"Besides, Snape is Jerry's headmaster. You will make things difficult for Jerry by saying this."

Harry looked at Hermione in disbelief and said, "Are you...sure that Jerry is the one in danger?"

Jerry patted Hermione's hand gently and comforted: "It's okay, and haven't you seen my strength?"

"Harry, are you sure that Snape wants to steal the items guarded by the three-headed dog? Snape is not as bad as you think, and he will definitely not do such a thing!"

After hearing this, Hermione nodded and said, "I agree with Jerry. Although Snape always makes trouble for us, I still don't believe that he would steal something that Dumbledore had specially hidden and carefully guarded."

Although Jerry and Hermione tried their best to explain to Snape, they still did not dispel Harry and others' suspicion of Snape.

Jerry said: "Harry, I think you should first find out what items the three-headed dog is guarding? Here's a tip for you, ask Hagrid. If there is a magical animal like a three-headed dog in the castle, Hagrid must Know!"

Hearing Jerry's words, Harry and others' eyes lit up and they said, "Jerry, you are so smart!"

Hermione shook her head and said, "Harry, you should prepare for tomorrow's game first!"

The next morning it was clear and cold.

The restaurant was filled with the tempting aroma of grilled sausages. Students, including professors, were talking with great anticipation about the upcoming Quidditch match. The atmosphere was warm and cheerful.

Except Jerry!

"Harry, you have to eat some breakfast, there's a game later!"

Harry said nervously: "No, Ron, I really have no appetite."

"Harry, you need to maintain sufficient physical strength." Seamus Finnigan said, "The seeker is usually the key figure in the opponent's tight defense."

Hearing Seamus' words, Harry reluctantly ate some toast.

As time went by, eleven o'clock came quietly.

At this time, almost all students and professors had arrived early in the stands around the Quidditch pitch.

Especially the Gryffindor and Slytherin students, they rushed to watch.

"Neville, have you seen Jerry?"

Hermione searched around the stands of Slytherin and Gryffindor several times, but could not see Jerry.

Neville said: "Jerry? I didn't see it. Isn't he with you?"

Hermione shook her head and said, "Save a place for me and Jerry, and I'll go find him!"

After saying that, he turned around and left the Gryffindor stand, running quickly towards the castle.

As soon as they entered the castle auditorium, they saw Jerry sitting alone on a long table, holding a book in his hand and reading.

"Jerry, why are you still reading here? The Quidditch match is about to start. Come with me!"

After saying that, Hermione took Jerry's hand and ran out eagerly.

Looking at Hermione who was out of breath from running, Jerry said: "Hermione, please sit down and rest for a while. And as you know, I'm not interested in Quidditch."

Hermione felt a little disappointed after hearing Jerry's words.

She originally wanted to persuade Jerry again, hoping that he could accompany her to watch the Quidditch match.

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly came from behind, and both Hermione and Jerry were startled.

Chapter 40 Jerry is afraid of heights

"If you two don't go to the Quidditch match, what are you doing here?"

A cold voice came from behind Hermione and Jerry.

The two turned around and saw Snape looking at them with a gloomy expression.

Jerry explained: "Professor Snape, you know I...Okay, let's go to the arena right away!"

Under Snape's threatening gaze, before Jerry could finish his words, he immediately changed his words, took Hermione's hand and ran towards the Quidditch field.

"Jerry, aren't you interested in Quidditch?"

Hermione asked doubtfully on the way.

Jerry said: "I really don't like Quidditch, but Hermione, haven't you always wanted to come to the game? Of course I'm here to accompany you!"

Hearing Jerry's words, Hermione couldn't help but feel a burst of inexplicable joy in her heart, and then smiled and said: "Jerry, you are so kind!"

Soon, Jerry followed Hermione to the Gryffindor stand, where Neville gave them a seat with a wide view.

The Gryffindor little lions around looked at Jerry's arrival and did not show any discomfort. Everyone was used to it.

This, the stands are a bit high!

After arriving at the stands, Jerry swallowed and held Hermione's hand tightly, not daring to look down the stands.

Yes, Jerry is afraid of heights, which is an important reason why he doesn't like flying broomsticks.

Seeing that Jerry's face looked strange, Hermione asked with concern: "Jerry, are you... afraid of heights?"

After hearing Hermione's words, Jerry didn't speak, but just forced a smile and nodded slightly in response.


Looking at Jerry who was pale due to excessive tension and holding her hand tightly, for some reason, Hermione felt that Jerry was cute at this moment.

