The worst thing is that Professor Snape's Potions class is held in the underground classroom, where the temperature seems to be lower than elsewhere, and the cold hangs around everyone like a ghost.

When students are in class in the underground classroom, as long as they take a breath, a cloud of white mist will immediately form in front of them, as if they have entered another world of ice and snow.

Students feel extremely stressed every time they attend Professor Snape's class.

In addition to enduring the cold, they also have to face Professor Snape's strict teaching requirements and ruthless grading.

This made the students who were already shivering from the cold feel even colder.

Jerry concentrated on cutting the medicinal materials with a silver knife, his technique was skillful and precise. Hermione stood by the heated cauldron, bringing her cold hands close to her, and the warm heat enveloped her, making her feel somewhat comfortable.

After Jerry had processed all the medicinal ingredients, he looked at Hermione with a blushing face and said with a smile, "You can start brewing the potion!"

After hearing Jerry's words, Hermione nodded, put the potion into the crucible according to the steps, and controlled the heat while stirring.

"Jerry, are you going to stay in school or go back to the orphanage during Christmas vacation?"

"I don't plan to stay in school. I plan to go back to the orphanage."

Hermione was very excited when she heard Jerry's words, and she said happily: "That's great, Jerry! I won't stay at Hogwarts during the holidays, and we can take the train back together."

"I will introduce my parents to you then. Jerry, you are so good, they will definitely like you!"

Hermione continued: "Jerry, there are several days during the Christmas vacation. Can I invite you to my house then? Don't worry about transportation. I can ask my dad to drive to pick you up!"

Seeing the anticipation in Hermione's eyes, Jerry nodded gently and accepted her invitation.

"That's great, Jerry..."

"You two, although I really don't want to disturb you, the potion in the crucible is almost boiling!"

Jerry and Hermione were so focused on their conversation that they didn't even notice the potion in the crucible until Snape appeared next to them and reminded them.

After hearing Snape's words, Jerry and Hermione reacted and quickly controlled the flames and lowered the temperature.

Seeing Jerry and Hermione in a hurry, Snape said sarcastically to Jerry: "Mr. Green, I don't think you are smart enough to chat while brewing potions. Do you know that this time?" very dangerous!"

Jerry: "..."

"Sorry, Professor Snape, I just took the initiative to talk to Jerry..."

Snape ignored Hermione's words and turned around and left!

Jerry shrugged and said to Hermione: "It doesn't matter, Hermione. That's Snape's character. At least he didn't deduct college points this time!"

"This is all your fault, Jerry. You are from Slytherin. Snape will definitely not deduct points from his own house!"

Chapter 43 Dementors

"I feel really bad for some people because they have to spend Christmas at Hogwarts."

"Their hearts must be filled with the pain of being abandoned by their families! They cannot be reunited with their loved ones, nor feel the warmth of home. Whenever the Christmas bell rings, they will definitely feel the deep loneliness and forgotten feeling. Be miserable!”

Malfoy's eyes were fixed on Harry as he spoke, with an indescribable malice.

Crabbe and Goyle snickered on the sidelines, and the two followers followed suit and echoed Malfoy's sarcasm.

Harry was concentrating on his potions and ignored them.

Draco Malfoy's attitude towards Harry Potter has become increasingly gloomy since the Quidditch match.

He originally thought that Potter would be embarrassed in that game, but it turned out to be the opposite. Harry not only successfully counterattacked, but also led the Gryffindor team to defeat Slytherin.

This made Malfoy full of frustration, and full of envy and jealousy towards Harry, so he had no choice but to laugh at Harry's family.

After hearing Malfoy's words, Ron cleared his throat and said loudly: "Harry, you performed so well in the last Quidditch match!" Then he paused deliberately and glanced. Malfoy glanced at him with a provocative smile on his lips.

Of course Harry understood Ron's intention. He said calmly: "It's not too difficult. After all, Slytherin is not a strong enemy." His words were full of confidence and calmness, as if he didn't take his opponent seriously. inside.

Ron saw this and lost no time in mocking: "Harry, you are only in the first year, but you are the first first year student to participate in Quidditch. Some people are so jealous that they are going crazy, but it is useless. Why are they not as talented as you! Malfoy, you think so?"

The words between the two of them were like sharp swords, piercing directly into Malfoy's heart.

Harry and Ron felt a sense of joy in their hearts as they watched Malfoy gnashing his teeth and eyes gushing with anger.

"If you make any noise in my class again, I will kick you all out!"

Snape's voice suddenly sounded next to several people, making them all startled. Harry and Malfoy both shrank their necks in unison and immediately became quiet.

After Snape walked away, Harry whispered to Ron: "I really hate Snape and Malfoy!"

Time flies by like a flash, and before we know it, it’s Christmas vacation.

Jerry packed his luggage early and came to the Great Hall to look for Hermione.

The auditorium has long been decorated, the lights on the Christmas tree are shining, and the air is filled with the warm atmosphere of the fire. Jerry looked for Hermione in the crowd. He knew that Hermione must have arrived here early.

Not long after, he saw Hermione, standing next to the Christmas tree, smiling at him. There was a faint blush on her face, shining with anticipation. Jerry felt a warm feeling in his heart, and he walked towards Hermione, their eyes meeting in the air.

