Chapter 41 Food, just practice more

"It's so comfortable!"

Jerry and Hermione were leaning under a bare tree on the top of the slope, enjoying the warm winter sun.

Gradually, Jerry fell asleep in this comfortable and comfortable environment.

As the sun set, Jerry woke up from his sleep feeling a chill. He looked at Hermione who was leaning next to him and asked, "Is the game over? Hermione, why didn't you wake me up?"

Looking at Jerry who had just woken up from his sleep next to her, Hermione smiled and said: "The game has ended long ago. I just see that you are sleeping so soundly. I really can't bear to disturb you and want you to rest for a while."

After noticing that Hermione's little hands were a little red from the cold, Jerry couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He held Hermione's hands tightly, as if he wanted to convey his warmth in this way.

Jerry looked into Hermione's eyes and asked with concern: "Is it cold? Did you feel the temperature was a little low when you were resting here?"

Hermione shook her head slightly, her face flushed slightly, and her eyes focused on Jerry's hands holding her tightly.

The slightly cold hands began to warm up under Jerry's warm hold, and an indescribable feeling emerged in her heart.

Seeing the concerned look on Jerry's face, Hermione didn't feel repulsed, but instead felt secretly happy and even enjoying it.

At this time, Hermione could clearly feel Jerry's sincerity and care. It was an indescribable happiness that she had never experienced before.

"It's time to go back, the sun is setting!"


Hermione packed up her belongings, gently took Jerry's arm, and walked towards Hogwarts Castle.

On the path illuminated by the afterglow of the setting sun, two figures were left jumping and playing.

As soon as Jerry and Hermione stepped into the hall of Hogwarts, they were attracted by the lively scene in front of them.

Gryffindor students gathered here happily, celebrating happily, with ecstatic smiles on everyone's faces, as if this moment was their victory day.

Jerry couldn't help but think that they had never been as happy as they were today when they won the Academy Cup.

Meanwhile, in stark contrast to Gryffindor, are the students in the Slytherin area. They all lowered their heads, remained silent, and even stared in the direction of Gryffindor with some gritted teeth.

"Jerry, Hermione, you are finally here!"

When Harry, Ron and Neville saw Jerry and Hermione walking into the hall, they ran over. Harry hugged Jerry even more excitedly.

Harry said excitedly: "Jerry, I heard from Ron and the others. Thank you very much for saving my life today!"

"You're welcome, buddy!"

Although Jerry responded nonchalantly, he still felt a little resentful towards this tool man in his heart. Even if I didn't save you, Dumbledore wouldn't let anything happen to you.

Although his friends celebrated in the hall, Jerry did not join them.

Jerry took Hermione's hand and quietly left the crowd and came to the other end of the long table. It is relatively quiet there, without the hustle and bustle in the middle of the hall, so people can enjoy their food in peace.

The long table is filled with various delicacies, and the aroma is overflowing. After Jerry and Hermione sat down, they began to taste the food.

Jerry picked up a piece of barbecue with a cutlery and chewed it in his mouth. The tenderness of the meat and the perfect grilling made Jerry have endless aftertaste. At the same time, the two also tasted various side dishes and desserts, and each bite made them feel satisfied and happy.

The house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen are definitely not native to Britain!

"Hi Jerry!"

"Neville? Why didn't you celebrate with Harry and the others?"

"I came here to remind you about Snape and the Malfoy family. I remember grandma once mentioned to me that the Malfoy family are all Death Eaters."

"I don't know if Snape knows about the fact that the Malfoy family is having an affair with the Death Eaters, but Snape is very close to the Malfoy family, so you have to be extra careful in Slytherin House."

Hearing Neville's words, Hermione also agreed with some worry: "Yes, Jerry. I didn't want to believe it at first, but Snape's behavior today is really suspicious."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Jerry comforted softly.

After dinner, Jerry and Hermione prepared to go back to their dormitories to rest.

Before leaving, Hermione was still a little worried. She said worriedly: "Jerry, I still feel a little worried. To ensure your safety, I suggest that you go to the Gryffindor boys' lounge with Neville and the others to rest."

Seeing the uneasy look on the little witch's face, Jerry gave Hermione a hug, let her head rest on his shoulder, and then whispered in her ear: "Don't worry, Hermione, I promise you, You will definitely pay attention to your own safety.”

"Look, who is here? Isn't this Slytherin's good student, the good boy Jerry Green?"

As soon as Jerry stepped into the Slytherin lounge, he noticed an unusual atmosphere. The atmosphere here was obviously more tense than usual. A group of senior students headed by Quidditch players gathered here.

It seems like these people are waiting for me!