Although the usual Jerry is also very good, he sometimes seems overconfident and proud. In comparison, the current Jerry is better, so well-behaved!

Hermione comforted her softly: "It's okay, Jerry, don't be afraid. Just hold my hand tightly."

Unlike Jerry and Hermione who were quiet, Ron and Neville were extremely excited.

In order to surprise Harry, Ron and Neville came up with a brilliant plan.

They find a sheet stained by Ron's pet rat Scabbers and paint a giant banner in bright paint.

The handwriting on the banner was vigorous and powerful, saying "Potter will win".

Dean, who is good at drawing, also cleverly drew a majestic Gryffindor lion underneath the banner.

After a few people hung up the banner, not long after, the Quidditch players from both sides entered the field, and deafening cheers and cheers came from the surrounding stands.

Ms. Huo Qi is standing in the middle of the court holding a broomstick. She is the referee of today's game.

After both players were ready, Ms. Huo Qi blew her silver whistle and the game officially began.

"I've borrowed it, let it go, I've borrowed it~"

Not long after the game started, a tall figure came to Jerry's side.

"Hello, Hagrid!"

Hearing Jerry greet him, Hagrid said with a smile on his face: "Hello, little guys!"

Jerry and the others stepped aside to make room for the big guy like Hagrid.

Picking up the telescope hanging on his chest and seeing Harry still searching around the field, Hagrid asked: "The Golden Snitch hasn't appeared yet, has he?"

Several people shook their heads, and Ron said: "Not yet, Harry is also waiting for the Golden Snitch."

While several people were talking, the Golden Snitch appeared on the Quidditch field.

Harry and Slytherin's Seeker Terrence Higgs both spotted it and both swooped towards the Snitch.

But Harry obviously overestimated the quality of the players on the opposite side. Slytherin's Quidditch captain Marcus Flint deliberately rushed towards Harry, almost knocking him off his broom.

The audience in the surrounding stands, except for Slytherin, the students from the other three houses were all mouthing sweet scents.

"Slytherin is despicable cheating!" Ron shouted loudly behind Jerry.

Unfortunately, Quidditch is not a football game. You can only take free kicks, but there is no way to send players off the field.

The free throw is over and the game continues!

Everything was going to go wrong for Harry today.

Not long after, Harry lost control of his broom, shaking and twitching wildly in the air, trying to throw him down.

Just like that, the broomstick, which was twitching and twisting wildly, gradually took Harry away from the arena, flying higher and farther.

Everyone also discovered the problem, and Ron said anxiously: "Did the impact just now break Harry's broom?"

Hagrid shook his head and said: "Impossible. Except for powerful black magic, nothing can interfere with the normal operation of a flying broomstick."

Hearing Hagrid's words, Hermione looked at Snape with the telescope, and then said to Jerry with a look of disbelief: "Jerry, I saw that Snape seemed to be saying something in his mouth!"

Seeing Hermione say this, Jerry immediately said: "Then let's go down quickly, and then find a way to stop Snape's 'conspiracy'!"

Professor Snape, well done! Thank God, I can finally go down!

After hearing this, Hermione nodded and led Jerry quickly down the stand.

After reaching the ground, Jerry breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione asked anxiously: "Jerry, how are we going to stop Snape?"

"follow me!"

The two came to Snape's stand. Jerry bumped Quirrell deliberately, then squatted down, pulled out his wand, and set Snape's robe on fire.

With Snape's exclamation, Harry's broom finally returned to normal.

After the two completed the task, Hermione patted her chest and said, "It was a close call. We were almost discovered. But Jerry, I really can't figure out why Snape wanted to harm Harry?"

Jerry did not explain to Hermione, nor did he expose Quirrell. After all, he also wanted to see the Philosopher's Stone.

It's just a pity that I may still be monitored by Dumbledore, and there is no way to take out the Sorcerer's Stone from the Mirror of Erised, but fortunately, I have a tool man.

"Are we still going up to watch the game?"

Hermione looked at Jerry's reluctant look, pointed to the hillside next to him, and said with a smile: "Forget it, I brought a telescope, let's go to the top of the hillside next to us and take a look!"

Jerry looked in the direction of Hermione's finger and found that the location was ideal and the view was wide, so he nodded and agreed to her proposal.

Just like that, Jerry took the initiative to hold Hermione's hand, and Hermione tacitly understood it and showed no resistance.

The two of them came to the top of the deserted slope together, found a clean place to sit down, and looked at the competition in the distance.

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