Mag glanced at it and said: "Everything is ready, line up, follow me."

The freshmen followed Mag through the gate and arrived at the auditorium.

The auditorium is large in scale. As soon as you enter the door, you can see the long tables of four houses. Different houses have different decoration colors. Gryffindor is red and gold, Slytherin is green and silver, and Ravenclaw is blue and Gold, Hufflepuff is yellow and black.

At the end of the long table, there is a high platform where the Sorting Hat and teachers eat.

Especially the ceiling of the auditorium, with the candles floating in the air, looks like a lit night sky, which is extremely beautiful.

"Look at the sky, the ceiling was transformed by magic. I read in the history of Hogwarts..." Hermione whispered in Jerry's ear as they walked.

The freshmen were taken to the end of the long table. In front of it was a high platform with a four-cornered stool on which was placed a dirty and broken wizard hat with a large patch on the side of the hat. The amazing thing is that after the freshmen lined up, the hat actually started to sing:

"But never judge a book by its cover. If you can find a more beautiful hat than mine, I can put myself..."

To be honest, the singing was not very good, but everyone still gave Mr. Hat the respect and gave him applause.

"It seems that this is the hat used by the Sorting House, just put it on!" Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to Jerry.

Jerry spoke into Hermione's ear and said gloomily: "Have you ever thought about something more terrifying? This is a thoughtful magic hat. It may read your memory, then spread your embarrassing stories around, and even control you." Your brain…”

Hermione: "..."

Professor McGonagall opened the list in her hand and said: "Students who have reported their names, please come forward. I will put the sorting hat on your head and then sort them."

"Hannah Abbott!"

A little girl with two golden braids came up and sat on the four-corner stool. Mag put the Sorting Hat on her head.

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the Hat.

The students at the Hufflepuff table on the right clapped and cheered for Hannah, welcoming her to Hufflepuff.

Chapter 10 I am such a good wizard

"Harry Potter!"

As Harry walked forward, there was a sudden buzz and murmur in the dining room.

"Potter, is he calling Potter?"

"Is it the Harry Potter who defeated You-Know-Who?"


We discussed it for a while, and finally went to Gryffindor under Harry's strong intention.

As soon as the Sorting Hat fell, the Gryffindor table erupted in cheers and applause.

After taking off the sorting hat, as soon as Harry walked to the Gryffindor table, the prefect Percy stood up impatiently and held Harry's hand tightly. The students around him also gathered around.

The Weasley twin brothers were even more exaggerated. They jumped up and shouted loudly: "We have Potter! Gryffindor has Potter!"

Gryffindor welcomed Harry Potter like a hero, and even McGonagall's serious face relaxed a little.

The complete opposite of Gryffindor was Slytherin, who all looked at the cheers of these wild lions with cold eyes.

"Hermione Granger!"

Hermione walked slowly to the stool, put the hat on her head with some hesitation, and then the two started chatting quietly.

More than ten minutes later,

"Gryffindor!" shouted the hat.

Hermione took off her hat and walked quickly to the Gryffindor table, not forgetting to glare at Jerry before leaving.

"Jerry Green!"

Finally it was his turn. Jerry walked quickly to the four-corner stool, and then picked up the dirty Sorting Hat with two fingers of his left hand with a look of disgust, a little hesitantly.

"Hey, kid, can you quickly put me on your head? Do you know this is very rude?" the Sorting Hat said angrily.

"Sorry, Mr. Hat, you are really dirty." Jerry hesitated and put the Sorting Hat on his head.

"Is it you, the bad boy, and that little witch who said that I can control the brain and read memories?"

Jerry quickly explained: "Sorry, sir, I was just joking!"

Before the Sorting Hat could speak, Jerry asked again: "Sir, how did you accurately sort the students into the four houses? Did you make any mistakes?"

Hearing that Jerry was actually questioning himself, the Sorting Hat quickly countered: "I am the hat of Godric Gryffindor, the founder of Gryffindor. Don't underestimate me. I am an intelligent and thoughtful demon." Hats can tell what kind of talents a student has.”

Jerry deliberately acted exaggerated and said: "Sir, you are really powerful. Are you a product of alchemy?"

Jerry thought to himself, if he had this kind of technology, among other things, he would have a thinking, talking inflatable doll... No, it would be a figure, would it have a head?

"So, the four founders of Hogwarts poured their thoughts into me so that I could sort students into various houses based on their talents and qualities."

"Mr. Hat, you have your own mind now. Do you feel uncomfortable being trapped in a hat? Have you ever thought about using alchemy to create a body, and then..."

"Stop, stop, stop, do you want to listen to what you are saying?" Before Jerry could finish his words, he was interrupted by the Sorting Hat.

"It's your sorting time, boy! Students like you should go to Slytherin. You will become a great person, and Slytherin will help you to achieve glory."

Jerry felt that the Sorting Hat contained himself, and defended it: "No, no, no, I think Gryffindor is suitable for me. People I know think that I am a brave, courageous, courageous, and generous person." .”

Sorting Hat: "That's because they were deceived by you. You are good at pretending. You should go to Slytherin."

Jerry: "..."

