Ye Ting followed Professor McGonagall forward.

On the way, he looked around curiously, and Linnet also poked her head out of her cloak and meowed excitedly.

The shops on both sides of the street were full of dazzling goods, most of which were a bit too”eye-catching” in the eyes of these Muggles.

The nearest place to them, a store specializing in selling cauldrons attracted everyone’s attention.

The stacked pots in the store were three or four meters high, like acrobatics. Although they were swaying, they never fell down.

A low humming sound came from a dim shop, and the sign read”Eeyore Owl Shop”.

Hearing this sound, Linnet kept looking into the store, obviously very interested.

A plump woman walked out of the pharmacy carefully carrying a basket with a piece of offal in it. As she walked, she muttered,”The price of dragon liver has increased again. It seems that my magic potion will have to increase its price as well.”

In front of the flying broom shop, the children exclaimed one after another. They lay in front of the window, staring at the polished Nimbus 2000 inside, discussing something enthusiastically.

Not far away, on the sign of the ready-made clothing store, a huge pair of scissors clicked in the air boredly.

The window of the grocery store was filled with all kinds of strange goods: baskets of bat spleens, eel eyes, spell books, quill pens, rolls of parchment, crystal medicine bottles and exquisite lunar globes…

The two walked all the way, and after about five or six minutes, they finally arrived at a fork in the road.

Across the fork, a towering three-story white building came into view.

Among the many wooden shops with two floors at most, it stands out like a crane among chickens. The white stone shines in the sun, and it looks particularly imposing from a distance.

Of course, it is only limited to looking from a distance.

When you get closer and take a closer look, you will find that the white marble columns here are all crooked!

These stone columns seem to have their own ideas. The columns on the first, second and third floors are independent of each other and there is no pattern at all.

Seeing this awkward style, Ye Ting felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart, and he wanted to rush forward and straighten them one by one.

The bronze door of Gringotts is solemn and majestic, and goblin guards wearing scarlet uniforms with gold edges stand on both sides.

It was the first time Ye Ting saw a goblin. It was short, dark-skinned, and had long fingers and feet. The hemispherical head had a smart dark face, a long nose and a pair of long ears.

The goblin bowed to him, but there was no respect.

Ordinary people might think that goblins are hostile to wizards, but in Ye Ting’s eyes, he could see their inner weakness and fear.

As losers in the past war, they were unwilling to accept the reality.

Greed and pride were their last fig leaf to cover up their inner frustration and fear.

Passing through the silver door, they stepped into a very spacious marble hall.

The space here is much wider than it looks from the outside, and it is obvious that the [Invisible Extension Spell] is working.

In the hall, the densely packed doors are as complicated as a maze, and each door leads to a different place.

The ugly goblins were busy at the counter in the hall, carefully identifying the gems, gold coins and various strange things in front of them with tools such as scales and magnifying glasses.

Professor McGonagall walked to the counter with ease to collect the student loan for Ye Ting.

In order to show their superiority, the goblins deliberately set the chairs high, and it is estimated that they have to step on a small ladder to go up and down.

“This child needs to go through the procedures for a student loan.” Professor McGonagall said, handing over a piece of parchment,”This is the Hogwarts statement.”

However, Ye Ting stopped her.

“Student Ye, now is not the time for you to show off.”

Professor McGonagall mistakenly thought that Ye Ting was unwilling to accept help because of his pride, so she advised:”This money is not given to you for free, you still need to pay it back after you graduate in the future.”

“Professor McGonagall, you misunderstood. I have my own money.”

Ye Ting smiled slightly, took off his beret, took out a pile of change from it, and put it on the counter.

“How many Galleons can you exchange here at most?”

The goblin pulled out a book from the pile of account books and said as he flipped through it,”The current exchange rate is five pounds for one Galleon, and each student can exchange a maximum of 100 Galleons a year.”

Flipping to the right position, the goblin picked up the feather pen and dipped it in the ink bottle, raised his eyes and asked,”How much do you want to exchange? Oh, by the way, you have to show me the admission letter too.”

“This is my acceptance letter.” Ye Ting put the neatly folded letter paper on the table,”I want to exchange it for 100 Galleons”

“”Okay, okay, one hundred Galleons.” The goblin began to count the money from Ye Ting’s pile of change.

Ye Ting noticed that he always picked out the coins first, as if metal currency gave him a greater sense of security than paper money.

The goblin was very skilled in his business and quickly counted out five hundred pounds, then counted out two hundred Galleons and weighed them on the scale, and after confirming that they were correct, he put them in a pocket.

The goblin handed the bag to Ye Ting and reminded him,”Please count them. We are not responsible after you leave the counter.”

Ye Ting quickly counted the Galleons in his hand, put the small bag into his beret, and then put the hat back on.

The whole process made Professor McGonagall stunned.

Before leaving, Ye Ting asked casually:

“Do you accept gold and silver exchange here?”

“Of course!”

When the fairy mentioned this, his eyes lit up immediately,”We are very happy to accept gold and silver exchanges, and there is no limit on the amount.……”

He paused, made an insulting gesture with his long fingers, and a greedy smile appeared on his face.

“We need to charge a small fee.”

Ye Ting nodded slightly. He knew that this so-called”little bit” was probably not low, but he didn’t say much.

According to his experience in his previous life, there might be a big business opportunity hidden in it.

However, with his current strength and resources, he was not enough to make a difference in this regard, so he could only discuss it later.

“Mr. Ye, aren’t you an orphan?”After leaving Gringotts, Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but ask curiously,”Where did all this money come from?”

“This is what I earned as a magician.”Ye Ting replied

“Magician? What is that? Professor McGonagall frowned and thought,”Is it another name for wizards that Muggles use?”

“No, a magician is someone who performs magic tricks for ordinary people… that is, Muggles.”

Ye Ting explained,”You know, Muggles don’t believe in magic, so some Muggles use tricks and sleight of hand to make other Muggles feel the charm of magic. Muggles like to watch this, but everyone knows that magicians don’t actually know magic.”

In fact, even without magic power, with Lini’s skills, Ye Ting is equivalent to the world’s top magician.

But performing magic like that is both troublesome and not shocking enough, so he rarely does it.

“So, you make money by pretending to be a demon…er, a magician?” Professor McGonagall looked at Ye Ting in surprise,”It’s a very clever idea.”

She changed the subject and reminded him,”However, you can’t do this after you become a wizard.”


“”Because the Ministry of Magic – our wizarding government, prohibits young wizards from using magic outside of school,” Professor McGonagall explained,”they will monitor you through the traces on the wand.”

At this point, Professor McGonagall smiled self-deprecatingly and said,”Forget it, just pretend I didn’t say anything. With your ability to cast spells without a wand…this rule is just a decoration for you.”

Having been a professor for so many years, she has seen many young wizards, many of whom showed great talent for magic before entering school.

But no one has ever been like Ye Ting, who has mastered such exquisite wandless spellcasting skills without even having a wand. This is the first time she has seen such a person. What shocked her even more was that Ye Ting was an orphan and had never been exposed to anything related to magic before.

In other words, he taught himself all this!

Even Dumbledore and Voldemort could not have such talent. Who knows how much trouble he will cause when he joins Hogwarts.

I hope he can be assigned to his own college.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but look at Ye Ting a few more times, her eyes full of praise and expectation.

“Well, my mission is accomplished.” She clapped her hands,”You can buy the rest by yourself, should that be okay?”

“Don’t worry, Professor McGonagall, I can handle it myself”

“See you at the academy then!” Professor McGonagall nodded and disappeared from the spot with a [Apparition].

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