As soon as the class started, Snape showed a strong aggressiveness.

He waved his robes, strode back to the podium, and said in a hoarse and low voice:

“You are here to learn potion making – this ancient, precise and rigorous craft. I ask you to pay full attention in every class and don’t let me down.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lisa Dupin asked curiously:”Professor, what exactly is a potion?”

Snape raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth and said slowly:

“It is the secret language of broken viscera, the chant of coagulated blood, the wild dance of entangled tentacles, the groan of twisted plants, the elegy of shriveled limbs, the cry of broken brains, the temptation of scarlet fruits… It interprets the ups and downs of life in the interweaving of red and white, and returns to the silent eternity in the fusion of yellow and brown. This is an extremely gorgeous and intoxicating art.”

Listening to this dreamlike description, Ye Ting unconsciously licked his lips with the tip of his tongue.

Somehow, the aroma of spicy hot pot and hot pot emerged in his mind, and his stomach also growled.

Snape had just finished his opening remarks and turned his eyes to Ye Ting.

“”Mr. Ye!” He suddenly attacked,”Tell me, what kind of potion will be made by boiling scurvy, angelica and sneezeweed together?”

“”The drug of confusion!” Even though he was attacked suddenly, Ye Ting stood up calmly and replied calmly:”This drug will make people impulsive and reckless.”

This answer is perfect. If it were another professor, Ravenclaw College might have added five points for this.

Unfortunately, Severus Snape’s cold face still had no expression, as if this answer was not worth mentioning to him.

“”Okay, let me ask you another question.” He continued to press,”What is the use of salamander blood in potions? How do we usually use it?”

“It is a precious ingredient used to enhance the effects of potions!” Ye Ting blurted out,”The blood of a salamander can greatly enhance the effects of other potions and is an indispensable catalyst in potions.”

Snape nodded slightly, but there was still not much approval on his face:”If I need you to find distilled water, where would you look for it?”

“White mulberries are mainly produced in China, the United States and Mexico.”Ye Ting answered without thinking,”So, I might buy a boat ticket to East Asia or North America first.”

Isn’t this the same as someone asking you where you can collect mulberries, and you say you can buy them in the supermarket.

As soon as he said this, several little wizards from Ravenclaw couldn’t help laughing.

But Snape glanced over and they immediately shut up.

Ye Ting shrugged and added,”Of course, if you have to look for it nearby, white mulberries usually grow on hills, flat bushes, or under grasslands and sparse woods.”

“”Reading from the book.” Snape snorted and finally made such an evaluation.

Whether Ye Ting was reading from the book or had real knowledge, Professor Snape had to abide by the rules of Hogwarts – if he answered the question correctly, he would get extra points.

Snape still had this sense of integrity.

Of course, this also had something to do with Ye Ting being a student of Ravenclaw. If it was Harry Potter,……

“”One point for Ravenclaw!” Snape said reluctantly, and his tone was like cutting his flesh.

The eyes of the surrounding Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students looking at Ye Ting changed, there was surprise, and reverence, as if they were looking at a great god.

These questions and answers were beyond the scope of their knowledge. If they were called by Snape, they would have been lucky not to be scolded. It is unimaginable that Ye Ting could make Snape speechless. But

Ye Ting was able to do it easily, which is really admirable and make people admire him.

However, Ye Ting and the little wizards were not happy for too long, and Snape added slowly:”When answering questions in the future, don’t forget to add ‘professor’! Mr. Ye, you are disrespectful to the teacher, and you will be deducted two points.”

Ye Ting shrugged helplessly and sat down.

“Why don’t you write down all these key points?” Snape’s voice suddenly rose,”Do you think you have already mastered them?”

“You are the worst class I have ever taught!”

The classroom was immediately filled with the sound of students taking notes, all buried in their notes, fearing that they would miss a single word.

Then, Snape walked to the podium and spoke in a low voice:”Today, I will teach you how to mix a potion that can treat scabies.”

“I really can’t think of a simpler potion than this. If any of you still fail, I really have to suggest that the headmaster think carefully about whether he has invited some trolls in!”

These words made everyone hold their breath and prick up their ears, for fear that they would miss any details that would cause the potion to fail and be identified as a”troll”.

Snape waved his wand lightly, and a large amount of fonts immediately appeared on the blackboard, recording in detail the steps of making the potion.

“Oh, by the way,” he deliberately dragged out the tone, with a hint of mocking smile on his face,”the book”Magic Pharmacy and Potions” in your hand》——”

He paused deliberately before continuing,”It was written by the famous wizard Arsenal Giger and is also a textbook designated by the Ministry of Magic. But I have to say that some of the content in that book, although I don’t want to offend you, is indeed outdated from fifty years ago.”

“So,” he raised his voice,”if my experimental steps are different from what is written in the book, don’t make a fuss. Just do it according to what I say!”

A Hufflepuff badger muttered,”Then what’s the point of buying these textbooks?”

Ye Ting recognized him as Wayne Hopkins.

Professor Snape turned his sharp eyes to Wayne, and he was not angry for a rare time, but calmly���Shi Dao said:”The knowledge in the textbook is accurate, but the science of potions is constantly improving. Many operating procedures have been updated, and we must keep pace with the times.”

When talking about potions, Snape’s temperament instantly changed. He walked to the podium and emphasized seriously:

“I repeat, Potions is not only a precise science, but also a rigorous craft. Here, there are no so-called”textbooks”, only”reference books”.’!”

He paused and continued,”Don’t think that potions are some old-fashioned thing that never changes. In addition to the principles that have stood the test of time, the brewing methods are changing with each passing day.”

“I won’t teach you a bunch of theories by rote in class. You have to work hard on the basics after class.”My task,” he pointed to the blackboard next to him that was filled with various materials,

“It is to guide you in practice and teach you what I think is the best brewing technique!”

On the blackboard, white chalk writing is clearly visible: dry nettle, venomous snake teeth, horned slugs, porcupine quills……

“The materials and steps to be used are written on this blackboard, and the cabinet has everything you need.”

As soon as Snape finished speaking, the cabinet door popped open with a”bang” as if it had heard a call.

He reminded again:”Be careful when brewing potions. Once you make a mistake, these potions will not only fail to cure the disease, but will make you full of boils.”

At this point, Snape’s thin lips curled up into a weird smile:”So, be sure to follow the steps strictly. I don’t want to see you in the hospital this weekend.”

“Okay, don’t just stand there, form groups of two and get started!”

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