On the court, the faster Malfoy caught up with Harry again and shouted after him: "Potter, are you ready! I'm coming again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Bludger rushed towards Harry at a faster speed, grazing his ear.

"What's going on?" Malfoy was also shocked.

Harry's situation was even worse. Before he could get rid of Malfoy, the Bludger went crazy and flew after him.

"Jerry, there's something wrong with the Bludger behind Harry!"

"It's okay, George and Fred are going to help Harry!"

The twins on the field also discovered the problem, and then flew towards Harry to help him get rid of the Bludger temporarily.

But the consequence was that Slytherin's Quidditch captain Flint and Malfoy flanked Harry!

Looking at the two people on his left and right, grinning at him and smiling cruelly, Harry was on the verge of tears. Now he was really a man!

The whistle sounded and George asked the referee to suspend the game.

"What happened?" All the Gryffindor students were a little anxious at this moment, because they were now behind.

"Jerry, there must be something wrong with that Bludger. Someone must have tampered with it!"

"We can't help now! Let's wait until the game is over! Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore is here!"

Hermione glanced at the many professors in the stands opposite and breathed a sigh of relief.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and it was raining heavily. The heavy raindrops hit everyone's face mercilessly.

However, at this moment, everyone had no time to take care of the sudden bad weather. Their eyes were firmly fixed on the playing field without any distractions.

Jerry raised his wand against the gloomy sky. A faint light appeared on the tip of the wand, and then unfolded above his and Hermione's heads, like an invisible umbrella, helping them to protect them from the raindrops!

But the people nearby were unlucky, because the raindrops fell on their heads!

The timeout didn't last long, as the whistle sounded, the game continued!

The lineups of both sides returned to how they were at the beginning, with Malfoy harassing Harry and looking for opportunities from time to time to trade with him and lie in the hospital together.

The Bludger was still bouncing, trying to knock Harry off the broom.

However, Harry had good skills and kept moving around to avoid attacks!

"Is this ballet practice, Potter?" Malfoy laughed loudly at him when he saw the silly spins he had to do in the air to avoid the Bludgers.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

After once again leaning on his body and avoiding the attack, Harry heard Malfoy's taunt and couldn't help but turn around and glare at Malfoy hatefully. Then he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and actually hit Malfoy's direction!

Running in both directions belongs to yes!

"Potter, I bumped into you, not you into me!" Malfoy nimbly dodged Harry's impact and then taunted.

As Harry gritted his teeth and looked at Malfoy, the Bludger flew toward him again, but this time it was not alone, and the Golden Snitch was also nearby.

After the two saw the golden snitch close at hand, they immediately accelerated and flew towards it.

Malfoy was also in a daze at this time. Such a good opportunity to "die together" with Harry was passed up.

perish together? One for one? Who said that? Today I, Draco Malfoy, am going to catch the Golden Snitch and win the game!

My broom speed is faster than his, and he also has Bludger interference, huh! Stay still and don’t wave!

The advantage is mine!

"What are you doing?"

Malfoy watched Harry ignore the Bludger and hit him directly, and quickly backed away.

People! When you think too much, your thoughts change!

If this had happened at the beginning of the game, Malfoy would probably have laughed.

Now, it’s time to switch offense and defense!

The Bludger also took this opportunity and hit Harry's arm hard.

Ignoring the injury on his arm, he endured the excruciating pain under the hazy rain curtain and continued to chase Malfoy.

The two collided hard and fell into the mud on the field.

Unlike Malfoy, Harry took the opportunity to grab the Golden Snitch tightly with his uninjured hand!

"The game is over, Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch! Gryffindor wins!"

In the stands, Snape looked at Malfoy with a gloomy face and cursed in his heart.

This loser, if we expect him to catch the Golden Snitch and defeat Poit, we might as well rely on the troll!

How about replacing him from the Seeker position?

Snape thought for a moment and shook his head.

No, I can’t change it. I’ve accepted all Lucius’ gifts!

Chapter 107 I have a plan to make Slytherin regain his consciousness

"Ah~ I'm dead!"

In the mire on the Quidditch field, Malfoy hugged his legs and howled loudly.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

After the game, Snape was the first to run over and check the two men's injuries.

Fortunately, it was not serious. Malfoy broke a leg, and Harry broke an arm from a Bludger.

Snape heard Malfoy still yelling and wailing, and cursed angrily.

He's also injured, look at how bad he is! There was no movement at all, he just fainted!

