【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting Celestina Warbeck’s banjo, and get the Tune of the Big Dream as a reward.】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting Alfrida Cragg’s Medal Violin, and the reward is high-quality amber】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting the five-legged monster skeleton, and you will be rewarded with the dust-proof potion formula.】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting the menu of the house elf, and you will be rewarded with the full menu of Wanmin Hall】


In this collection house, Ye Ting spent five or six hours searching, not even having time to eat dinner.

Although he had a lot of gains, most of them were miscellaneous things, and there were not many valuable ones.

He found some alchemical materials unique to Teyvat, such as amber, floating crystal cores, nectar, etc., as well as various alchemical formulas, recipes, and even music scores.

For Ye Ting, these things are not very helpful, but at least they are better than nothing.

In short, as the search deepened, Ye Ting’s face became uglier and uglier.

Until he picked up a small box filled with glittering silver powder.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting Flying Fans, and reward anchor manufacturing drawings]

Seeing this, Ye Ting was shocked

“Could this anchor point be the teleportation anchor point on the continent of Teyvat?”

He couldn’t wait to open the blueprint and quickly confirmed its authenticity.

The blueprint not only detailed the method of making a real anchor point, but also included a simplified version of the temporary anchor point manufacturing blueprint.

“This is a good thing!”Ye Ting shouted excitedly.

With this harvest, he felt that all his efforts tonight were worth it.

The function of the anchor point is exactly the same as in the game.

As long as an anchor point is installed at home, no matter where he is, he can cast a spell to teleport home at any time.

This is much more convenient than the traditional way of travel in the wizarding world-floo powder and portkeys.

If you want to use floo powder, you can only start from a fireplace connected to the floo network and go to another fireplace connected to the floo network; as for the portkey, you have to touch it to teleport to the corresponding place.

Unlike the teleportation anchor point, you can use it anytime and anywhere!

The best thing is that using the teleportation anchor point to transfer can break through Hogwarts’ blockade of [Apparition].

As long as Ye Ting can place an anchor point outside the school and one inside the school, wouldn’t he be able to sneak out of the school at any time?

It’s a pity that he got this map. It’s too late!

As a daily necessity for every family in the wizarding world, Floo Powder is not a difficult magic item to get. If he had bought some in Diagon Alley, he would probably have an anchor at home now.

Looking at the time, curfew was in half an hour. With regret, Ye Ting left the Room of Requirement with Linnet in his arms. On

Friday morning, the first-year students of Gryffindor and Slytherin finally had their first Potions class.

Professor Snape showed no mercy to these freshmen and taught them a good lesson, allowing them to feel the cruelty of the adult world in advance.

At lunchtime, news of Harry’s experience spread throughout Hogwarts.

Snape seemed to have”special care” for him, asking questions one after another.

Harry was a little careless when answering and didn’t have time to look at the When Harry looked towards Snape, he was considered to be sleeping in class and Gryffindor was deducted five points; when Harry looked at Snape, he was deducted another five points for”glaring at the professor with ill intentions”; so Harry carefully maintained eye contact with Snape, but did not dare to look him in the eye, which was also accused of”disrespecting teachers” and an additional five points were deducted!

Even more unfortunate was that Harry accidentally broke the glass bottle of potion, and now he was deducted another five points for”damaging public property.”

However, just one minute later, Malfoy followed in Harry’s footsteps and was given five more points.

The reason was also weird, because Malfoy assisted Professor Snape in destroying the defective experimental equipment, thus preventing a potential teaching accident.

Everyone finally understood that Snape was… What a terrible man Snape is.

Upon hearing this news, countless little eagles trembled with fear, and Ye Ting’s roommates were even more frightened, and some even dared not go to class.

Their worries were not unreasonable: you know, Ye Ting had confronted Professor Snape on the first day of school.

If Professor Flitwick had not arrived in time, who knows what would happen next?

Now that Snape is”taking care” of Harry Potter so much, wouldn’t Ye Ting also be in trouble?

They are Ye Ting’s roommates, and

Snape is targeting Ye Ting. Aren’t they also potential”targets”?

This set of rhetoric is well-reasoned and convincing.

In short, when Ye Ting left the dormitory to go to class, they were still dawdling in the dormitory.

In the afternoon, it was Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff’s turn to have the Potions class, and the classroom was in a basement.

This place is worthy of being the territory of the old bat, and the decoration style of the whole room exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

Glass jars of all sizes were hung on the walls, containing all kinds of strange animal specimens. The air was filled with the smell of formalin, making people feel as if they were in a morgue.

The human skeleton models hanging on the wall were even more creepy. Their empty eye sockets were particularly scary. Whenever a little wizard approached, these skeletons would suddenly let out a strange”hehe” laugh, which made people shudder.

In a corner of the classroom, there was a mummy, wrapped tightly in cloth strips, revealing only a shriveled face. The inscription on the body actually read”daily necessities” in three large characters.

“Professor, what’s the matter with the mummy?”Padma raised her hand tremblingly before class to ask.

Professor Snape did not get angry this time, but was surprisingly patient and explained:

“This is a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class a few years ago. He borrowed my territory to make potions, but his skills were not good enough and he messed up the potion. After he drank the bottle of failed work, he turned into this mummy.”

“”Potions…are they really that scary?” Hannah asked with lingering fear.

“No, it’s not that dangerous.……”Snape dragged out the tone and laughed sarcastically:”As long as you are not like those idiots I often meet. For smart people, brewing potions is still quite safe.”

After saying this, many students were secretly worried in their hearts. They were still very self-aware of their IQ.

“Of course,”

Snape continued to grin, revealing a strange smile,”I promise that even if you are stupid, you will not become mummies. However, whether you will lie in the school hospital or not is not up to me. It all depends on how much smarter you are than the troll.”

As soon as he said this, the whole classroom fell into silence.

Snape squinted his eyes and looked around, then picked up the roster and began to call the roll.

When he read the name”Ye Ting”, his voice was deliberately long, and he glanced at Ye Ting coldly.

After the first night of school, he remembered this name.

In the following days, he heard this name again and again, and many professors praised him for his intelligence.

And he, Severus Snape, hated this kind of little wizard who wanted to show off the most.

At this moment, the wooden door was pushed open with a”bang”.

Ye Ting’s roommates Michael, Anthony and others appeared at the door panting, and they were obviously late.

Michael stammered to explain:”Sorry… Sorry, professor, we, we are lost.……”

Snape interrupted him coldly:”I thought that creatures with higher IQs than trolls could at least find their own classrooms. It seems that I overestimated you Ravenclaw students. Perhaps I should suggest to the headmaster to raise the admission standards.” There was silence all around, no one dared to speak, only the crackling sound of burning torches echoed in the air.

Michael and the other two stood there awkwardly, not knowing whether to leave or stay.

This stupid look made Snape even angrier:”Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and find a seat! Don’t stand there like a fool, you are simply lowering the grade of the entire classroom.”

Amidst the whispers, Snape suddenly cast his eyes on Ye Ting:”Mr. Ye, why don’t you help your roommates find the way? Does their lateness show your excellence? Because of you, Ravenclaw will lose one point!”

Ye Ting and Susan exchanged glances, both of them were very helpless.

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