The two of them were not affected by Malfoy's incident, and the rest of their chat was still very enjoyable.

"Jerry, the two magic spells you just used made it so beautiful. I still can't achieve your level of silky smoothness. Can you teach me?"

"Of course, which one do you want to learn?"

"The golden clock is hanging upside down. Next time I see Malfoy bullying someone, I will ask him to reminisce."

"Tom, it's time to eat!" Jerry smiled and shouted out the car window.

After a while, a plump bird with jet-black feathers flew in from outside and stood on the table. Then it stared at Jerry with "intelligent" eyes, then looked at Hermione, and called out "Quack!" It seems to be asking, where is its food? Was he eaten by the two-legged beast across from him?

"Is this your pet?" Hermione looked at the fat owl-sized bird on the table and wanted to reach out and touch it.

"Gah~" Tom pecked Hermione's hand with his mouth, startling her, then flew up and stood on Jerry's shoulder, looking extremely cold.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Jerry asked Hermione concernedly, and then lightly hit Tom on the head.

"I'm fine, I was just frightened. What kind of bird is this, Jerry? Is it a crow?"

Jerry explained to Hermione: "I don't know. The one someone gave me looks a bit like a crow, but it shouldn't be. I call it Tom. It should also be a magical animal. It can simply understand what I say."

As he spoke, Tom nuzzled Jerry's ear again, "Don't make trouble, do me a favor first, and I'll give you extra food later."

After saying that, Jerry picked up Tom and placed him on the table in front of the two of them.

"Come on, Hermione, don't you want to practice spells? Just use Tom."

Hermione hesitated, fearing she might hurt Tom.

"Don't worry, Tom's magic resistance is very high, and ordinary magic spells can't hurt it at all. I often use it to practice magic spells during the summer vacation."

"But I..." Hermione still hesitated.

"Hang the Golden Bell Upside Down", Jerry didn't say much, and just used a magic spell to hang Tom up. Tom didn't scream or struggle, as if he was used to it.

"If you feel a little sorry, feed it more food later. Maybe it will come to you when you practice magic spells next time."

Hermione: "..."

Now Hermione knew why Jerry's bird was so fat.

Time always passed by inadvertently. After practicing the spell, Hermione took out some fruit and prepared to feed it to Tom as his reward.

Tom looked back at Jerry, and after seeing him nod, he ate Hermione's fruit. Taking this opportunity, Hermione finally touched Jerry's bird.

"Its feathers are so beautiful. Although they look black, they will appear dark blue or purple in the sunlight. They are so beautiful!" Hermione exclaimed.

After Tom finished eating, he stopped flying out and kept squatting on the table. Perhaps because he had fed it fruit, Tom's attitude towards Hermione was much better, and Hermione didn't even struggle when she picked it up.

"Woo, woo, woo~"

As the train whistle sounded, Jerry obviously felt the speed slow down. He glanced out the window and saw that it was getting dark. He said to Hermione, "We have to change into robes. We are almost at Hogwarts."

After the two packed up their belongings, they heard the train's beep.

"The train will arrive at the terminal, Hogwarts, in five minutes. Passengers, please put your luggage on the train. A house elf will deliver your luggage to your dormitory."

After hearing the beep, opening the window and letting Tom go, Jerry protected Hermione and followed the crowd of people out of the train.

As soon as she got off the train and came to the platform, Hermione patted Jerry's arm, pointed not far away and said, "Look, that's Harry Potter!"

Looking in the direction Hermione was pointing, she saw that Neville was there too.

"Let's go there too."

"Hi Jerry, we meet again." Seeing Jerry and Hermione walking over, Harry greeted them warmly.

"Jerry, do you know each other?" Hermione looked at Jerry with some confusion.

"I couldn't find platform 9 at the train station. Fortunately, Ron's mother helped me."

After speaking, he turned to Harry and Ron and said, "No introduction is needed, we all know each other."

After a few people chatted briefly, a loud voice appeared: "First-year students! First-year students come over here!"

From what he heard, he was a tall man, more than three meters tall, with broad shoulders, a straight waist, a messy and rough beard, and his hair was like a wild jungle, looking like a tall oak tree.

Hagrid saw Harry and greeted him: "Hi Harry, long time no see, how are you?"

Harry was a little excited: "Hi, Hagrid, long time no see. I'm fine. I'd like to introduce you to you. This is Hagrid."

"Hagrid, these are my friends. These two are Ron and Neville, and these are Jerry and Hermione."

"Hello, boys, you redhead must be from the Weasley family. I hope you don't like playing pranks like your two brothers."

After greeting each other, everyone followed Hagrid and stumbled along the mountain road to the lake.

It was dark beside the lake. Only an oil lamp in Hagrid's hand illuminated it, so he couldn't see his surroundings clearly.

"Lumos", Hermione took out her wand and used a lighting spell to illuminate the area around the two of them.

"Nice charm!" Hermione laughed proudly after hearing Jerry's compliment, and then...

"Fluorescent~flickering~" Jerry took out his wand and lit up the entire lakeside pier with a lighting spell.