Niang Xipi! Draco is incompetent, Lucius misunderstood me!

"They seem to be injured, let's go take a look!"


Everyone else in the stands was speechless as they watched Jerry holding the wand and leaving Hermione in his arms. They felt depressed and couldn't help but complain: "You two are amazing, you two are noble!"

Originally, it was raining heavily, and there were many people in the stands. Jerry also used his wand to cast a rain-proof spell, which blocked all the raindrops that originally fell on their heads and landed on the heads of other people in the stands. .

"Are you all okay?"

When Jerry and Hermione came to the field, players from both sides gathered around the injured, and Harry was already awake.

Snape looked at Jerry, who was all clean and tidy. After he walked over leisurely, he shook his hair that had just been "washed" by the rain, then raised his head and glared at Jerry.

Jerry:? ?

It's not my business? You choose everyone!

How many times has the Seeker position been changed? Has it ever been changed? Changing the soup does not change the medicine.

Flint also has a reason to say, who are the people I led before, and who are the current batch of people you asked me to lead.

What is Slytherin's current level of Quidditch? There are only a few of them. You, Malfoy, can be a Seeker with any ability. Can he catch the Golden Snitch! Can't catch it! Do you know that you don’t have this ability?

If they continue to lose, they will lose to Ravenclaw. After Gryffindor loses, they will lose to Ravenclaw, and then lose to Hufflepuff. Then no one will lose.

"Okay, okay! Children, give way, your favorite Professor Lockhart is here!"

Lockhart pushed aside the crowd around him and stepped forward with a look of confusion and confidence.

"let me see!"

I saw him poking Harry's arm with his wand and tapping Malfoy's leg. The pain caused cold sweat to break out on their foreheads.

"What are you doing? My father is the school director, I must let him expel you!"

"Don't get excited, Mr. Malfoy, it's just a minor injury. I can heal it with a wave of my wand! Which of you comes first?" Lockhart asked the two of them.

"I..." Malfoy was about to say that his injury was more serious and he should come first, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Dean Snape's cold and penetrating eyes, and he swallowed the words back. inside.

"Professor Lockhart, are you sure you can cure their injuries?" Jerry couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, Mr. Green, do you still remember the content in "Walking with Trolls"? At that time, my legs were smashed by the troll's club, which was much more serious than theirs, but don't worry, I am not a good person. Professor Snape, the potion master, cured the leg injury with just one spell!"

There were many Lockhart fans among the surrounding students. After hearing what he said, they all believed it to be true and excitedly asked him to treat the two of them quickly.

Jerry shrugged, then just treat it! Let your fans see your "potions master" ability that is not inferior to that of Snape.

"Then let's start with you, Harry!" Lockhart squatted next to Harry and grabbed his hand.

"Hiss! Professor, I don't think my injury is serious, so I won't bother you anymore. It's better to go to the school infirmary to find Madam Pomfrey! Malfoy's injury is more serious, go and treat him quickly!"

"Don't worry Harry, I have used this spell hundreds of times, there will be no problem!"

Harry: Haha!

"It's just a broken bone, but Harry, your Quidditch skills are not very good. If you had one-third of the strength I had when I was young, you would definitely not be injured today!"

After boasting about himself, Lockhart pointed his wand at Harry's injured arm, and then Harry's arm went limp, and people around him gasped.

Sure enough, Lockhart's most reliable spell is the Oblivion Curse! Jerry thought to himself as he watched the bones in Harry's arm being removed.

But there is good news, at least Harry won't feel lonely in the infirmary tonight, Malfoy will be with him!

After Malfoy, who was not far away, saw Harry's condition, for some reason, the injury on his leg didn't hurt so much anymore, and he didn't feel so uncomfortable after losing the game.

Feel comfortable!

"Professor, my hand!" Harry said, looking at Lockhart in horror.

"Ahem~ Haha! It was a little unexpected, but my arm doesn't hurt anymore!" Lockhart smiled awkwardly, and then said to Ron and Neville beside him: "Mr. Weasley, you and Mr. Longbottom, please send Harry to the infirmary! There are still a few small details that need to be handled by Madam Pomfrey. I also need to reply to fans, so I will leave first!"

Ron, Neville: "..."

"Send these two to the infirmary!"

Professor Snape smiled contemptuously at Lockhart's hurried away figure, and then said to them.

"Jerry Green, come with me!"

Before leaving, Snape grabbed Jerry, who was talking sweet words to Hermione, and then came to the Potions office amidst Hermione's exclamations.

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