"Professor, what do you want with me? I can't do Quidditch!"

Snape sat at the table, sneered and said, "I heard Malfoy say that it was you who bumped into Harry Potter when you were teaching him how to play?"

"Professor, I just mentioned it casually, but I didn't encourage Malfoy to do this. It was all his own idea!"

Damn Malfoy, say anything! Jerry cursed inwardly and put all the blame on Malfoy.

"No, no, no! I mean... you are more insidious than others, do you have any similar dirty tricks! Slytherin will compete with Ravenclaw next, and I hope to win!"

"Haha!" The corner of Jerry's mouth twitched slightly, and then he rolled his eyes and said, "Professor Snape, I have a plan that can make Slytherin regain his sight and restore the House Cup to safety."

"Tell me!"

"Professor, how is your relationship with the referee? You can spend some money on this kind of thing! Spend some! It doesn't cost much, even if it's secretly..."

"Next!" Jerry was interrupted loudly by Snape before he could finish his words.

"Professor, then I only have one idea left! Among Muggle athletes, there is a kind of banned drug called stimulants. You can learn about it. After all, you are a real potions master. I want to..."

"Get out of my office now, immediately, immediately!"

"Bang!" Jerry was pushed out, followed by the sound of Snape slamming the door.

How rude!

Chapter 108 Still need to spend money?

After Jerry was kicked out of the office by Snape, he came to the infirmary. Before he entered, he heard noisy sounds inside.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered, they saw Malfoy and Harry lying on adjacent beds, shouting at each other!

"Scar-headed man, just wait, I will definitely tell my father that you attacked me on purpose!"

"Malfoy, you're a coward who can only cry for your father!"

"Stop the noise! ​​If anyone makes a noise, I will throw him out!" Madam Pomfrey also had a headache from their noise.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, I want to change beds, away from Malfoy!"

"I want to change too!"

"No, just lie down and don't move!" Madam Pomfrey said, holding the potion, "This is the school infirmary. Even if Principal Dumbledore comes, you have to listen to me!"

After seeing that he could not change the bed, Malfoy threatened Harry: "Potter, if you dare to run around at night and cross the line, I will kick your ass hard!"

Harry: "You fart!"

Early the next morning, as soon as Jerry arrived at the dining hall, he heard that someone had been attacked again.

"Jerry, you heard it too! Colin was attacked on his way to see Harry in the infirmary last night!" Hermione said in a panic.

Jerry nodded. Colin was a big fan of Harry. He was a first-year student who took pictures of Harry with a camera all day long. He wanted to take a few pictures of Harry when he went to the toilet and took a shower.

"Jerry, Colin was petrified too!" Harry ran into the hall after coming out of the infirmary.

"Harry, your hand bones have grown back! So fast!"

"My hand is fine. Madam Pomfrey discharged me, but something happened to Colin! He is lying in the infirmary now!"

"Harry, are you sure Colin is the same as Filch's cat? Petrified?"

"Yes, it was Professor Dumbledore who happened to come downstairs to bring hot chocolate and found Colin. He was petrified. In the infirmary last night, Malfoy and I both heard it."

Does that mean Voldemort can still control the basilisk? Jerry thought to himself.

"Hermione, we have to hurry up and prepare the polyjuice potion! Malfoy had a strange reaction when he heard someone was being attacked last night. He must know something!"

Jerry didn't care about Harry's imagination, nor did he stop them from preparing the polyjuice potion. He just treated it as giving Hermione potions practice! Anyway, if something goes wrong, Harry will take care of it!

"No... it's not good!" Ron and Neville ran toward them panting, carrying schoolbags.

"Ron, we know, something happened to Colin!"

"No, look at this!" Ron opened the bag and handed it to Harry.

"The horn of the bicorn and the skin of the African tree snake, Ron, did you steal it from Snape?" Harry took a look and immediately closed his bag.

"No, he suddenly appeared on your bed this morning. If you don't believe me, just ask Neville."

"That's right!" Neville nodded.

Jerry looked at the schoolbag thoughtfully. It must have been stolen by Dobby the house elf.

As for whether it was Snape's medicinal material, it's hard to say.

Jerry met him before he came to the lobby this morning, but he didn't see any unusual reaction.

If Snape's medicine was really stolen, his first reaction must be that Harry Potter did it. Maybe he would search the Gryffindor dormitory now!

"Great, with these medicinal ingredients, we will be able to prepare a polyjuice potion within a month!"

