Chapter 63 Norwegian Ridgeback

In the library, Jerry was reading "Advanced Charms Theory" while Hermione continued her review plan.

What is different from the past is that Harry, Ron and Neville are also doing homework in the library.

The professors seem to have the same idea as Hermione. In order for them to successfully pass the final test, they have recently assigned a lot of homework to the students.

Harry and the others were not too nervous at first. After all, they just had a lot of homework. They continued playing music and dancing!

However, when they saw Hermione opening her book and reciting the twelve uses of fire dragon blood while eating, they found that they had no interest in playing anything, and even felt a little anxious and uneasy.

I have no choice but to follow the roll!

"There are so many potions, I feel like I'll never remember them!" One afternoon, Ron finally had enough. He threw his quill heavily on the ground and stared blankly out of the library window at the pleasant scenery. weather.

The sky is a clear blue, as deep as the forget-me-not flowers, and the air is filled with the scent of summer approaching.

Harry was doing the same, looking for "white fresh food" among thousands of magical herbs and mushrooms with his eyes blankly, when he suddenly heard Ron exclaim: "Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?"

Hagrid approached slowly, as if he was hiding something.

"Just taking a look." Hagrid's voice was somewhat evasive, arousing everyone's curiosity.

Looking at everyone, Hagrid suddenly looked a little alert, "What are you doing here? Are you still looking for Nico Flamel?"

"Oh, we already know who Nico Flamel is!" Ron said proudly, "We also know that the three-headed dog is guarding the Philosopher's Stone, right?"

"Shh!" Hagrid scanned the surroundings alertly to make sure no one heard their conversation, and then lowered his voice and said, "Don't yell so loudly. What on earth do you want to do?"

"Okay, Hagrid, we do have a few things to ask you," Harry said. "It's about the Philosopher's Stone. Who designed those mechanisms? Professor Dumbledore?"

Hagrid hissed again, interrupting their conversation, "Listen, come to my cabin later. Remember, don't talk nonsense here. As students, you are not supposed to know these things."

After Hagrid finished speaking, he took the books he just found in the library and turned around to leave.

Unlike others, Jerry already knew that Hagrid wanted to raise a dragon, so he didn't show too much surprise or curiosity. Harry and the others were completely opposite to Jerry, and they were very curious that Hagrid would come to the library to borrow books.

So after Hagrid left, Harry and the three of them, who were already a little impatient in the library, immediately started packing up their homework and couldn't wait to go to Hagrid's cabin!

"Jerry, should we go to Hagrid's hut with Harry and the others?"

"Do you want to go? If you're interested, Hermione, I can go with you!"

Hermione shook her head and said, "Forget it! I still have a lot of courses to review! Just wait until Harry and the others come back and ask them directly!"

An hour later, Harry and the others came back excitedly and said, "Jerry, Hermione, you two will never guess that Hagrid is hatching a dragon egg, or a Norwegian Ridgeback!"

Just as several people were discussing, Mrs. Pings glanced at them sternly, so the three of them had to restrain their voices. Jerry and Hermione followed the three of them to the corner of the garden outside the school castle, and listened to them talk about what had just happened in Hagrid's cabin.

"Hagrid is saying that no one but Dumbledore and himself knows how to get past the three-headed dog?"

After hearing Hermione's words, Harry nodded, then frowned and said, "But the other levels guarding the Philosopher's Stone were designed by professors, and Snape also participated in the design!"

"At least Snape doesn't know how to get past the three-headed dog now, right?" Ron comforted, "As long as the three-headed dog persists until the end of the term, the Philosopher's Stone will be safe!"

A few mornings later, everyone was dining in the hall, and suddenly Harry's owl Hedwig brought him a note.

There was only one sentence written on the note: Coming out of the shell soon!

As soon as everyone saw it, they knew it was Hagrid's letter. They knew that the dragon egg was about to hatch, and they all became a little excited.

Harry and Ron didn't even want to attend Herbology class, they just wanted to rush to Hagrid's hut.

But when Harry saw Malfoy who stopped not far away to eavesdrop on their conversation, he gave up the idea of ​​skipping class.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, everyone couldn't wait to throw down their shovels and hurried across the lawn towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid was already there waiting for them.

The same is true for Jerry, but unlike others, Jerry is not interested in dragons, but he is interested in the dragon's heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and dragon's blood!

These are all good magic potions and alchemy materials!

As soon as they walked into Hagrid's hut, they saw a dragon egg on the table, shaking with a harsh scratching sound.

Soon, the egg shell cracked, and a small fire dragon fluttered out from the egg.

Charmander's appearance is really... impressive, like a crumpled black umbrella.

The spiny wings appear unusually large in contrast to its thin, jet-black body. The long nose is white, there are horns on the head, and the eyes are orange-red and protrude outward.

"Eh~ It's so ugly!" Looking at the young dragon's appearance, Jerry thought to himself.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it? Norbert, how about we call it Norbert from now on?" Hagrid looked at the young dragon excitedly, and then said to everyone.

