"Really?" After Hermione took the order from Harry, she looked at the paper with a big name signed in a flourish, then opened the signatures in the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook and compared them.

"Harry, how did you do it, get the warrant so quickly!" Ron was equally surprised and put down the pie in his hand.

"Lockhart asked me to help him write letters to his fans last night, so I took the opportunity to ask him what he was coming for!"

"Great, with it we can enter the forbidden book zone!"

"Professors will not let students enter the restricted book area!" Jerry looked at Hermione's excited expression and poured cold water on him. "After obtaining the warrant, go to the library and tell Mrs. Pince the title of the book, and she will ban the book. Ou will take out the book and hand it to you!"

"I thought I could go wandering around the forbidden book area!"

"You really want to go in and have a look? If I have a chance, I can take you in and have a look!"

Hermione heard Jerry's words, leaned closer to where he was sitting, and asked softly: "Jerry, are you talking about Professor Dumbledore's warrant?"

Jerry shook his head. Are you kidding? You need a warrant to enter a restricted book area?

Grandfather Albus!

Hogwarts now has the last name Dumbledore!

Since last semester, Dumbledore has not cared much about him. He has been in and out of the restricted book area countless times!

"Jerry, are you trying to sneak me in at night? No, it's too dangerous."

"Don't worry! You forgot that I have the Marauder's Map. As long as you don't get caught, it's not a violation!"

In the past, when Hermione heard Jerry's words, she always felt that he was quibbling. But now it sounds somewhat reasonable.

"no one!"

Ron's little head sneakily poked out from the corner and said to Harry behind him.

"Is this here? Why did Jerry and Hermione choose a women's bathroom?"

"Probably! Let's go in first. When we were in the library just now, I always felt that something was wrong with Malfoy's eyes when he looked at me!" Thinking of the annoying Malfoy, Harry couldn't help but shudder.

On the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, the girls' bathroom was in disrepair. Ron and Harry tiptoed in and shouted softly: "Jerry~Hermione~ are you in there?"

"Why are you two so sneaky?"

After seeing Jerry, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, "Lockhart didn't ask what book it was when he gave the warrant? Maybe he thought we were borrowing some story book!"

"Anyway, it's Lockhart's warrant. If something happens, he'll be there to take care of it. You guys are just afraid of it!" Jerry said as he snatched the moldy book from Harry's hand.

"Jerry, why did you choose a women's bathroom? Are you sure you want to prepare the potion here?"

"Ask Hermione! I didn't choose this place!" Jerry smiled.

This is not only the women's restroom, but also the entrance to a secret room!

I don’t know what that old pervert Salazar Slytherin was thinking at the time, placing the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets in a place like this!

"Don't worry about it now! Find the formula first. I have never prepared such a high-level potion!" After packing up the potion equipment, Hermione rubbed her hands, threw all the school rules and other things behind, and walked away with excitement on her face. Come over.

hiss! After turning a few pages, several people gasped several times!

No wonder this book is in the restricted area!

There are also some disturbing illustrations in the book, including a man physically turned inside out and a witch with multiple arms growing out of her brain.

These pictures are not only scary, they also move! Not to mention Hermione and the others, even Jerry would go crazy after seeing it!

How evil!

"Here." Hermione suppressed the nausea and discomfort and found the page marked Polyjuice Potion.

"This is definitely the most complicated potion I've ever seen. Lacewings, leeches, sapweed, and amphora," she pointed at the ingredient list and murmured, "We can all do these things. Once you get it, it will be in the student locker in the Potions classroom, and we can go get it ourselves.

"However, the two medicinal materials, the horn of the bicorn and the skin of the African tree snake, are difficult to obtain. In the end, you need something from the person you want to change."

"It can't be nails, toe skin or anything like that!" Ron said with a face of resistance.

"Haha! You'd better not let Professor Snape know that you are going to put the skin of Goyle's feet into the potion, otherwise..."

Ron was speechless by Hermione's words.

"How long does it take to prepare the potion?"

"At least a month, the lacewings alone need to be cooked for twenty days!"

"So long! I hope Malfoy hasn't killed all the Muggle wizards in a month!"

"What about the medicinal materials? Especially the horns of bicorns and the skins of African tree snakes."

"I think there is someone who must have these things!" Harry and Ron said after looking at each other.

"Good luck to you both!"

After Harry and Ron left, Hermione continued to look through the potions book, while Jerry wandered around the sink.

"Jerry, what are you looking at there?" Hermione asked after closing the book and looking at Jerry.


