The next morning, sunlight shone through the gaps in the curtains, casting patches of light into the house.

After enjoying breakfast, Ye Ting picked up a newspaper and sat on the soft sofa to read it leisurely.

He was not planning to go out to perform magic today.

At nine o’clock in the morning, the doorbell of the apartment rang hurriedly.

Ye Ting opened the door, but saw that there was no one outside, only an empty corridor.

Just as he was puzzled, a tabby cat appeared in his sight.

In a blink of an eye, the cat turned into a lady in her fifties or sixties. She had a serious face, and her eyes behind the square glasses revealed majesty. She was wearing a green cloak and a tall wizard hat on her head, a standard image of a witch.

Although he had already recognized this uninvited guest in his heart, Ye Ting’s face still showed just the right amount of surprise:

“Good morning, ma’am, how can I help you?”

“Hello, Ye Ting. I am Minerva McGonagall, you can call me Professor McGonagall. I sent a letter yesterday to inform you of the purpose of my visit today. Professor McGonagall introduced herself while looking at the well-dressed and handsome young man in front of her.

The image of this child seemed a little different from the orphan in her mind.

“”Oh, it’s Professor McGonagall. I’m sorry. Please come in.” Ye Ting warmly invited her into the apartment.

Linnet heard the noise and came over curiously, sniffing gently at Professor McGonagall’s feet.


This biped smells like a cat.”

“Be polite, Linnet,” Ye Ting reminded her,”This is our guest today, and perhaps my… future professor.”

After entering the house, Professor McGonagall looked around.

The decoration of the house was very lifelike. There were not many things, but most of them showed signs of being used.

She nodded secretly, it seemed that this young man had a decent life.

“Professor McGonagall, what would you like to drink? Tea or coffee?”

“A cup of tea, thank you.”

Ye Ting snapped his fingers, and a flame instantly ignited under the kettle on the stove – the gas on the stove was obviously not turned on at all.

Soon, the water in the kettle began to boil. Ye Ting poured the water into the teapot, and with a flick of his hand, a bag of tea appeared in his hand, which he also threw into the teapot.

Professor McGonagall was dazzled by this series of operations, and she asked tentatively:”It seems that you have already experienced the charm of magic in depth?”

“So you call this magic, I always thought it was my superpower.”Ye Ting brought the brewed tea to Professor McGonagall and said with a smile

“Your talent is truly amazing, kid.”

Ye Ting’s performance made Professor McGonagall like him even more, and her attitude became even more amiable.

“So, have you always lived here alone?”

“Yes, ever since I discovered my… um, magical ability, I was afraid of being discovered and treated as a monster, so I left the orphanage and rented this house by myself.”Ye Ting said the lie he had prepared long ago.

Professor McGonagall nodded, blew the steam on the tea gently, took a sip and said,”Then, Mr. Ye, I will take you to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies… I have to hurry, in addition to you, I have to take another little wizard who is about to enter school into the magic world today.”

“”Okay, Professor McGonagall, please wait a moment. I’ll go get ready.”

Actually, he didn’t need to prepare anything, after all, all his belongings were placed in the magic bag.

The effect of making a magic bag is similar to the [Space Extension Spell], which is the ability of the Eye of Linni.

Therefore, he simply put on a cloak and a hat.

Of course, it was not the gorgeous hat he wore during the performance, but an ordinary beret.

Since he obtained the [Eye of God·Black Spotted Cat], he has had the habit of wearing a hat.

“Then, let’s go now.” Professor McGonagall stretched out a thin hand,”Come, hold my hand tightly.”

Ye Ting did as he was told, his hands tightly clasped on Professor McGonagall’s forearm, while Linnett slipped into his cloak lightly.

Then there was a bang, and Professor McGonagall activated [Apparition].

Ye Ting felt the world around him suddenly fall into darkness, and the pressure from all directions made it almost impossible for him to breathe, as if he was stuffed into a narrow rubber tube – finally, he broke free from the suffocating bondage, and the dirty air rushed into his lungs, bringing a long-lost coolness.

Linnett also looked a little listless, lying softly on Ye Ting’s shoulder.

After recovering from his senses, Ye Ting found that he was standing at the door of a bar.

The bar was tightly sandwiched between a bookstore and a record store. It looked small and a little shabby, like an inconspicuous side door of a bookstore. The only thing that attracted attention was the unique door plaque.

An iron rod protruded from the door plaque, and a wooden sign was hung on it. There was no text engraved on the sign, but a huge pot with a leaky bottom was painted on it.

Accompanied by a crisp bell Professor McGonagall pushed open the dirty door.

The world behind the door was a blast.

The space inside the bar was much more spacious than it looked from the outside, at least ten times larger.

There were a few wooden tables sparsely placed in the bar, and the guests were dressed in a unique style, wearing long robes and top hats tilted, just like Professor McGonagall.

Several old ladies were sitting in the corner, leisurely sipping sherry, and one of them was smoking a long pipe, puffing out smoke.

A short man with a huge top hat on his head was talking to The bar owner talked eagerly.

The owner looked quite funny, with sparse hair sticking to his thin scalp, like a dried walnut.

When the two stepped into the bar, the noisy discussions stopped abruptly, but soon resumed.

However, when Professor McGonagall passed by, the surrounding noise would unconsciously decrease, as if her aura had a mute effect.

The bar owner carefully poked his head out from behind the bar, and when he saw Professor McGonagall, he immediately shrank his neck and put on a flattering smile on his face:

“Good morning, Professor McGonagall! Here to pick up the new students again.”

“”Tom, you should clean up this place.”

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly, then led Ye Ting through the bar and came to a small courtyard surrounded by walls.

It looked a bit desolate here. There was nothing else except a lonely trash can and a few clumps of withered weeds.

“”This is the entrance to Diagon Alley,” she pointed to the trash can and said,”Remember this location, count three bricks up, count two bricks sideways, and tap three times with your wand. You will have to find the way yourself in the future.”

As she spoke, she raised her wand and tapped three times on the corresponding brick.

Then, a magical scene happened – the enchanted brick began to vibrate violently, then slowly moved away, a crack appeared in the middle, and a small hole gradually expanded.

In a blink of an eye, a spacious archway appeared in front of Ye Ting.

This archway extended inward to a cobblestone street.

“This is really, really cool.……”

Even though Ye Ting had read the description of Diagon Alley in a book and had experienced it in Universal Studios, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

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