"Ha! Ha! Ha! Jerry Green, thank you apostle!"

Seeing Voldemort's gray shadow shrouded in thick black fog, Jerry said calmly: "Come on! Mr. Voldemort, let me see the Dark Lord's strength!"

After speaking, Jerry took out the silver-white soul-regenerating potion from his pocket and waved it in front of Voldemort.

"Mr. Voldemort, you still have a bottle of potion with me! In fact, this bottle of potion will arrive the next day! But I just won't give it to you! You think it's irritating or not!"

"Jerry Green, you will pay for your arrogance and stupidity!" After saying that, Voldemort wrapped the black mist around him and rushed towards Jerry.

"Waiting for you!" Jerry removed all his defenses, even worried that the fierce fire would affect Voldemort's performance and disperse the fierce fire surrounding him and protecting him.

"Ah~" The moment he was shrouded in black mist, Jerry screamed, but it was not a scream, but a comfortable moan!

The terrifying and oppressive black mist is gradually being absorbed by Jerry!

"Is this what Catherine said about soul sacrifice!"

Jerry, who was in the middle of the black mist, could clearly feel that he was getting stronger from the inside out. The magic power, magic perception and magic control abilities in his body were increasing at an incredible speed!

Come on, Voldemort! Let me see where your limits are!

Chapter 68 Grandfather? Still all?

As Jerry continued to absorb the surrounding black fog, the thick black fog began to rotate and gather, gradually forming a huge vortex. The rotation speed of this vortex is getting faster and faster, and the air around it seems to be pulled, making a low roar.

At the same time, Voldemort also noticed this strange aura. He felt that the power in the black mist was rapidly draining away, and an uneasy feeling arose in his heart.

"What's going on?" Voldemort whispered coldly, his tone revealing unprecedented anxiety and vigilance.

"How is this possible? Why isn't your soul devoured by assimilation?"

As Jerry continued to absorb it, the originally thick black mist became thinner and thinner, as if it was being peeled away bit by bit by invisible hands. But what no one expected was that even though the black mist was dissipating, the power of the vortex not only did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger, and its scope also continued to expand.

This fluctuation in power gradually made Voldemort feel uneasy. He felt as if his soul was being pulled by this force, and cracks began to appear.

Voldemort was horrified to discover that if this power was allowed to develop, his incomplete soul might be completely devoured.

"Damn it!" Voldemort roared, and had to give up part of his soul fragments to keep his body. Finally, with doubts and unwillingness, he fled Hogwarts with the fake Sorcerer's Stone!

After Voldemort left, the thick black mist seemed to have lost its backbone and began to be quickly absorbed by Jerry. The originally huge vortex also began to weaken slowly because it lost the blessing of soul fragments.

Ding! [Unknown bloodline: 0.03%]

"Huh~" As the black fog dissipated, Jerry gradually woke up from the soul-devouring pleasure. Then he rolled up the sleeve of his left hand and examined the lines on the inside of his wrist.

Although the surface of the pattern looked the same as before, Jerry could clearly feel its inner changes. Originally, this pattern was like a tattoo on his body. If you didn't observe it carefully, it would be easy to ignore its existence.

But now, even with his eyes closed, Jerry could clearly sense its presence.

After carefully checking the patterns to no avail, Jerry came to the Mirror of Erised to see what he could see now!

Sure enough, the scene in the mirror has changed a lot compared to before.

Although the mirror was still filled with black fog, it was a little thinner than before. Jerry could now vaguely see some outlines not far away. Jerry looked carefully and to his surprise he seemed to be in a building.

What surprised Jerry even more was that the terrifying and depressing feeling that once enveloped him in the black fog had completely disappeared. On the contrary, the current black mist gave him a kind and familiar feeling.


Just when Jerry was about to get closer to the mirror, trying to see more clearly, an extremely weak magic wave came from the corner of the wall.

Jerry was able to detect this fluctuation, thanks to Voldemort's selfless gift!

"Come out!" Jerry turned to the corner and said, "There is no one else here except the two of us!"

Harry lying unconscious on the ground does not count!

"How did you find me?" As the words fell, Dumbledore's figure appeared.


After seeing Dumbledore, Jerry waved his wand, cast the Fire Spell, and attacked him.

What was unexpected was that Dumbledore just waved his hand, and all Jerry's anger dissipated.

"Beautiful spell!" Dumbledore said, "I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, you have mastered the Fire Curse to such an extent!"

Hearing the compliment, Jerry smiled and said, "Let me see how powerful you are!"

Dumbledore was slightly surprised and did not use his wand, but just waved it with his right hand.

"Fire Shield (Protego Diabolica)"

As the spell sounded, blue flames more violent than the fire summoned by Jerry just appeared, surrounding the two of them.

【Ding! Fire Shield (Protego Diabolica) Lv2, 21.98%]

I haven't practiced Fire Shield once, but I saw others use it once and it was directly upgraded to two levels.

Tsk! This is talent!

Ignoring the system prompts for the time being, Jerry looked at "Dumbledore" in front of him and said, "Are you sure you want to meet me like this?"

