"Why haven't you sensed it before?" Jerry was full of doubts. "Is it the ability brought by the awakening of blood?"

Jerry's fingertips lightly touched Catherine's skin and groped her wrist.


Hearing the sound, Jerry immediately looked up and saw Catherine's ears were slightly red, and there was a blush on her face.

You blush like a teapot!

After finding no other abnormalities, Jerry let go of the other party's hand.

"Your Majesty, you are going to Paris soon, do you need me..."

"Catherine, you are now my confidant. If you have anything to say, just say it directly without hesitating." Seeing that the other party was hesitant to speak, Jerry started to say PUA.

Sure enough, after hearing Jerry's words, Catherine's eyes became even more intense, and she said excitedly: "Catherine will always belong to your Majesty!"

Looking at Catherine's fanatical eyes, Jerry swallowed, felt frightened and thought to himself: "Isn't this apostle some kind of MLM organization in the magical world? Is his brainwashing ability so strong?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. There's no need to be secretive."

"Your Majesty, you are going to France soon. Do you need Catherine to accompany you? The Wiccan Party is a group of unruly people! Even if you are a member of the Grindelwald family!"

So that’s what happened! Jerry thought it was something big!

After hearing Catherine's words, Jerry pretended to be mysterious and fell into deep thought, showing a worried expression from time to time.

After a long time, Jerry suddenly said arrogantly and confidently: "You don't need to be there, I have my own plan. When I go to France this time, I will find a way to make them mine!"

Jerry didn't lie, he wanted the Wiccan Party to be Jerry's people, not the apostles' people!

As for why the Umbrella Party is in France, well, maybe they speak German!

After hearing Jerry's words, Catherine was a little disappointed, but she looked at Jerry with more admiration. Then she kicked the gifts given by others in the room with her feet and said disdainfully: "Your Majesty, these rubbish need me. Will you throw it away for you? How about you move to a private lounge! From now on, I will take care of your private life!"

hehe! Are you here to take care of me? I'm embarrassed to point you out!

"Goyle, Crabbe, you two idiots, hurry up!" Malfoy urged impatiently at the door of the dormitory.

"Goyle, let me first..." Before he could finish his words, Malfoy's pupils shrank and his face suddenly turned horrified. He saw Catherine sorting out her clothes and walking out of Jerry's dormitory, her face slightly red!

Malfoy:? ? ?

What happened? Did I see it wrong?

"Good evening, Ms. Ferris!" After coming back to his senses, Malfoy tried to remain calm and greeted Catherine who was approaching.

Catherine ignored Malfoy, her face remained frosty, she just glanced at him coldly, and then left the boys' dormitory indifferently.

hiss! Malfoy couldn't help but gasped! There was even more confusion in my heart: "I seem to have discovered an incredible secret!"

Isn’t it said that Catherine Ferris is extremely cold? Why is it different from the legend!

Although Malfoy had long heard that many Slytherin girls had a crush on Jerry, he had never seen them do it so quickly, even in the boys' dormitory!

Is Jerry that powerful?

Thinking of this, Malfoy looked in the direction of Jerry's dormitory, with even a hint of admiration in his eyes!

Guys, the boss is crazy! Just one chapter today, and I’ll make up for whatever I owe tomorrow!

Chapter 72 Principal Dumbledore, I want to support you in your retirement!

When Jerry walked into the auditorium, students from all colleges had already taken their seats.

The Great Hall is decorated with Slytherin's green and silver colors, symbolizing their honor of sitting on the House Cup for seven consecutive years.

Behind the professors' seats, a huge banner hung on the wall depicting Slytherin's house emblem, proudly displaying the glory and splendor of Slytherin to everyone.

It was completely different from the first time he was sorted. When Jerry stepped into the long table area of ​​Slytherin again, he felt an almost warm welcome from the little snakes.

This is the spirit of Slytherin. They admire pure blood, but are even more attracted by the presence of the stronger.

Before the dinner began, Dumbledore tapped the wine glass on his table with a spoon and made a sound of "Ding! Ding! Ding!" to signal everyone to be quiet.

After a while, the noise in the auditorium subsided.

"Time flies so fast, another school year has passed!" Dumbledore stood in front and announced happily, "Before you enjoy these delicacies, I would like to trouble you to listen to me, an old man, talk a few words."

"This year has been really fruitful! Your little heads must be full of knowledge. Summer vacation is just around the corner. You have enough time to digest this new knowledge and prepare for the next semester."

"Now, let us announce the winner of the House Cup. The scores of each house are as follows: Gryffindor House, 312 points; Hufflepuff, 352 points; second place, Ravenclaw House, scored 426 points."

"First place, Slytherin House, scored 472 points."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the Slytherin area instantly erupted into enthusiastic cheers and applause.

Malfoy even deliberately pointed his wine glass at Harry and hit the table to make an unpleasant sound!

After noticing Malfoy's movements, Harry frowned involuntarily, then turned to Ron and others beside him and said, "It would be great if all Slytherin students were like Jerry!"

Ron and Neville heard this and nodded in agreement.