"Are you going back for Christmas? Or are you staying at Hogwarts?"

Jerry thought for a while and then said, "I can do that. If you want to go back, I can accompany you!"

"That's great, I won't go back, let's stay in Hogwarts!" Hermione said with a smile, "We can spend Christmas together then!"

"It's a pity that we are only second years, otherwise we can go to Hogsmeade for Christmas!"

Hermione's words woke Jerry up.

After all, the orphanage is not a permanent place. Now that I am not short of money, should I consider buying a house in the wizarding world?

I just don’t know if the house where Dumbledore and Grindelwald were burning with passion in Godric’s Hollow is still there!

"Actually, if you want to go to Hogsmeade, I have a way!"

"Ah!" Hermione was speechless as she looked at Jerry, who was winking at her and smiling evilly. Needless to say, it's definitely not a good idea, and breaking school rules is probably the most minor one.

"Jerry, where did you get so many... ways? You had a way to go to the Restricted Area, and now you have a way to go to Hogsmeade. Do you feel like you know everything in Hogwarts? Dumbledore told you that. ?"

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore told me this. Don't worry, you will definitely not be caught by the professors if you come with me!"

To be honest, Hermione was a little moved. Although she sometimes looked like Ravenclaw's Eagle, she was actually more Gryffindor than Harry and the others!

I can only say that the Sorting Hat’s classification is quite accurate!

Except for a small mistake, I was assigned to Slytherin for such a sunny and kind-hearted person!

Chapter 106 He chases him and escapes

"Hermione, let's go to the stage for the Quidditch match tomorrow!"

On Friday night, in the dining hall of Hogwarts, Jerry glanced at Malfoy who was staring at Harry not far away and said.

"Jerry, are you okay? Why do you want to go to the stands all of a sudden?"

"It's okay. I'll accompany you to the stage tomorrow! There is finally a group activity in Hogwarts!"

Tomorrow will not only be Sly "Zhe" Lin vs. Gryffindor, but also Malfoy vs. Harry Potter. Even Jerry saw Snape talking to Malfoy alone yesterday!

At noon the next day, at eleven o'clock, the weather was hot and humid, and occasionally faint thunder could be heard in the distance. All the teachers and students of the school began to go to the Quidditch field.

There are two people in Hogwarts today who are unusual. One is the old bat Snape, who actually came to the Quidditch field early.

Another one is Jerry. Not only did he come to the stands in person today, he even had a pair of binoculars hung on his chest. Those who didn't know better thought he was an avid Quidditch fan!

"Jerry, here!"

Neville called out loudly when he saw the two of them. He had reserved a seat for Jerry and Hermione in advance.

"Jerry, haven't you never come to Quidditch matches? What's wrong today? You even brought a telescope!" Neville asked doubtfully.

Hermione was also a little strange. Jerry was so abnormal today!

"The players are in and out!" Jerry smiled, then pointed to the field and changed the subject.

Players from both sides came in and out in turn, but the cheers were very different. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw both wanted Gryffindor to win, so it was good that the Slytherins entered without boos!

Not long after, Ms. Huo Qi, the Quidditch teacher, arrived and asked the captains of both sides to shake hands. Then a whistle blew and the game officially began!

After the players from both sides took off, Malfoy ignored the others and flew directly to Harry's side.

He used his broom to go faster, flying around Harry.

Jerry saw through the binoculars that while the two were flying, Malfoy kept saying something, probably mocking Harry!

Despicable mental attack! Jerry didn't teach him this trick, Snape must have taught him this!

But it can be seen from Harry's expression...the effect is outstanding!

"Scarhead, I am faster than you!"

"Damn Malfoy!"

"Jerry, Harry, what are you two doing! Dancing?"

Hermione watched Harry and Malfoy go back and forth in the air, flirting with each other, and they seemed to be like each other. They seemed to be getting closer to each other, and they didn't even look for the Golden Snitch. She didn't know what they were doing!

"Haha!" Hermione's words made Jerry couldn't help laughing, "Who knows what they are doing!"

Just when everyone thought that Harry and the two of them would be in a stalemate for a while, Malfoy accelerated and crashed into Harry!

Fortunately, Harry reacted quickly, slowed down and raised his body in time, narrowly avoiding Malfoy's impact!

"Oh~" Everyone in the stands exclaimed when they saw this.

"Potter, you can't escape!"

Malfoy failed once and immediately turned his broomstick around and started chasing Harry again.

"Foul, this was a deliberate collision!" the students in the Gryffindor stands shouted.

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