"Okay! Okay!" After saying that, his body flashed, and an energetic old man wearing a stand-up collar coat, short hair, appeared in front of Jerry.

"Sure enough!" Looking at the changes in front of him, Jerry thought to himself.

"How did you find out that I'm not Dumbledore?" Gellert Grindelwald asked curiously.

"Is it difficult? Dumbledore should be at the Ministry of Magic in London now, but I don't believe he would trust Voldemort to stay alone in Hogwarts!"

"Besides, I think he should be even more worried about letting you pretend to be him and go to the Ministry of Magic, so isn't it definitely you who showed up today?"

"Aren't you excited when we meet for the first time?" Gellert Grindelwald looked at Jerry who looked calm and said, "I am your only relative!"

Jerry walked over anyway, gave Gellert Grindelwald a hug, and then asked, "What should I call you?"

Grindelwald thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, you can call me or Grandpa Albus, either way!"

Jerry: What a mess! !

Gellert Grindelwald touched Jerry's face again and said: "Jerry, do you know? Even though the color of your hair and eyes has changed, I can still see the shadow of your mother in you. You two look really alike!"

"Where are my parents?" After hearing Gellert Grindelwald's words, Jerry hurriedly asked, "What happened back then? Aren't you supposed to be in Nurmengard now?"

"Jerry, I swear to you, your parents love you, but there are just some things you need to discover on your own!"

Jerry:? ? ?

what's the situation? Why are you imitating Dumbledore's trick of playing the Riddler? Did you guess wrong? The person in front of me is not Gellert Grindelwald, but Dumbledore pretending to be?

How did you two spend your time?

"You are doing well in the apostolic organization!" Gellert Grind said after seeing Jerry's speechless expression, trying to change the subject.

"I have a question for you. What is my identity among the apostles? You should know it! Does Dumbledore know about this?"

Gellert Grindelwald didn't answer the question, just looked at Jerry with a smile.

All right! Jerry got it!

"Jerry, I have a task for you. Go to Paris, France during the summer vacation! Many people are waiting for you there!"

Chapter 69 Parents


Jerry was full of doubts. Could it be that because Grindelwald had failed in his previous attempt to blow up Paris, he had always been worried about it and now decided to send himself to take action?

"Besides these, don't you have anything else to tell me? For example, the question I just asked you about my relationship with the apostle, or talk to me about my parents?"

"Jerry, there are some things that you need to find the answers for yourself. Although sometimes I don't completely agree with some of Dumbledore's views, there is one sentence I think he is right about: don't interfere with your growth!" Guy Lett Grindelwald said lightly, and then shook his head, "The only thing Dumbledore and I can do now is probably to ensure your life is safe before you grow up."

"But I believe that with your talent, within a few years, you will no longer need the protection of us two old guys!"

After speaking, Gellert Grindelworth hesitated for a moment, his eyes shining with a certain light of decision.

He slowly took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Jerry solemnly. His voice was so soft that only the two of them could hear it, "Jerry, this is a little secret between you and me, but please don't tell Dumbledore."

Jerry took the photo gently, his hands shaking slightly. His eyes fell on the photo, which showed an enviable couple holding a baby tightly, their smiles filled with happiness.

This scene made Jerry's eyes moisten instantly, and the emotions in his heart surged like a tide.

The man in the photo has auburn hair, and the woman has blonde Germanic hair, which is beautiful. The two of them held the baby, that little life that was their shared hope and future. All this is too familiar, as if it is a destined reunion.

"Are these...are these my parents?" Jerry's voice trembled in disbelief.

Gellert Grindelwald nodded silently, his eyes full of complicated emotions.

Jerry turned the photo over, and it read clearly on the back:

David Garrett Dumbledore

Mandy Albus Grindelwald

"Put the photos away! Although I also want to tell you their stories..."

The two were silent for a long time, and finally it was Gellert Grindelwald who spoke first and changed the subject.

"What to do with this child? He is your friend!"

"Cast a forgetting spell on him!" Jerry waved his hand impatiently and said, before he could recover from the emotion just now.

"I thought you would wait for this little guy to wake up and explain to him slowly!" Gellert Grindelwald said appreciatively, "Albus always tells me that you look like him, haha! He doesn't know at all. In fact, Your personality is more like mine! Neither you nor I like to follow rules!"

"Jerry, where are you?" Hermione's voice came from outside, anxious with a hint of worry.

"It seems your little girlfriend is here!" Gellert Grindelwald joked, with a hint of joy on his face, "In that case, let's talk about Paris, France at another time. Goodbye, Jerry!" As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the room.

Hermione rushed in hurriedly, her eyes fixed on Jerry, as if she was afraid of missing any of him.

Seeing Jerry standing there unharmed, Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Jerry, it's great that you're okay!" She hugged him excitedly, with deep touch and joy in her voice.

"Oh my God! Mr. Green, you must explain it to us carefully this time!"

Professors McGonagall, Snape and Flitwick also walked in quickly following Hermione.

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