Jerry also clapped along with the crowd, but he knew the highlight was coming later!

Lao Deng...no, it should be my grandfather. I am so worried about you!

Although I don't care about the Academy Cup, it would be unreasonable if you don't give it to me!

I can refuse to accept it, but you cannot refuse to give it!

"However, before calculating the final score, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. I still have some points that need to be allocated." Dumbledore said.

"Mr. Ronald Weasley," Dumbledore announced, "has played the best game of chess that Hogwarts has seen in years, and I give Gryffindor fifty points for that."

"Miss Hermione Granger," Dumbledore continued, "has calmly reasoned logically in the midst of fire, and I give fifty points to Gryffindor House for her courage and wisdom."

"Third, Harry Potter," Dumbledore said solemnly, "showed fearless courage and superhuman courage. I especially give sixty points to Gryffindor House for his actions."

"There are many kinds of courage," Dumbledore said with a smile. "To contend with the enemy on the battlefield, we need bravery beyond ordinary people. However, facing danger and not abandoning your friends also requires great courage."

"For that reason, I also give fifty points to Mr. Neville Longbottom."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the auditorium instantly erupted, and the noise was deafening.

The Gryffindor classmates cheered loudly, their voices hoarse, while silently calculating the house points in their hearts. At this moment, Gryffindor's house points have surpassed Slytherin.

Dumbledore gently raised a hand, his movements gentle but powerful, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

The noise in the auditorium gradually subsided and silence returned.

"In the end, Jerry Green, with his calm thinking and strong strength, defeated the strong enemy, so he added eighty points to Slytherin House!"

After Dumbledore finished speaking, the originally unwilling Slytherin students burst into enthusiastic cheers and applause. They shouted "Slytherin!" and were proud of the honor of their house.

Jerry looked at the cheering students around him and thought to himself: "Dumbledore is really awesome, he provides a lot of emotional value!"

The mood of everyone in Gryffindor went up and down like a roller coaster.

They were originally full of expectations, but after learning that Slytherin won the House Cup, their emotions plummeted. Even the Weasley twins, who were usually optimistic and cheerful, couldn't help but sigh, with disappointment written on their faces.

"Slytherin won the House Cup all because of Jerry!"

Someone in the crowd said this. After everyone heard it, they thought it was right. Slytherin won the Academy Cup because of Jerry, so that's okay!

Then he turned around and shouted loudly: "Jerry Green! Jerry Green...!"

Looking at more and more students in the hall shouting his name, Jerry scratched his head and hesitated.

what does it mean! Will I have to give a speech by myself later?

After the dinner, Jerry declined the private invitations of several senior students in the Slytherin common room and returned to his dormitory.

As soon as he stepped into the dormitory, Jerry immediately noticed something strange. Someone came to his dormitory quietly while he was away.

Jerry was wary and slowly walked to the table and found a rectangular wooden box left on the table.

Jerry always speculated on people's hearts with the greatest malice, so he immediately took out his wand, took a defensive posture, cautiously approached the wooden box, and then slowly opened it.

The Elder Wand?

When Jerry opened the box, he was surprised to find Dumbledore's Elder Wand inside!

Is Dumbledore suffering from Alzheimer's disease? I was just joking with him last time.

Jerry never expected that Dumbledore would actually hand over the Elder Wand to him!

"This...this is his biological grandfather!" From now on, Jerry no longer cares about his life experience. Dumbledore will be his biological grandfather from now on!

It didn’t mean anything else. Jerry just saw that Dumbledore was getting older and wanted to support him in his old age!

Jerry slowly picked up the Elder Wand, and in an instant, he felt a strong and deep power surge through the wand. This force is like an ancient river, calm and powerful.

Jerry originally thought that he had failed to defeat Dumbledore, so when he used the Elder Wand, the wand would feel resistance.

However, contrary to Jerry's expectation, he did not feel the slightest discomfort or resistance. Instead, he felt that there seemed to be a wonderful tacit understanding between the wand and him.

Jerry even noticed a hint of excitement from the wand.

Chapter 73 I’m still a child!

In the afternoon of the next day, the test results for each subject were announced as scheduled. As expected, Jerry came out on top with his outstanding performance and received the highest score. Hermione was a close second, doing equally well.

Harry, Ron and Neville also passed the exam with flying colors.

During dinner, the atmosphere around the Gryffindor table was particularly lively. Jerry sat around with Harry, Ron, and Neville, discussing their upcoming summer plans.

"Jerry, when are you going to France with Dumbledore? Do you need to prepare in advance?" Hermione asked curiously in a low voice, "I heard that they also have a magic school there. I wonder how it is different from Hogwarts! "

The two were chatting, and suddenly, Jerry felt someone tapping his shoulder. He turned around and saw that it was Professor Snape.

Although Harry and others have learned about the misunderstanding with Professor Snape and revealed the truth, when they face Snape's gloomy face again, they still can't help but feel a little fear in their hearts. After they looked at each other, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Professor Snape, what do you want from me?"

Professor Snape's expression was slightly serious, "Principal Dumbledore wants you to go to the principal's office now. The password is: Lemon Olaf."

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