"Hermione, please!" Harry carefully handed the schoolbag to Hermione.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

News that Colin Creevey had been attacked and now lay in hospital quickly spread throughout the school. Rumors spread, and everyone was in danger. The first-year students even moved in groups, as if they were afraid that they would suffer the same fate if they acted alone.

Ginny, as Colin Creevey's deskmate, was extremely irritable during this time. In order to make her happy, Fred and George tried their best to make her happy. Sometimes they dressed in furs and pretended to be ghosts to scare her, and sometimes they pretended to be covered in boils to make her laugh.

But Jerry thought it would be better for the two of them to do nothing.

Finally, Fred and George stopped their nonsense when Percy angrily offered to write to Mrs. Weasley and tell her about Ginny's nightmares every night.

Jerry also secretly observed Ginny Weasley. Except that she looked a little pale, there was nothing unusual about her. She hid it well!

"Jerry, this is the amulet I specially asked for from home for you!"

"Thank you, senior!" Jerry skillfully accepted the gift from the unknown senior in front of him.

During this time, due to attacks, everyone is exchanging amulets, apotropes and other items to protect themselves from attacks.

Jerry didn't take it seriously at first, after all, he knew the reason.

But in the next few days, wherever Jerry went, he received a lot of amulets from girls from various colleges. Even if Jerry refuses, or says that it's useless that he already has the amulet, the other party will still give it to him, and Jerry won't accept it.

In the Hogwarts hall, Neville handed Harry a big smelly green onion, a pointed amethyst and a rotting salamander tail that he bought.

"It's very popular to wear amulets in school now. I bought these for you. I heard a senior said they are very useful and can prevent people from being attacked!"

"Is this really useful?" Hermione held the amethyst and looked at the light. "I don't need it. Jerry gave me a self-defense item before school started."

Harry and Ron looked at the things on the table with equal doubts, "Neville, how much did you pay for it?"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

"15 Kexi."

"It's so expensive, it's almost as much as a galleon, but since we're purebloods, we don't seem to be able to use it, so I'd better give it to Harry and Jerry!"

"What are you talking about! What are these things?"

Jerry came over, looked at the strange things on the table, picked up one and looked at it.

"Jerry, these are amulets, given to everyone by Neville!" Harry said, pointing to the things on the table.

"Amulet? I told you that you need something like this, here it is!" As he said that, Jerry took out a handful of various amulets from his pocket, which were given by girls from various colleges this morning.

"So much! How much did you spend, Jerry? Why did you buy so much? Will it be useful?"

Several people looked at Jerry who was still taking out the amulet and asked in surprise.

"Money? What money! These things cost money? Who will buy these things?"

Neville: ( ̄(エ) ̄)?

"Jerry, this is the family amulet I specially asked for from my father, and I give it to you!"

Just when several people were wondering where Jerry came from so many things, a tall Slytherin girl came over and gave him the amulet.

"Thank you, senior!" Another senior student who looked familiar to Jerry but couldn't pronounce his name sent him an amulet.

There is no way, Jerry is a little face blind!

When the people sitting nearby saw this, they finally understood why Jerry had so many talismans!

Harry: "..."

Ron: "..."

Neville: w(?Д?)w

Hermione: "Hmph!"

Chapter 109 No matter how funny it is, we won’t laugh unless we can’t help it!

Regarding the amulet, in the end, I couldn't hide it from the professors. Especially when they learned that someone was trying to sell amulets, they took severe crackdowns.

Professor Dumbledore also specifically mentioned this incident in the dining hall during dinner, calming the students who were panicking due to the previous attack.

As a result, the trend of wearing amulets quickly dissipated, and the students at Hogwarts returned to their old lives, except for Hermione!

In the past few days, every time Jerry saw Hermione, she was muttering to her roommates, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Are you okay? What were you and Parvati talking about just now?"

On the long table in the hall, Jerry's hand waved in front of Hermione who was in a daze.

"It's nothing, I just don't understand something, just ask Parvati and the others!"

"Are you sure it was you who asked them, and not some of them who asked you?" Jerry looked at Hermione in confusion.

Although Parvati and the others are not "Professors, Cai Cai, Lao Lao!", their results are far behind Hermione, the test-taker.

"Don't worry about it! Professor Snape's class is coming later, so don't be late!" Hermione's face turned slightly, then she pushed Jerry to the Potions classroom.

As soon as the two of them came to the corridor one after another, they met Harry and others. The three of them were arguing with Filch.

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