“What on earth is going on here?” Ollivander looked at Ye Ting with increasingly weird eyes,”I’ve seen so many little wizards, but you are definitely the most special one.”

By now, Ye Ting had gradually figured it out.

Just as he had guessed, with the Eye of God guiding the magic power for him, he could cast spells directly without the wand, and the amplification brought by the wand was just better than nothing.

But Ollivander didn’t know this, and Ye Ting was worried that if he continued to try, his abnormality might attract the other party’s excessive attention.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ye Ting decided to give him a manual feedback.

When Ollivander handed him a wand again, Ye Ting waved it lightly, muttering in his mouth:”Dazzling Lights trick.”

Instantly, the combat skill of [Eye of God – Cat] was activated.

Above the two people’s heads, a flame that was more gorgeous and dazzling than before suddenly bloomed, like a grand fireworks show indoors, with ribbons and glare intertwined, so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

But behind the gorgeous”fireworks” was terrible destructive power.

As the fireworks splashed, all the places touched by the glare and ribbons quickly caught fire. In a short moment, the entire Ollivander’s Wand Shop was on fire everywhere.

“”Stop it, Mr. Ye!” Ollivander screamed in panic,”You’ll destroy all the wands here!”

“Ah, sorry!”Ye Ting also realized that he had played too much. He quickly put down his wand and watched Ollivander running around, using the”Clear Water Like Spring” spell, and finally put out the fire before it got out of control.

Then, he looked tiredly at this weird little wizard.

“Well, well, it looks like you’ve found the wand that works for you. But how is that possible?……”

He still couldn’t believe it.”Rosewood, the core is thunderbird tail feathers, thirteen inches long, quite flexible wand… but how is it possible? Why is it this one?……”

Ye Ting put away the wand with satisfaction and asked,”How much does this wand cost?”

“Eight Galleons, Mr. Ye. Your magic power is truly amazing. I hope you can make good use of this wand.”

Ye Ting handed over eight Galleons. When the transaction was completed, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! The host has been detected to have collected the first magic wand, and the reward is the Eye of God·Hourglass Seat.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ting felt his palms getting hot, and a purple gem appeared out of thin air. The symbol of the lightning element flashed in the gem, and the outer metal frame was engraved with the Mond’s wing logo.

He looked down in astonishment, and a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart:”This… is this the voice of the system? Could this really be Lisa…sister’s Eye of God?”

No wonder Ye Ting was so surprised. The last time he heard this prompt tone was when the system was just turned on.

Since then, he has never obtained any collection, and he has never heard that voice again.

After such a long time, he almost forgot what the system sounded like, so when he heard it just now, Ye Ting thought it was an auditory hallucination.

But immediately, he confirmed that all this was true, and it was not a dream.

Because when he subconsciously shouted”Aunt Lisa”, the Eye of God in the palm of his hand gently shocked him.

“Sure enough, my guess was right.”Ye Ting was almost moved to tears,””The collections in this world are all closely related to magic. I never thought that this wand I picked up at random could become a collection.”

He took another look at the wand he had just picked up randomly, and the contempt in his heart had long been swept away, replaced by twelve points of satisfaction.

This wand is his lucky star.

Thinking of this, he began to recall the background of the owner of this Eye of God.

Lisa Mintz is the librarian of the Knights of Favonius, an elegant lady with a vast mind. According to rumors, she is also a genius witch that only appears once every two hundred years in the Xumi Order.

Even the way she obtained the Eye of God is quite legendary: Lisa suddenly realized in the process of studying magic that she needed an Eye of God to understand the elements better, and at the moment when this thought came up, the”Eye of God” miraculously appeared in Lisa’s hands.

This incident undoubtedly proves her extraordinary talent in magic.

By the way, the wand that Ye Ting picked at random happened to be a combination of rosewood + thunderbird wand core, no wonder he got Lisa’s Eye of God.

After all, Lisa’s nickname is”Rose Witch”.

Thinking of Lisa’s talents and abilities, Ye Ting decisively chose to bind [Eye of God·Hourglass Seat].

The next moment, he felt a powerful force surging into his body, and he had mastered Lisa’s full set of general attacks, elemental combat skills and elemental bursts.

However, the surprises are far more than that.

Recalling the spell that Ollivander had just cast, Ye Ting imitated his posture and tone and waved the wand:

“Restored to its original state!”

The next moment, in the corner of the wand shop, a shelf that he had burned before was restored to its original state as if time had gone back.

“”Oh, thank you, kid,” Ollivander, who was busy cleaning up the mess, looked up and thanked Ye Ting,”I have to say, your talent is indeed remarkable.”

Ye Ting waved his hand and continued to use magic to help restore the store, but he was secretly shocked in his heart.

In fact, before binding [Eye of God·Hourglass Seat], he also wanted to try to cast the spell he had seen today, but after a little brewing, he gave up.

His feeling told him that he couldn’t do it.

Linny’s talent did not support him to complete this operation.

But after binding [Eye of God·Hourglass Seat], everything was different.

He could feel that every tone, punctuation, every flick of the wrist and raising of the hand in Ollivander’s spell in his memory had a different meaning, and he could understand the essence of it by himself just by observation, and master the spell perfectly.

This is undoubtedly the powerful magical talent given to him by the Rose Witch.

Now if When he saw Professor McGonagall again, he could finally proudly declare that he was a true genius.

In a good mood, Ye Ting was much more pleasing to the old man Ollivander.

After helping him clean up the wand shop, Ye Ting bought him a purple metal wand rest engraved with rose patterns, as well as a full set of wand maintenance tools, which cost a full ten Galleons.

From this point of view, Ye Ting could understand. Ye Ting deeply understood why Ollivander monopolized the manufacture of wands in the UK, but such an important”ammunition” as the wand was still so cheap.

On the one hand, every new wand will be subsidized by the government; on the other hand, Ollivander also provides a variety of after-sales services: from accessories, color changes to maintenance, it is the same routine as the 4S stores in the Muggle world.

After leaving the wand shop, Ye Ting began to purchase various sundries.

It must be said that the purchasing power of gold Galleons in the wizarding world is indeed very high. The crucible, crystal bottle, telescope, balance, these odds and ends only cost fifteen Galleons in total.

Finally, the books.

Ye Ting headed towards Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. When he reached an intersection, he suddenly noticed something unusual and stopped immediately.

The number of wizards in this area has obviously decreased, and the surrounding atmosphere has become a little subtle.

He looked up at the road sign. The road ahead is still Diagon Alley, but the arrow at the intersection clearly reads”Knockturn Alley”.

“Knockturn Alley……”Ye Ting rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The name reminded him of something.”Isn’t this the black market of the wizarding world?”

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up.

If you want to find suitable collectibles, besides Hogwarts, Knockturn Alley is the best choice!

He remembered that there was an antique shop called”Borgin and Burke” here, which displayed all kinds of strange magic props.

If you want to find collectibles, there is no better place than here.


The picture shows Lisa Ah…sister

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