"Hermione, you look so beautiful today," Jerry said with a smile.

"Thank you, Jerry." Hermione replied with the same smile, "You look good too."

After Jerry took the luggage from Hermione, he said goodbye to Harry and others who were playing wizard chess on the long table.

"Goodbye, Harry, Ron, Neville, and don't forget to go to the library to look for alchemy books during the holidays. If you need anything, write to me and ask the owl to send it to me!"

Before leaving, Jerry urged Harry. Christmas was here and Harry was about to receive the Invisibility Cloak. It was time to take a stroll in the Restricted Book Zone.

Jerry and Hermione dragged their luggage to the busy station, where the Hogwarts Express was already waiting.

Just as the two were about to get on the bus, a familiar and loud voice suddenly echoed over the station.

"Take your luggage, get on the bus in an orderly manner, and pay attention to your feet!"

Hearing this voice, Jerry immediately looked not far away and saw Hagrid's tall figure standing there.

Jerry waved to Hagrid on the platform and said loudly: "Goodbye, Hagrid! I wish you a happy Christmas!"

"Goodbye, Jerry! You should also enjoy this holiday and Merry Christmas!" Hagrid responded in his characteristic deep voice.

Seeing Hagrid waving to them, Jerry and Hermione smiled knowingly, hurriedly packed their luggage, and boarded the Hogwarts Express in an orderly manner.

After the two got on the bus, Jerry started looking for a suitable car. Fortunately, he soon found an empty car.

Jerry seized the time and quickly packed his and Hermione's luggage. Not long after, the train started and slowly drove out of the station towards King's Cross Station in London.

The carriage is spacious and comfortable, covered with soft carpets, and the scenery outside the window constantly changes as the train moves.

Perhaps it was because the car was warm and comfortable, making people relax unconsciously. Not long after getting in the car, Hermione felt a strong sense of sleepiness. She leaned gently on Jerry's shoulder and fell asleep quietly.

Jerry felt Hermione's breathing, and a soft emotion surged in his heart.

He carefully adjusted his posture to ensure that Hermione could rest comfortably, and then quietly stared at the changing scenery outside the window and listened to the sound of the train. In this calm and comfortable environment, Jerry gradually felt Deeply sleepy.

It was getting dark, and Jerry woke up with a chill that penetrated his body.

After taking a look at Hermione who was curled up in a ball next to him, he patted her shoulder and called softly: "Wake up, Hermione!"

Hermione slowly opened her eyes, yawned, and then suddenly sneezed, a puff of white air coming out of her mouth.

The cold air around her stung her hands like needles.

After rubbing her hands together in an attempt to restore some warmth to her body, Hermione looked up at Jerry and found that he was frowning.

Hermione felt a little confused and surprised. The temperature in the carriage usually didn't drop so quickly.

"Why did the carriage get so cold?" Hermione asked, a hint of confusion in her voice.

After glancing at the window that was starting to freeze, Jerry realized that the temperature inside the car was continuing to drop sharply, and he was about to get up and go out to check the situation.

After slowly opening the hallway door, a gust of cold wind blew in my face.

As soon as Jerry walked out of the carriage aisle door, he heard a shrill scream coming from the front.

The sound was like a sharp knife cutting across the ice, making people feel their hearts tremble.

Before Jerry could react, a figure wearing a black robe, like a ghost coming out of hell, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Dementors! !

Chapter 44 Blood-red right eye

"Stay in the car and don't come out!"

The moment Jerry saw the Dementor, he reacted extremely quickly and immediately closed the hallway door to ensure Hermione's safety.

Then, Jerry quickly took out his wand from his pocket and stared at the dementors with burning eyes. A tense atmosphere filled the air, as if indicating the coming of a fierce battle.

After Hermione saw Jerry taking out his wand with a solemn expression, she also realized that there was danger in the carriage, so she took out her wand and observed the situation outside through the glass door.

When Hermione saw the dementors outside, she was so frightened that she took several steps back.

It was a fear that came from the bottom of her heart and made her feel powerless.

Taking a few deep breaths, Hermione tried to suppress her urge to rush out to help and forced herself to stay calm.

She knew that Jerry knew the Patronus Charm, and going out now would only cause trouble for Jerry and distract him.

Hermione clutched her wand tightly, praying silently in her mind. She believed in Jerry's ability and believed that he would be able to successfully use the Patronus Charm to defeat the Dementors.

Now, all she could do was stay calm and trust Jerry.

"Expecto Patronum"

Jerry's wand emitted a warm light, and a silver-white Patronus flew out of the light at the front of the wand and rushed towards the Dementor.

After being illuminated by the light of the patron saint, the dementor let out a scream and took a few steps back.

Jerry would not miss this opportunity. The pupil of his right eye was flashing with blood-red light, and the Raven Patronus also bloomed with an even brighter white light above Jerry's head.

The brilliance was like the stars in the midsummer night sky, brilliant and hot, dispelling the coldness and darkness around it.

The dementor let out a shrill scream, and then tried to use its dark power to resist the attack of the silver-white patron saint.

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