In the midst of the chaos, Professor Snape ignored the other noise and commotion as he quickly scanned the room for Harry. When Snape found Harry lying on the ground, he quickly and decisively walked to his side, squatted down and carefully inspected Harry's injuries.

Everyone around him was busy dealing with their own affairs, but Harry seemed to be the only one left in Professor Snape's world at this moment. When Snape was sure that Harry was just unconscious and his life was not in danger, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

And then... Then Snape walked away as if nothing had happened, leaving Harry lying on the cold ground.

Hogwarts Headmaster's Office.

Gellert Grindelwald sat in Dumbledore's usual seat, playing with the quill on the table boredly.

Not long after, there was a "whoosh" sound, and Dumbledore's figure appeared in the room.

"Welcome back! Albus!"

Dumbledore put down the items in his hands and looked at Gellert Grindelwald with a hint of questioning in his eyes, "What on earth did you two talk about? Jerry needs to spend so much effort to lure me away!"

"Did you also find out that Jerry deliberately lured you away?" Gellert Grindelwald asked.

"Although he said he wanted the Sorcerer's Stone, in fact this was just an excuse to hide his true purpose!" Dumbledore said.

"Tell me about the situation over there! The Ministry of Magic is so anxious to call you over. What happened?"

"The apostles attacked the Ministry of Magic!" Dumbledore said seriously, "Jerry asked them to lure me out, but he didn't expect that they directly attacked the Ministry of Magic!"

"It seems that the apostles are gradually unable to bear the loneliness! How many people have come?" Gellert Grindelwald asked.

"There is only one person! But his strength is definitely not inferior to you and me! Gellert, we have to re-evaluate each other's strength! Moreover, Jerry may be more important to the apostle than I thought!" Dumbledore He said, frowning.

After speaking, Dumbledore glanced at Gellert Grindelwald thoughtfully, "Gellert, are you hiding something from me?"

"Don't worry, Albus, I have told you the exact information I got!" Gellert Grindelwald replied firmly.

Dumbledore frowned slightly, looking at Gellert Grindelwald with a hint of doubt in his eyes, but he did not continue to ask, only hoping that Gellert Grindelwald was telling the truth.

"By the way, Albus, there is one more thing I want to ask you." Gellert Grindelwald said, "Jerry is going to France during the summer vacation, so I hope you can lend him the Elder Wand."

Dumbledore frowned when he heard this, "Gellert, are you crazy? Although the Elder Wand will be handed over to Jerry sooner or later, it is too early now..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Gellert Grindelwald interrupted Dumbledore, "Listen to me, I only meant to temporarily lend it to him to go to Paris."

Hearing this, Dumbledore fell into deep thought.

After a long while, Dumbledore said: "Gellert, let me think about it."

Chapter 70 The wand chooses the wizard

In the school's infirmary, Harry slowly woke up from his coma. His head was in splitting pain, as if something was beating hard on his brain.

"Hiss!" Harry groaned, trying to open his heavy eyelids. He saw Ron standing next to the bed, holding a handful of snacks in his hand.

"Ahem!" Ron was startled by Harry's voice and accidentally choked himself, "Harry, you finally woke up!"

Harry frowned, his mind in confusion, "The Philosopher's Stone! Quirrell! He took the Philosopher's Stone! Ron, please inform the professors!" He sat up excitedly, but immediately felt dizzy.

Ron hurriedly supported Harry and patted his back gently, "Harry, don't get excited, you just woke up. The Sorcerer's Stone is fine, you and Jerry have taken it back."

Harry held his head in pain and tried to remember the previous battle, "I only remember Jerry rushing in and saving me, and then...then I can't remember anything. What happened?"

Ron smiled and said: "You two are so awesome! You and Jerry teamed up to defeat the mysterious man and rescued the Sorcerer's Stone. Now, the Sorcerer's Stone is well preserved by Principal Dumbledore. Don't worry, It's all over."

"Really? But I really don't remember it, but it should be Jerry who is so powerful. I actually didn't help at all!" Harry covered his head and was still trying to remember.

"Ron, how long have I been unconscious? What's going on with all these things?" Harry looked at the candies piled like a mountain on the table next to him and asked in confusion.

Ron replied with a smile: "Harry, you have been in a coma for a day and a night! These snacks are given to you by everyone who comes to visit you!"

Harry was stunned, "This is too much!"

Ron nodded, with a bit of envy in his eyes, "Compared to Jerry, you are still young! You don't even know that those girls, especially the Slytherin girls, are so crazy. Now Jerry's bedroom is filled with all kinds of gifts."

"Actually, I also want to thank Jerry!" Harry scratched his head, his eyes full of gratitude, "Thanks to Jerry for saving me from Quirrell!"

The two were chatting happily when they heard footsteps approaching outside the door. After a while, Jerry, Hermione and Neville walked in.

"Harry, you wake up!"

After seeing Jerry come in, Harry said emotionally: "Thank you, Jerry!"

"If you hadn't arrived in time, I might have died."

Looking at Harry with clear eyes, Jerry thought to himself, Grindelwald's forgetting curse is really powerful!

"It's nothing, Harry, we are good friends, how could I ignore death?" Jerry smiled heartily, then glanced at the people present, and said in a more firm tone: "Besides, as a Hogwarts students, it is our unshirkable responsibility to protect the Philosopher's Stone and uphold justice..."

Jerry delivered an impassioned speech, which deeply inspired Harry and several people present. After successfully establishing a brave and righteous image in the hearts of several people, Jerry left the school infirmary with satisfaction.

In the afternoon, Jerry and Hermione were lying quietly on the green lawn on the hillside by the black lake. The sun shines on the two of them through the gaps in the leaves, making them warm and comfortable.

