but Jerry didn't tolerate him and hit them in the mouth with a baseball bat, causing all their front teeth to fall out.

Jerry looked at Fili and Jack with cold eyes and ordered: "Swallow it!"

The two of them were scared out of their wits and did as Jerry said.

Seeing that the two of them were so obedient, Jerry's friendly smile reappeared on his face. The next step was the same process, first whispering a curse, and then putting on a baseball bat. Although the wand was convenient, it was not as good as hitting someone with a baseball bat.

Jerry didn't play favorites, they were all the same. Two arms, one leg, and a few ribs wouldn't kill anyone, but they would make them remember him and be afraid of him. They would consciously take a detour when they see Jerry in the future.

"Huh~" Jerry wiped the sweat from his head, glanced at the three unconscious people, took off all their clothes, leaving nothing behind, and then threw them into the college's common room for everyone to see. Slytherin students take a good look.

As for whether the three of them would complain to Snape, Jerry had nothing to fear, as long as the three of them still had the guts.

Jerry was pretty good at what he did, and he didn't kill any of them. With the level of the school nurse, Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey, she could only lie down and suffer for a few days at most.

Moreover, they were the ones who came to trouble him first, and they were in his dormitory. It was self-defense. When Dumbledore saw them, he could only say that he had acted harshly.

Chapter 13 People in Hogwarts are afraid of campus violence

"Dong, dong, dong~"

A knock on the door woke Jerry up. He glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table and saw that it was only five in the morning.

Jerry got up and cursed angrily: "Who, didn't you see it's only five o'clock?"

When he opened the door, he saw Malfoy standing at the door, fully dressed, and said to him with a somewhat fearful look: "Several Slytherin seniors are injured. Professor Snape asked everyone to gather in the common room."

Malfoy just came from the lounge and saw the miserable state of the three people. He was sure that it was Jerry who did it. Fili told him last night that he would teach Jerry a lesson, but the three of them ended up like this this morning. Looks like it.

After Jerry got dressed, he briefly washed himself. Seeing that Jerry was not in a hurry, Malfoy didn't dare to rush him, so he had to go back to the common room.

Twenty minutes later, Jerry finally finished cleaning up and walked slowly to the common room. He found that the place was already full of people. When everyone in Slytherin saw Jerry arriving, they stared at him and gave way to him. A path was opened.

Snape stood at the front, scanning everyone with cold eyes. When he saw Jerry coming over, he asked:

"Mr. Green, why are you so slow? Didn't you sleep last night?" Snape's hoarse voice came.

"No, Professor, Slytherin's dormitory is great, and the bed is very comfortable. If Malfoy hadn't woken me up, I would still be asleep." Jerry answered Snape's words sincerely, and the meaning was obvious. I slept well last night and didn't know anything.

Snape didn't speak. He stared at Jerry with cold eyes for a while, and then asked everyone to go back to their dormitories.

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