"Mr. Hat, I think you misunderstood me..."

Half an hour later, Jerry was still explaining to the Sorting Hat, not noticing the passage of time at all.

People from the four major colleges were already a little impatient and were all discussing Jerry.

At the Gryffindor table, Harry asked Hermione next to him: "Hermione, do you know what happened?"

Hermione shook her head. She was a little worried and regretted that she told the Sorting Hat that Jerry was scaring her. If Jerry really couldn't get into school because of this, she would have to go to the professor to explain it clearly.

Jerry didn't know what was happening next, and was still flattering the Sorting Hat, trying to get some useful information out of its mouth: "Sir, you are so awesome, but it's a pity that there is only one Sorting Hat in the world." , do you sometimes feel lonely?”

"Oh, you still understand me, kid. It's just a pity that my alchemy books could have been locked in the forbidden book area..."

It’s shipped, and it’s in the restricted area! Jerry was a little excited. He just had some jujubes but no jujubes. He didn't expect that he would really gain something. It would be great if he could steal this book. After remembering the contents, he could put it back without anyone noticing. If you don’t get caught, it doesn’t count as stealing!

"Mr. Hat, what did you just say? I didn't hear what you said just now. Why is there no sound? Mr. Hat, are you okay?" Jerry asked in a friendly tone.

"Slytherin, Slytherin!! McGonagall, little McGonagall, hurry up, get me away from this little bastard!" the Sorting Hat yelled out of control.

Everyone in the hall, whether they were students or teachers, were startled by the sudden scream of the Sorting Hat. This had never happened before.

Mag also did the same. After reacting, he quickly took the Sorting Hat away from Jerry's head, and then looked at Jerry with incredible eyes.

Jerry touched his nose in embarrassment and explained, "I just had a chat with him."

Seeing that the Sorting Hat was still cursing, Jerry hurried to the Slytherin table.

After sitting down, Jerry glanced around the table and all the people were staring at him.

"Mr. Green, which family are you from?" asked a senior next to Jerry.

Jerry shrugged and replied nonchalantly: "Muggle family."

The eyes of the people at the table changed, some were curious, some were indifferent, and some were unkind.

Jerry was a little helpless. It was all the Sorting Hat's fault. How could he, a good student who was upright, brave, honest, wise, knowledgeable, far-sighted, curious, and liked to delve into things, be a Slytherin?

Huh, how can you learn magic well with Slytherin and other insects!

It seems that my life in the next few years will be wonderful.

At the Gryffindor table, Hermione and others were also discussing this matter.

"How did Jerry get sorted into Slytherin? It must be the Sorting Hat's fault." Harry said.

Hermione was also a little worried and said, "Yes, Jerry is a Muggle and will definitely be bullied in Slytherin. No, I must find the professor and ask him to move Jerry to Gryffindor."

Chapter 11 It is our duty to rebuild the glory of Slytherin

At this time, "poor" Jerry was lying on the long Slytherin table, looking at the professor's table. The "greasy man" in black robes on the far left must be their dean Snape, and Jerry stared at him. For a long time, Snape didn't notice, and his eyes never left the Gryffindor table.

The professor next to him dressed up like an Indian Asan must be Quirrell, a consumable for this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Jerry recognized several professors with distinctive features, such as the short Filius Flitwick, the professor of Charms, and the serious Professor McGonagall. The other professors could only wait until class started. acknoledged.

"Boy, do you know that Slytherin is our pure-blood academy. How did you, a lowly Muggle who is not even a half-blood, get in?"

Before the sorting was over, the troublemaker came. The person who spoke was a senior student, who was rather strong, and the expression on his face was exactly the same as the Malfoy that Jerry saw for the first time.

Oh, Jerry swore he really wanted to pick up the cutlery and fork on the table, pull out this guy's tongue, nail the fork to the table, and make you bark.

Jerry pointed at the professor's table. Snape stared at them with cold eyes. The senior students' expressions changed and they sat back down.

As usual, Jerry took note of this person's appearance, and like the people he met on the train who made rude remarks to him, he was ready to find an opportunity to trap them when they were alone.

I hope these people are not members of the college Quidditch team, otherwise Jerry will definitely break their legs the night before the game!

Jerry doesn't care about the House Cup or the Slytherin Glory.

He is the glory!

The Sorting Hat's mood stabilized a little, and the sorting continued, except that the students behind him were asked not to talk to the Sorting Hat.

Jerry sighed for a while, the Sorting Hat regarded him as a close friend, and he regarded it as a prince!

I have to find a chance to have a good chat with it next time and apologize. This hat has always been in the principal's office. What if the Sorting Hat has a grudge and always speaks ill of me in front of Dumbledore? It will not damage myself in the eyes of the principal. image.

Not long after, Malfoy came to the Slytherin table, glanced at Jerry on the table, and said hello to him.

Malfoy did not sit next to Jerry. On the contrary, he sat a little far away. He was still a little afraid of Jerry.

"Hey Malfoy, why are you saying hello to that Muggle, Mudblood?"

Hearing the word "Mudblood," Malfoy suddenly looked up at Jerry and found that he was looking at him with a smile, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

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