Ever since Jerry successfully prevented Voldemort's conspiracy and protected the Sorcerer's Stone that night, he suddenly became a celebrity at Hogwarts.

What followed was a steady stream of attention and admiration.

In the past few days, Jerry has truly experienced the troubles of being a celebrity. No matter where he goes, people will greet him enthusiastically. Some senior students are even more enthusiastic. They often hold Jerry's hand as soon as they see him.

"I didn't expect that becoming a celebrity would have so many troubles." Jerry said with a wry smile, a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Hermione lay on the grass, looked at Jerry and chuckled, "Then do you still want to continue enjoying this light?"

"Actually, this feeling of being recognized is really good, but too much attention also makes people a little uncomfortable." Jerry scratched his head and told the truth.

"Jerry, you promised me to visit my house during the summer vacation. You can't keep your promise this time!"

"I have already written to my parents and asked them to clear out the guest room in advance. Then you can just live in the guest room!"

Hearing Hermione's words, Jerry blinked and then remembered what he had promised her.

Looking at Hermione who looked expectant, Jerry smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Hermione, I'm going to Paris as soon as the summer vacation ends, and I don't know when I'll be back, so..."

"Jerry, what are you doing in Paris?" Hearing Jerry's words, Hermione sat up from the lawn angrily and said loudly, "You promised me!"

"It's all Principal Dumbledore's fault. He asked me to go to Paris to help him!" Seeing Hermione's anger about to ignite, Jerry quickly grabbed her hand and explained to her, "It's all Dumbledore. It’s your fault!”

I'm sorry, Principal Dumbledore. With your relationship with Gellert Grindelwald, it doesn't matter if you take the blame for him!

"But, why did Principal Dumbledore let you go to Paris? Is there any danger? Will Principal Dumbledore go with you? Otherwise, Jerry, you should refuse!"

"Don't worry! Hermione, why would Mr. Principal ask me to do something dangerous? It's just trivial things..."

On a hillside not far away, two elderly figures stood there, watching Jerry and Hermione silently. Their faces were filled with warm smiles, and their eyes were filled with deep relief.

"Albus, it looks like we are going to prepare double Christmas gifts next Christmas!"

When Dumbledore heard this, his eyes flashed with meaning, he nodded slightly, and then said with some concern: "Gellert, no matter what, you must protect Jerry's safety in Paris."

After saying that, Dumbledore handed the Elder Wand to him, and then murmured to himself: "I hope this wand can help Jerry by then!"

After Gellert Grindelwald took the Elder Wand, his face became serious, and then said: "Albus, I promise you that I will protect Jerry's safety!"

"The Elder Wand is the most unemotional, calm and cruel wand. It will only surrender to the strong. If it is handed over to Jerry like this, will the Elder Wand resist?"

"Remember what Ollivander often said? The wand chooses the wizard. Albus, you have to believe in Jerry. As our heir, he is better than you think!...More special!"

Chapter 71 Malfoy: I discovered a great secret!

Year-end party.

All the students came to the Hogwarts Great Hall excitedly. This evening not only represents the end of the school year dinner, but also the awarding of this year's House Cup.

In the Slytherin boys' dormitory, Jerry was dressed and ready to go to the auditorium.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A knock on the door came.


Jerry took the wand, came to the door vigilantly, and opened the door.

"Your Majesty!"

Catherine, who was standing at the door, saluted respectfully when she saw the door opened.

"Come in first!" After Jerry saw that the visitor was Catherine, he led her into the room, then glanced outside the door twice to make sure no one was there, then closed the door, "I told you that everything you have to do has been done. ?”

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Catherine said as she handed the box at her feet to Jerry.

"Not bad!" After Jerry opened the box, he took out the black hooded coat and put it on his body. There was a layer of gauze in the hood that could completely cover Jerry's face.

"This coat is made according to your request. Not only can it prevent prying magic, but it can also resist some weak curses!"

After Jerry got dressed, he came to the mirror and checked carefully. Although the gauze could cover his face, it would not interfere with Jerry's vision. The style is also good. As a good-looking person, Jerry is very satisfied.

The only drawback may be that after wearing the coat, he looks more and more like a villain!

"Have you said hello to the apostle over there in France?" After putting away his coat, Jerry turned to look at Catherine and asked.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. Not many people know your identity. The bishops have issued the highest level of confidentiality order in accordance with your request. Please rest assured in France, too. They do not know your identity. The headquarters has issued a confidentiality order to them." The order is for a high-ranking apostle codenamed Black Wing to go there to investigate!"

"Well done, Catherine!"

With the vest of Black Wings, it will be much easier to do any shady things in the future!

Ministry of Magic, you are arresting the vicious Apostle Blackwing. What does it have to do with my brave and righteous Jerry Green!

"Catherine, show me your right wrist!"

Just outside the door, Jerry felt a familiar wave coming from Catherine's right hand.

After hearing Jerry's words, Catherine was a little confused, but she still obeyed. For her, obeying Jerry's orders unconditionally was the meaning of her existence!

"Sure enough!" Jerry thought to himself. When Catherine stretched out her slender wrist in front of him, he was surprised to find that it had the same pattern as the one on his left wrist, but the color was different.

Jerry's pattern is a deep black, while Catherine's pattern is a bright red, which makes it particularly conspicuous on Catherine's jade-white skin.

Jerry held her right hand tightly, which was as soft as a bone, and observed the mysterious pattern with concentration.

Although it seemed like a difference in color, Jerry knew there was more to it than just a superficial difference. He could clearly feel Catherine's presence through the pattern on his wrist, and even had a strange feeling, as if he could sense or even interfere with the magic in her body!

This is terrible! Interfering with the magic power of a wizard who is casting a spell is absolutely fatal in battle!

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