But it would be interesting if he knew.

Thirty thousand apostles not only overthrew the British Ministry of Magic, but also had the ability to unify the European magic world!

When the time comes, it will really be time to restore the glory of Grindelwald, and we are duty-bound!

Now Jerry's identity on Dumbledore's side is that of one of his own who has infiltrated the apostle organization, while on the apostle's side, Jerry is the devil who has just woken up and is temporarily dormant beside Dumbledore.

well! Although Jerry admits that his acting skills are okay, this kind of back-and-forth change in personality is really difficult.

Thinking of this, Jerry himself couldn't help but sigh, his life has just begun, why is he walking on thin ice!

Early the next morning, Jerry came to the Hogwarts hall and saw Harry, who was still a little out of sorts.

"Harry, you actually got up so early today! Looking at you like this, you went to the restricted area again last night? Didn't I tell you about the Sorcerer's Stone yesterday!"

Hearing Jerry's words, Harry shook his head and said, "I just learned last night that Snape will be the referee for the next Quidditch match!"

"Really! Congratulations!"

Ignoring Jerry's teasing, Harry sat on the chair and continued emo~

Looking at Harry, Jerry suddenly remembered what Catherine said yesterday. He was still responsible for the death of Harry's parents, right? After all, the apostle now seems to be his bastard!

well! What a sin!

After a while, Hermione, the biggest book master in Hogwarts, came over with Hatcher in her arms. There are still more than ten weeks until the semester ends, and Hermione is already preparing for the final exam!

"Jerry, please lend me your Transfiguration and Charms notes later. I want to compare them with my own notes in case I miss anything!"

Everyone: "..."

After Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Jerry and Hermione had just walked out of the classroom when they saw Trevor standing outside the classroom door.

Jerry didn't say hello to him, made an excuse, and returned to Slytherin's private room.

"Catherine, did I tell you last night not to let anyone come to me? If anything happens, I will come to you?"

Looking at Jerry's serious expression, Catherine said in a panic: "Sorry, Your Majesty, we didn't think carefully, but the soul regenerating potion you ordered last night has arrived!"

After speaking, Catherine picked up an exquisite small wooden box from the table and handed it to Jerry.

Jerry was also a little surprised, he didn't expect them to be so efficient.

After taking the wooden box, Jerry opened it and took a look. It was a glass bottle the size of a test tube, containing a silver-white liquid.

Is this the soul regenerating potion? Jerry thought to himself.

Although he didn't understand, Jerry still nodded pretendingly, and then said coldly: "This is just this one time and it won't be the same next time!"

"Also, I tell everyone that from now on, they are not allowed to call me Your Majesty, just call me... Black Wing!"

The title "Your Majesty" is too ostentatious. From now on, I will be called Black Wing in the apostle's vest!

And when the time comes, Dumbledore will also have to think of a name for the vest!

The next afternoon, the Quidditch match.

Almost everyone came to the scene, and Jerry was also pulled over by Hermione. However, the two of them did not go to the stands, but came to the top of the hillside where they watched the game last time.

Hermione, who was watching the Quidditch match with binoculars, asked: "Jerry's referee today is Professor Snape. Will Harry be in danger? Can Snape be trusted?"

"Of course, and if Snape really wanted to hex Harry, wouldn't it be better to do it secretly in the stands, why bother being the referee!"

After hearing Jerry's analysis, Hermione couldn't help but nodded, feeling that it made sense. Then, Hermione remembered the last time Jerry disappeared, so she said: "Jerry, you know that the last time you disappeared, I went to find Professor Snape, and he took me to find Dumbledore." The principal’s!”

"And afterwards, what I didn't expect was that Professor Snape, who always had a sharp tongue, actually comforted me." Hermione recalled the scene at that time, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Hermione, what kind of person do you think Professor Snape is?" Jerry asked curiously.

After hearing Jerry's question, Hermione thought for a while and then complained: "A... strange person!"

"Weird person?" Jerry asked with some confusion.

"Yes, Professor Snape always gives people a mysterious feeling, and his thoughts and actions are unpredictable." Hermione said, "And the tone and expression of his words always make people feel a little uncomfortable. Comfortable."

"Oh? Can you give an example?" Jerry asked curiously.

"For example, when he took me to find Principal Dumbledore, Snape didn't speak all the way, and just looked at me with that cold look. I didn't dare to talk to him anymore," Hermione said. "And that time when Professor Snape comforted me, although his tone was gentler, his expression was still so cold, which made people feel a little uncomfortable."

After hearing what Hermione said, Jerry smiled and said, "Snape is not weird, but arrogant!"

Looking at Hermione's confused expression, Jerry smiled and explained: "You may not understand it now, but you will understand what I mean in the future."

Hermione was speechless. Two days ago in the garden, Jerry had promised that he would never hide anything from her in the future. Only a few days later, he began to play tricks and transformed into the Riddler.

Looking at Hermione's cute face that was bulging like a bun because of anger, Jerry couldn't help but stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently. It was soft and felt very good.

However, as soon as Jerry's hand touched Hermione's face, Hermione jumped up as if she was electrocuted, her face turned red like a ripe apple.

Hermione angrily slapped Jerry's hand that was pinching her face away, glared at Jerry, and said dissatisfiedly: "Jerry, you are not allowed to pinch my face!"

"Sorry, Hermione, it's all my fault!" Seeing Hermione's angry look, Jerry realized that she was really angry and quickly apologized to her.

Fortunately, the little witch's fury is like a summer thunderstorm, swift but short-lived. Under Jerry's sweet words, her dissatisfaction disappeared into the air instantly like a flame extinguished by the spring rain.