Marcus and the others had long been unhappy with Jerry Green. A wizard from a Muggle family, even if he entered Slytherin, he actually hung out with Gryffindor people all day long!

Jerry was not touched by the ridicule just now, but looked at them calmly and said calmly: "We lost the Quidditch match, so you are unhappy and want to trouble me?"

"Cook, just practice more!"

"Shut up!" Marcus was taunted by Jerry's words and cursed loudly: "You are a shame of Slytherin, dirty mud..."

"Shut up, Marcus, do you want to die?"

Before Marcus could finish his words, a cold voice suddenly appeared, interrupting his curse.

Pity! Jerry thought to himself, and then put back the wand he had half taken out.

After everyone heard the sound, they looked towards the back of the crowd.

It's him, Trevor Shakur!

Trevor Shacklebolt ignored the presence of others and strode to the front of the crowd. With a smile on his face, he bowed to Jerry.

However, the smiling mask did not last long, but quickly became serious, staring at Marcus and the others coldly.

After seeing that the person coming was Trevor Shacklebolt, Jerry immediately turned around and left the Slytherin common room without stopping.

People like Trevor Shakur were so mysterious, and Jerry was sure they were spying on him.

This insecurity of prying eyes and threats made him very uncomfortable.

So before he was unable to kill them all, Jerry thought it would be better to avoid them as much as possible!

Chapter 42 Hermione’s Invitation

"Why? Mr. Shacklebolt, why would you help a mudblood?" Marcus asked reluctantly.

Hearing Marcus' question, Trevor Shakur said coldly: "Ms. Ferris asked me to tell you that if you dare to disrespect Mr. Jerry Green again, she will personally send everyone in your family to hell. Reunion!”

Ignoring everyone's reaction, Trevor Shacklebolt left here with a cold warning.

In the private lounge, Trevor Shacklebolt stood respectfully at the door and said humbly to the people inside: "Ms. Feres, I have warned Marcus and the others, and Your Majesty has returned to his dormitory."

The people in the room were silent for a moment, and then a cold voice sounded: "Very good, continue to monitor Marcus's actions. I don't want any accidents to happen."

"Do you just need surveillance? Do you need to..."

"Don't create unnecessary complications. Time is on our side. You just need to ensure that Marcus and the others don't disturb Your Majesty. You can leave the rest to Your Majesty yourself!"

Monday, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After Jerry glanced at Quirrell, he turned to Harry and asked: "Harry, have you asked Hagrid? The three-headed dog is not easy to deal with!"

"We asked, but Hagrid said it was a secret and he couldn't tell us. But we got a name from Hagrid, it seems to be... Nico, Nico Flamel, is that the name?"

"Jerry, Hermione, do you two know who this person is?"

Hermione shook her head and said, "Maybe we could check it out in the library!"

Jerry said: "Nicholas Flamel, I seem to have heard of this name! Let me think about it!"

When Harry and others heard what Jerry said, they all looked at him expectantly.

After thinking for a while, Jerry said: "It seems to be related to alchemy. Harry, you can go to the library and borrow some books on alchemy. It's best to bring them out, and we can help you find them together!"

After hearing Jerry's answer, Harry nodded excitedly and said, "Jerry, you are so awesome. You know everything. I'll go as soon as get out of class is over!"

Seeing Harry's excitement, the corners of Jerry's mouth raised slightly.

Right, that is it! Harry, come on! Help me get the book on forbidden alchemy out of the restricted area early!

After class, Jerry, who was packing his things, glanced at Quirrell, who was thoughtfully above the podium, and cursed to himself, what a waste snack.

I’ve already reminded you so clearly, why don’t you hurry up and find Hagrid!

Voldemort is even more of a waste, what kind of people are he looking for!

Time flies, and it’s mid-December in a blink of an eye.

Christmas is coming, and Hogwarts school is immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

During this time, Jerry lived a comfortable campus life.

Jerry was originally prepared to be attacked by Marcus and others, but now it seems that he underestimated the strength and influence of Trevor Shacklebolt and others.

One cold morning, Hogwarts School was covered with thick snow, like a white fairy tale world.

The lake was frozen solid, and a quiet piece of ice reflected the blue sky.

On this cold morning, the Weasley twins were punished for a naughty prank.

They enchanted several snowballs to make them agile and cunning, and then chased Professor Quirrell around wildly.

In the end, a snowball hit Professor Quirrell hard on the back of the head, leaving him in a panic.

As this holiday season approaches, everyone can’t wait to relax and enjoy the warmth of home.

Afternoon, potions class.

Although there were blazing fires in the lounge and auditorium, it felt like we were in a warm spring, but the corridor with the howling draft was as cold as ice. Every gust of wind penetrated the clothes, making people shiver with cold.

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