"Goodbye, Norbert! Mummy will never forget you!" Hagrid said with tears in his eyes as he looked at the box.

When several people carried Nobel to the corridor on the lower floor of the astronomy tower, they suddenly heard a stern voice.

It was Professor McGonagall. She was grabbing Malfoy's ears and said sternly: "Ground confinement! And twenty points will be deducted from Slytherin!".

After saying that, he took Malfoy and left here, apparently going to find Snape.

Harry came out of the corner, looked at Malfoy and gloated: "Malfoy is going to be in solitary confinement!"

After reaching the top of the astronomy tower, about ten minutes later, four wizards rode their brooms and descended to the top of the tower from the darkness.

After a brief chat with everyone, Charlie's friend quickly tied the safety rope to the lock of the box to ensure that it would not fall. He waved goodbye to everyone, left Hogwarts with Norbert, and disappeared. in the dark.

After sending Norbert away, a big stone finally fell from everyone's hearts, and their mood was as light as their hands on the way back.

"Oops! We're in trouble!" As soon as Jerry and the others stepped into the corridor, they heard footsteps.

Jerry could no longer control Harry and the others, so he took Hermione's hand and ran away.

"I heard your voices, you can't run away!"

Ignoring Filch's words, Jerry pulled Hermione and ran down the astronomy tower until the two of them were exhausted, and then they found a corner and sat down panting.

"Hoo~ Jay, Jerry, hoho~ Harry and the others got lost. Hoo~"

"Huh~ Don't worry about them for now, uh~"

While panting, Jerry took out the Marauder's Map from his jacket pocket, opened it, and began to search for the locations of other people.

Sure enough, Harry, Ron and Neville were captured by Filch, and Snape and Professor McGonagall were also coming this way.

"This, this is?" Looking at the map in Jerry's hand, Hermione asked in surprise, "Jerry, how come you have such a thing!"

"The Marauder's Map, a Christmas gift from the Weasley twins. It's just that it's contraband. But as you know, Hermione, I've always abided by the school rules and never walked out at night. Today is the first time I've used it. !" Jerry said righteously, putting all the responsibility on the Weasley twins.

As for whether Hermione believed it or not, Jerry believed it anyway!

Hermione: "..."

"Follow me, Hermione!" Jerry held the Marauder's Map, deftly bypassed Snape and Professor McGonagall, and sent Hermione to the door of the Gryffindor common room.

"Hermione, go get some rest! We'll talk about anything tomorrow." Jerry reminded her gently.

"Yes! You should be careful on your way back!" Hermione nodded in agreement, then gave Jerry a warm hug, then woke up the Fat Lady, opened the door to the Gryffindor lounge, and walked in.

Chapter 65 I want the Elder Wand

"Good morning, everyone! Why did you get up so early today? It seems that you didn't escape Filch's hands last night!" Jerry looked at Harry, who was sitting at the long table in the hall with vacant eyes. , Ron and Neville asked jokingly.

"We basically didn't sleep last night!" Harry said angrily, "It's all Filch's cat's fault, otherwise we would have escaped long ago!"

Ron and Neville nodded helplessly.

"Jerry, the three of us were deducted a total of 150 points last night." Harry's voice revealed deep self-blame, "This morning, there were several Slytherin students cheering for us. ! Do you know how bad that feeling is!"

Seeing the three of them being so frustrated, Jerry secretly thought to himself that it seemed that they had not betrayed Hermione and himself.

Jerry tried to comfort the three Harrys, but it seemed that the effect was not obvious. They were still immersed in the sadness of self-blame. Jerry also realizes that he may not really be good at comforting others, especially about something like this.

Perhaps, he is better suited to comfort girls.

Things then spread like wildfire, and Harry Potter, the widely known and revered Harry Potter, hero of two Quidditch games, became the culprit for their loss of scores of points. . He, along with two other stupid first-year students, became the target of everyone.

Harry was once one of the most popular and admired figures in school, but now he has suddenly become the laughing stock of everyone.

Even the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students gave him a cold reception, as they had been looking forward to seeing Slytherin lose the House Cup.

No matter where Harry went, people would point fingers at him, and those insulting voices would not get lower as he approached.

On the other hand, whenever he passed by the Slytherin students, they always clapped loudly, whistled, and cheered: "You did us a big favor! Potter, thank you so much!" These sounds The sound pierced Harry's heart like a knife.

"Harry, stop blaming yourself. In a few weeks, they will forget all about this." Hermione looked at Harry who was looking down and comforted.

Looking at Harry who was blaming himself, Hermione could actually understand his painful mood. She tightly held the right hand of Jerry who was sitting next to her, and looked at Jerry with gratitude in her eyes.

Hermione couldn't imagine how she would face other Gryffindor students if she was caught and deducted fifty points.

Time soon came to the week before the exam. During this time, Harry and the others immersed themselves in review, allowing them to temporarily forget their worries.

It’s not like Jerry didn’t gain anything during this time!

