Ye Ting’s first stop was Madam Malkin’s robe store, which was very famous – at least that’s what Professor McGonagall said.

He seriously suspected that this store had signed a cooperation contract with Hogwarts, just like the teachers in his previous life who designated school uniform manufacturers.

Here, he customized two sets of clothes for himself for all seasons, including school uniform robes, leather shoes, wool sweaters, shirts and scarves.

Madam Malkin waved her wand lightly, and several sets of measuring tapes placed next to her seemed to be given life, automatically surrounding Ye Ting and measuring his size.

At the same time, several robes of different styles also floated onto Ye Ting, and according to his body shape, styles were made for him.

After putting on the clothes he tried on, Ye Ting on the measuring table suddenly made people’s eyes light up.

Ye Ting was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans before, which was also very handsome, but too casual.

But now he is completely different. His handsome face with sharp edges and slender figure, coupled with the robes in the store, exudes an elegant and noble temperament, which perfectly fits the image of a handsome young wizard in people’s impression.

“Oh, what a handsome child!”Mrs. Mokin stood aside, with her arms around her chest, looking Ye Ting up and down,”You are the new student this year, right?”

Ye Ting felt a little uncomfortable under the gaze of Mrs. Mokin.

It was rumored that she was a widow whose husband died early and she ran this famous store alone.

“Yes, ma’am. How much is it in total?” He tried to change the subject and asked about the price.

“The original price is 13 Galleons and 5 Sickles, but since you are so pretty, I will give you a discount, only 10 Galleons will be enough.”

Madam Malkin winked at him,”I can help you deliver the clothes to your home after they are made, of course, if you want to pick them up in the store, that’s fine too.”

Ye Ting sighed, and reluctantly took out 10 gold coins and handed them to the other party,”Please send them to your home.”

Madam Malkin looked at his departing back, a trace of disappointment flashing in her eyes.

Next, Ye Ting decided to buy a wand.

In fact, Ye Ting was not sure whether he really needed a wand.

After all, all his magic had been performed with the Eye of God on the ring on his right hand.

Whether it was creating fire or playing tricks with space, these spells were inherited from Linny. When he performed these spells through the Eye of God, he didn’t even need to chant.

In the eyes of Professor McGonagall, this scene became a superb wandless and silent casting skill, and Ye Ting became an unprecedented genius.

But Ye Ting knew in his heart that he was not as gifted as Professor McGonagall imagined.

He could do so much, all from the inheritance of [Eye of God·Black-spotted Cat], but what about outside the scope of inheritance?

He still had to learn the magic of this world from scratch, and Linny obviously did not have much talent in this regard.

“Maybe I, a so-called ‘genius’, will just be lost in the crowd at Hogwarts, becoming an ordinary wizard who is only good at casting spells without a wand.”Ye Ting thought self-deprecatingly.

But no matter what, even if he has the divine eye, he should at least buy a wand to show off.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting came to the door of Ollivander’s Wand Shop.

This wand shop is the only one in Diagon Alley. The store is small and shabby, but it has a profound historical heritage.

The golden sign on the door is a little peeling, but the words on it can still be clearly seen:”Olivander: Making fine wands since 382 BC”.

In the dusty window, a lonely wand lay quietly on the faded purple cushion.

Ye Ting pushed open the dirty door.

“”Good morning.” A soft voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Ting turned around and saw a thin old man standing behind him.

He nodded:”Good morning, Mr. Ollivander. I’m here to buy a wand.”

“Ah, yes, I know I will see you soon, Ye Ting.”

Olivander said as he took out his magic ruler,”You look like your father. Back then, he also bought his first wand here, and that scene seemed to be just yesterday.……”

Ollivander was stunned when he was talking.

Ye Ting was also stunned. He looked at him in confusion:”Mr. Ollivander, if I remember correctly, I am an orphan.”

“”Uh… is that so?”

Ollivander seemed a little embarrassed and stammered in response.

He quickly took out a piece of parchment from his robe, glanced at it, and quickly put it back.

At this moment, Ye Ting relied on the magician’s eyesight to write down the information on the parchment.

It seemed to record a string of names, and behind each name was the name of the relatives and their wand information.……

“It seems that my eyes are blurry and I saw it wrong… Oh no, I remembered it wrong.……”Ollivander coughed awkwardly twice, trying to cover up his mistake,”Um, um, Mr. Ye, which hand do you usually use?”

“Oh, I’m right-handed.”

Perhaps because of the incident just now, Ollivander was particularly silent during the following measurement process, and did not say classic lines such as”The wand chooses the wizard” or”I remember every wand I sell.”

“Mr. Ye, try this one.”

Olivander quickly finished the measurement, took out a wand from the paper box hanging from the ceiling, took out the wand and handed it to Ye Ting,”Grapevine wood, the core is snake nerve, nine inches long, light and sharp.”

Ye Ting took the slightly short wand, and in an instant, he felt the magic power in his body surge violently like a wild horse.

Mr. Ollivander quickly tried to take back the wand, but it was too late. A dazzling spark lit up and instantly ignited the cabinet next to him.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!”Ye Ting apologized hurriedly

“It’s okay, kid, it’s not your fault – it’s back to normal!”

Olivander waved his hand calmly, without even using his wand, the flame went out, obviously he was used to this situation.

He pulled out another wand, which was covered with strange black lines.

“Come and try this one, made of apple wood and dragon nerve, eleven and a quarter inches long and very flexible. Come on, kid, wave it and see!”

Ye Ting waved the magic wand as he was told, and another group of brilliant sparks burst out, exactly the same as the scene just now.

“It seems that this one is not suitable for you either.”A trace of disappointment flashed in Ollivander’s eyes, but he soon became excited again.

He had not met such a picky customer for a long time.

In the next hour, Ollivander kept turning out various wands from the piles of cartons for Ye Ting to try.

He mechanically took the wand handed over by Ollivander at a speed of almost one wand every ten seconds, waved it, took it again, and waved it again. Hundreds of cartons were piled up around him and Ollivander in a mess.

Ye Ting felt his arms aching and he could hardly lift them.

More importantly, there were only a few cartons left on the ceiling.

The expression of the wand-making master also changed from the original enthusiasm to frowning, muttering to himself:”How is it possible? How is it possible?”

Ye Ting knew why he was like that.

Logically, when the Laughing Wizard was testing wands, different wands would produce all kinds of strange magical effects, and as an experienced wand-making master, Ollivander could judge which wand was more suitable for the little wizard by observing these magical reactions.

But this time, his proud identification skills were completely ineffective.

Because no matter how Ye Ting waved the wand, it would only produce one effect – a ball of colorful sparks.

There was no other reaction.

This weird scene almost made him doubt his life.

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