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Jerry looked at the baby dragon that was holding Hagrid's finger and said thoughtfully: "Hagrid, you have to take good care of this baby dragon, otherwise if it is stolen by others, it may be bled first. Then he disemboweled him and took out his heart and liver!"

Hearing Jerry's words, Hagrid's smile suddenly froze.

Everyone: "..."

Jerry also noticed the expressions of other people in the room and explained: "Seriously, fire dragon's organs are not only potion materials, they are also commonly used materials in alchemy!"

"Well, thank you Jerry for the reminder!"

"Hagrid," Hermione asked, "how big could a Norwegian Ridgeback get?"

Hagrid was about to answer when his expression suddenly changed, then he jumped up and rushed towards the window.

"What happened?"

"Someone just peeked through the cracks in the curtains."

Harry immediately rushed to the door, looked out, then turned to everyone and said, "It's Malfoy!"

In the following weeks, Harry and the others were on tenterhooks and felt uneasy when faced with Malfoy's evil smile.

After dinner, Jerry had just returned to the Slytherin common room when he met Malfoy.

"What's the matter?" Jerry asked, looking at Malfoy.

"Jerry, Harry and the gamekeeper raised a fire dragon. They will definitely be expelled from Hogwarts!"

"I know! Didn't you already see it that day? I was also there." Jerry said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, I know what you mean, don't worry and do it!"

After speaking, he patted Malfoy on the shoulder and turned back to his dormitory.

Malfoy didn't want to report Harry for raising a fire dragon. After all, he didn't want Harry Potter to be expelled. It's just that it took a lot of effort to catch Harry. How could Malfoy let it go so easily?

Chapter 64 Sending Norbert Away

After receiving Jerry's affirmative answer, Malfoy became even more unscrupulous and began to appear around Harry with high intensity.

"Harry Potter, last time I saw a black figure at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. I wonder if you know what magical animal it is?"

"Harry Potter, did you know that in the history of Hogwarts, someone was expelled for raising dangerous magical creatures?"

"Aw~ Potter, I really can't imagine you being homeless after being expelled. My family is still short of a servant. Why don't you come to my house! My house is quite big!"

A week later, Harry, who finally couldn't stand Malfoy's harassment anymore, took the initiative to find Hagrid.

"Hagrid, just let Norbert go to the Forbidden Forest!"

"No!" Hagrid said, "Harry, Norbert is still too young. He will definitely be bullied by other animals in the Forbidden Forest."

Jerry ignored the quarrels of others, but squatted down and carefully looked at Norbert, who was three times as long as a week ago. He thought to himself: "Dragon heart! It's still the heart of a Norwegian Ridgeback. Use it as a wand." The core must be very good!”

"Dragon liver is also good. It can be used to make foxtail killer."

"Fire dragon blood is a good thing. It can be used as oven cleaner, spot remover, wart treatment, etc."

"Dragon skin..."

"Dragon meat..."

After noticing Jerry's malicious gaze, Fire Dragon Norbert seemed to want to secretly teach Jerry a lesson with dragon breath.

However, how could it hide this little thought from Jerry.

At the moment when Norbert's flame dragon breath was about to explode, Jerry quickly hugged Norbert's head and forced his mouth to shut.

Only a muffled groan was heard coming from Noble's mouth, and tears instantly flowed from his eyes.

Nob struggled violently and managed to get out of Jerry's arms with all his strength. Then he ran to Hagrid's feet and sought shelter.

"What's wrong?" Hagrid, who was arguing with Harry and others, also noticed Norbert running back to his feet.

"It's okay, it was just a joke with Norbert, right, Norbert?" Jerry waved his hand to Norbert, which frightened him and hid behind Hagrid.

This naughty kid is so rude, he actually dares to spray me with dragon breath! Jerry thought to himself.

The injury was definitely not injured. No dragon would be injured by his own dragon's breath, but the taste of the dragon's breath exploding in his mouth was definitely not pleasant!

"Listen, Hagrid," Harry said firmly, "Norbert has to be sent away. One of Ron's brothers, Charlie, is in Romania studying dragons. I think we could send Norbert to his care."

"Great!" said Ron excitedly. "What do you think, Hagrid?"

Hagrid was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, I'll think about it," he said at last. "Let's send an owl to ask Charlie's opinion first."

Hearing Hagrid finally let go, Harry and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

A week later, Harry finally received a letter from Charlie.

The letter stated that at midnight next Saturday, the Norwegian Ridgeback would be taken to the highest astronomical tower. The two parties would meet at the tower and take away Noble while it was dark.

Harry and the others were relieved to receive Charlie's reply. Especially Harry, who had been teased by Malfoy in all kinds of ways over the past few weeks, and he didn't even dare to dream when he went to bed at night.

Because Malfoy always appears in his dreams.

Saturday night, dark clouds gathered.

When everyone arrived at Hagrid's hut under cover of night, Hagrid had already put Norbert into a large crate, and everything was ready.

Hagrid prepared many mice and some brandy for Nob to make sure he had enough food along the way. He also put Norbert's teddy bear in the crate in case he got lonely

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