Everyone around looked at Jerry dumbfounded.

"How did you do it, Jerry? I feel like you are more powerful than my two bastard brothers." Ron said in shock.

"Thanks, Jerry!" Hagrid waved to Jerry and thanked him, "While you're under the lighting spell, hurry up and get on the boat. Remember, there should be no more than four people in each boat. Hurry, everyone get on the boat. After that, we set off!”

"How on earth did you do it, Jerry?" On the boat, Hermione still felt incredible.

"Only if you are familiar with it!"

Hagrid was in a boat, at the front, and the other boats were following behind him.

Soon, everyone saw the brightly lit castle on the cliff opposite the lake. It was solemn and mysterious, and its huge figure looked even more majestic under the moonlight.

Everyone was shocked and speechless by this magnificent castle, even Jerry was mentally prepared in advance.

After everyone arrived at the shore, they disembarked from the boat and followed Hagrid, walking quickly along the stairs and arriving at the gate of the castle.

A tall witch wearing square glasses and dark green robes stood in front of the door with a serious expression, waiting.

Chapter 9 Branch

"Professor McGonagall, this year's freshmen are all here, I leave them to you."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Hagrid." Mag said.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Okay, you will go through these doors later and be with your classmates, but before that you must be sorted into a house and make sure which house you are in. There is Ravenclaw, Si Lytlin..."


Before Professor McGonagall finished speaking, Neville rushed out from behind the student team and found his pet toad at the professor's feet.

"I'm sorry..." Neville said a little embarrassed.

Mag: "..."

"Okay, the sorting ceremony will start in a few minutes. I suggest you tidy up while waiting." After that, he turned and entered the hall.

"Is that Professor McGonagall just now? He looks very stern!" Jerry asked Hermione standing aside.

"Yes, it was this professor who came to my house to explain to my parents."

"Jerry, do you know how to sort? I'm a little nervous now."

The little witch in front of her no longer had the pride and confidence she had on the train, but instead felt a little uneasy.

Jerry comforted: "Don't worry, Hermione, we are all freshmen, the school will not make things difficult for us, and Hermione, you are already very good."

Hermione relaxed a little after hearing Jerry's comfort.

"I heard from my father that sorting is easy for pure-blood wizards, but very difficult for half-bloods and Muggles. The school will stop at nothing to prevent them from enrolling."

The Malfoys and others leaning against the wall were loudly discussing the sorting.

"Don't listen to Malfoy's nonsense. I heard from my brothers that they have to pass a test. Fred said it will hurt us a lot, but I think they are lying to me. They always like to joke." Ron Said a little worriedly.

After hearing Ron's words, Harry also felt a little nervous.

Neville, who had just found Leif, also joined the discussion: "I heard from my grandma that she wanted to fight a dark wizard. The winner will enter Gryffindor, and the loser will enter Slytherin and become a dark wizard."

"I have also heard from my family that Slytherins are all dark wizards." Ron spoke from the side.

"I'm a little worried now, Jerry." Hermione became nervous again after hearing their busy discussion.

"Don't listen to their nonsense. It must be all lies. The person who came to pick me up in Diagon Alley was Professor Dumbledore. I asked him. The family will not tell the new students the method of sorting before they start school. This is a tradition in the wizarding world."

Hearing that it was Dumbledore who said this, Hermione's nervous mood finally relaxed.

"Are you Harry Potter? I am Draco Malfoy. These two are Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe." Malfoy said to Harry with a haughty look.

Ron looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

"Do you think my name is funny? I don't even have to ask what your name is. With red hair and old robes, it must be from the Weasley family." Malfoy was a little angry. He had heard everything Ron said about Slytherin just now. .

"Potter, you will find that some magician families are superior to others. Don't make friends with shady people. I can help you."

Malfoy didn't forget to glare at Ron after he finished speaking.

"I think I can tell the good from the bad myself, thank you!" Harry refused directly.

After hearing the answer, Malfoy was a little stunned. Potter rejected him...

Jerry watched this interesting scene from the side and thought to himself, it's okay Malfoy, you two are still young now, and you will be considered "childhood sweethearts" who grew up together in the future. There will be so many years ahead, so take your time.

Malfoy, this is England, you still have a chance.

Seeing Malfoy standing still, Ron couldn't help but mock: "Hey, why are you still standing here? Didn't you see Potter reject you?"

Malfoy had never been so angry before (except for Jerry), and this time in such a public place, it made him even more angry, and he saw several people about to fight.

Professor McGonagall walked out of the door, holding a list in his hand. Seeing the two groups of people at the scene at war with each other, he said with a serious face: "What are you doing? Do you want to put them in solitary confinement before they are sorted?"

"You will regret it Potter!" Malfoy reluctantly said harsh words, looked at Potter again, then turned around and came to Goyle and Crabbe.

Seeing Malfoy walking over with an ugly expression, Gower said: "Boss, did Potter reject you? Do you want us to teach you a lesson..."

"Shut up!"

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