Chapter 62 Defense Comes


"Harry Potter, he caught the Golden Snitch!"

"Merlin's beard! The Golden Snitch was caught less than five minutes after he appeared. This will be a new record!"

On the Quidditch field, deafening cheers came and went, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

After hearing the cheers of the Gryffindor students, Jerry said to Hermione: "Did you see that, I just said Snape is fine! What a smooth match!"

Hermione nodded doubtfully and followed Jerry to the arena.

Professor Dumbledore came to Harry early, and the two seemed to be talking in a low voice. Jerry didn't even have to guess, he was definitely feeding Harry chicken soup.

As Jerry and Hermione approached, Professor Dumbledore raised his head and glanced at them. His eyes were full of warmth and kindness, with a mysterious smile. He winked at Jerry quietly, as if to hint at something.

Jerry ignored this old naughty boy and old bee who didn't know what he was planning.

The arena was already filled with Gryffindor students, waving their arms excitedly and cheering loudly. This victory made them ecstatic, except for one person - Snape. He spat on the ground angrily, looked at Harry gloomily, then turned and left the field.

After dinner, Harry walked over to everyone in a panic from outside.

"Harry, where have you been?" Ron asked curiously when he saw Harry's panic.

"Neville and I gave the Slytherin gang a hard lesson this afternoon. I gave Malfoy a black eye." Ron said proudly, "Neville dealt with Crabbe and Goyle alone! But he still has In a coma, but don't worry, Madam Pomfrey said he'll be fine soon."

Harry interrupted Ron, his voice laced with urgency. "Don't worry about that for now. Let's find an empty room. I have something important to tell you!"

After everyone felt the tension and anxiety on Harry's face, they immediately stopped joking and followed him to an empty room.

After entering the room, Harry carefully checked every corner of the room again and made sure that Peeves was not in the room. He breathed a sigh of relief, then closed the door, turned to Jerry and said, "Sorry, Jerry. I know you trust Snape very much, but I have to tell you what I just saw."

"It's okay, Harry! Just tell me!"

Harry took a deep breath and then began: "I just saw Snape wearing a hood and sneaking into the Forbidden Forest while others were having dinner, so I followed him out of curiosity. I I found out that Snape was threatening Professor Quirrell and asking him to help him get the Sorcerer's Stone!"

After hearing what Harry said, Hermione hurriedly asked: "Are you sure? Did you read that correctly?"

"I'm sure! I'm definitely not wrong!" Harry replied decisively.

Hermione's mind was also in chaos now. On one side was Jerry's deep trust in Professor Snape, and on the other side was what Harry had seen with his own eyes. In the end, Hermione, who really couldn't figure it out, could only look at Jerry for help and wanted to hear his opinion.

However, what she never expected was that Jerry did not defend Snape. Instead, he urged Harry to hurry up. This move surprised Hermione. She looked at Jerry with some confusion, wondering why he behaved like this.

"As far as I know, the Philosopher's Stone will be transferred soon, so Harry, you have to hurry up!" Jerry's words surprised Harry. But Harry didn't think much about it. He thought Jerry believed what he just said and changed his view of Snape.

After Harry left, Hermione finally couldn't help but asked: "Jerry, don't try to lie to me. You didn't believe what Harry said just now. Why didn't you explain?"

"Why bother? Won't everything be clear soon?"


Hermione wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Jerry, "Okay, Hermione, don't worry about these worries, let's go to the library! Don't forget your final review plan."

Seeing Jerry's impatient look, Hermione sighed, swallowed what was in her heart, and then followed Jerry to the library.

Late at night, everything is silent.

After Jerry came out of the Room of Requirement, he did not immediately return to his dormitory. Instead, he walked under the moonlight to Catherine's private lounge.

He gently opened the door and walked into this mysterious room. The room is elegantly and comfortably furnished, full of Catherine's unique taste.

Jerry sat down on the sofa in the room, then looked up at Catherine standing in front of him.

Jerry took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts, and then said, "Kneel down first. I have something to discuss with you."

Catherine was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood what Jerry meant. She knelt down gracefully, lowered her head and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please give Catherine your orders."

"The Philosopher's Stone will not be stored in Hogwarts for too long, so before that, Voldemort and Harry Potter will definitely take action, and I will also follow Harry Potter. In the team.”

"Everything, I hope that Dumbledore will not be in Hogwarts on the day of the operation! Are you sure of that?"

As the theme of the first part of the "Harry Potter" series - the Philosopher's Stone, Jerry must also want to see its magic. But if Dumbledore was in school, he would definitely monitor every move in the room where the Philosopher's Stone was kept. It would be too much of a hindrance.

So Jerry planned to find some work for Dumbledore on the day of the operation to let him stretch his muscles. After all, he was old and sitting in an office for a long time was not good for his health.

After all, Jerry's surname is Grindelwald, and Dumbledore is considered the elder of his family. Jerry should be more filial and respectful!

After hearing Jerry's words, Catherine frowned slightly, and then said: "Understood, Your Majesty. I will inform my grandfather and the others right now! Let them find a way to lure Dumbledore out! It's just that Your Majesty, Dumbledore is not here, you Is it dangerous to face Voldemort alone?"

"I have my own plan!"

Of course Jerry is worried about Voldemort, but he certainly won't face Voldemort alone, and Harry is there too!

Harry has the magic left by his parents, and now he is just right to deal with the remaining blood of Voldemort!

By then, Dumbledore will not be at Hogwarts, and no one will be spying on him. Jerry will not be able to do whatever he wants by then. When Voldemort attacked him, Jerry knocked Harry unconscious and used it as a shield. This move is called Defense Coming!

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