The number of draws has almost reached fifty. Jerry plans to save up to 50 times before drawing again after this semester is over!

Not only that, Jerry also went crazy in the Room of Requirement every night, and finally reached Level 5 (0.51%) of Fiendfyre.

Far ahead!

Higher than Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) Level 4 (87.53%).

At the third level of the Fire Curse, Jerry was able to control the fire, and now he can do whatever he wants. Of course, the cost is that the curse practice area in the Room of Requirement is almost burned to the ground by his fire!

Stealing it in a few days... shouldn't be the time to protect the Philosopher's Stone. Give Voldemort a surprise. I hope he won't mess with Falk by then.

snort! Voldemort, can you stop the fierce fire I have been burning for months?

During dinner, Harry walked up to several people with a pale face and a hint of uneasiness.

"I just met Professor Quirrell again." Harry whispered, with a hint of trembling in his voice, "He is crying, and it seems that he has agreed to Snape's threat!"

"So, Snape finally succeeded!" Ron said in surprise, looking at Harry, "Then what should we do, Harry?"

Ron's eyes sparkled with adventure, as if expecting some exciting answers from Harry.

However, Hermione answered before Harry could.

"We should go find Professor Dumbledore. You can no longer act alone. If you are caught again, you will definitely be expelled from Hogwarts."

"And don't forget, there's a three-headed dog too!"

While several people were arguing, three notes appeared in front of Harry, Ron and Neville. They were surprised to open the note, which said the confinement of the three of them. The content was the same, and they were to go to the hall to find Filch at eleven o'clock tomorrow evening.

"Okay! I forgot, we can't even protect ourselves now!" Ron said with a wry smile.


As soon as Jerry came out of the Room of Requirement, he saw Dumbledore looking at him affectionately.

"Jerry, you are wandering at night again, which is against school rules!"

Jerry: "..."

"What do you want from me? Mr. Principal!" Jerry sighed and said, "I don't believe you will wait for me here if you have nothing to do!"

"Come with me, let's go to the principal's office to talk!"

After following Dumbledore to the principal's office and sitting down, Jerry complained: "Mr. Dumbledore, I think you should give me permission to enter the principal's office! I feel like I come to the principal's office as often as I do. It’s in the dormitory!”

Dumbledore smiled, and then said: "Jerry, this semester is almost over, the Sorcerer's Stone is about to be moved, and all forces are starting to take action!"

"So, I hope that in the end, you can help Harry!"

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Jerry frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

Of course he would help Harry. After all, he also wanted the Sorcerer's Stone. Dumbledore should have guessed this!

"So, the Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts is fake?" Jerry asked tentatively.

"You are really smart! You can think of the key points so quickly!" Dumbledore sighed and said, "The Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts is indeed a fake!"

Regarding Dumbledore's empty-handed behavior, Jerry felt a little speechless. Without the Sorcerer's Stone, it would be nothing!

Jerry originally planned to cut off Harry's magic stone! Anyway, Dumbledore promised Jerry not to interfere or stop him.

In order to prevent Dumbledore from going back on his word, Jerry even asked the apostles to find a way to lure Dumbledore away!

After spending so much effort, I only got a fake magic stone in the end! Old Deng! You are so awesome!

"Don't worry Jerry, Nico Flamel gave me an imitation of the Philosopher's Stone. It has the same effect as the Philosopher's Stone, but the number of uses is limited. The Philosopher's Stone cannot be given to you, but this imitation can be given to you. !”

"Of course, if you have any other needs, you can tell me!"

"I...I want the Elder Wand!"

Dumbledore: "..."

Chapter 66 Li Huo clears the way

"Jerry, something happened! I discovered a terrifying figure when I was in solitary last night. He was hunting unicorns!"

Early in the morning, Harry, Ron, and Neville ran to Jerry and told him what happened in the confinement last night.

Jerry secretly thought to himself, couldn't Voldemort see it, but he was still a loyal and honest person?

Voldemort paid the reward for the blood curse, but Jerry withheld the soul-regenerating potion, and even after such a long time, he never came to Jerry to ask for it! Instead, he went to the forbidden forest to hunt unicorns alone every day, risking discovery.

hiss! Thinking of this, Jerry suddenly felt that he was being a bit too much of a bully?

During exam week, the whole school is enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

As summer vacation approaches, the weather is extremely hot and muggy, as if even the air has become dull, which makes the large classroom where students answer questions even more uncomfortably hot.

Students sat in the classroom holding new quills given to them by their professors specifically for exams.

These quills are all cursed with anti-cheating spells, which prevents students from cheating through magic and ensures the fairness and impartiality of the exam.

In addition to written exams, Hogwarts exams also include practical exams.

Such as Charms, Transfiguration and Potions.

During the Charms exam, Professor Flitwick asked the students to walk into the classroom one by one, and then asked them to use magic to make a pineapple tap dance across a desk.

This task may seem simple, but it actually requires students to master certain magical skills and balance abilities.

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