Ye Ting had previously speculated that the Room of Requirement might not be able to create items that were too advanced.

However, the experiment just now overturned his idea.

Just think about it, compared to the light armor, the matchlock gun must be more advanced, but now, he does have a matchlock gun from the Renaissance in front of him, but the light armor has not yet appeared.

Obviously, the law of the creation of the Room of Requirement has nothing to do with the age or technological content of the items.

Then he guessed that the Room of Requirement could not create items from the Muggle world?

But the appearance of”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” overturned this speculation.

This novel was written by Muggles, published by Muggle Publishing House, and is a best-selling novel in the Muggle world. It can be said that it is pure Muggle items.

After eliminating so many irrelevant options, Ye Ting finally came to a conclusion:

After this series of tests, Ye Ting came to a conclusion:

The magic of the Room of Requirement is limited to reproducing those things that have appeared in Hogwarts Castle.

This inference is actually not difficult to understand. Although the Room of Requirement, as a part of Hogwarts, contains a certain spirituality, it is not a living being after all, and cannot travel around and gain knowledge like humans.

Therefore, for those things that it has never”seen with its own eyes”, it naturally cannot transform.

In other words, the”knowledge” of the Room of Requirement depends entirely on what the students of Hogwarts have brought in.

This also reasonably explains why it can transform European plate armor, but knows nothing about the Eastern Ming armor.

Similarly, it is not surprising that students bring a best-selling”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” into school, but they are unlikely to bring advanced academic papers from the Muggle world, such as”The Theory of Relativity”, into Hogwarts.

It is not difficult to understand why the old model of the Seven-Star Flying Broom can be found here, but the latest Nimbus 2000 cannot be found.

However, Ye Ting estimates that by the end of this semester, the Nimbus 2000 should also appear in the”inventory” of the Room of Requirement.

After roughly exploring the scope of change of the Room of Requirement, Ye Ting finally began the real purpose of his trip – treasure hunting.

He closed his eyes and said to himself,”I need a place to hide things.”

The next moment, the world was spinning.

When Ye Ting opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that he was in a magnificent hall.

The room was as spacious as a cathedral.

A few soft beams of light came through the towering windows. Between the beams of light, a city made of various objects came into view. Ye Ting could see that these were all objects hidden by generations of Hogwarts students. On both sides of the streets, the hills of shabby furniture were crumbling, as if they would collapse at any time.

These furniture might be”evidence” hidden by students to cover up their magic mistakes, or they might be waste secretly hidden by house elves to maintain the cleanliness and decency of the castle.

Thousands of books were scattered all over the floor, including banned secret books, graffitied classics, and even stolen orphans.

Winged slingshots and fanged flying saucers hovered feebly in the air, and spoiled potions were still flowing in some shabby bottles.

In addition, there were various hats, jewelry, cloaks, and something that looked like a dragon eggshell; several tightly plugged bottles flashed with strange lights, and several rusty spears and a bloodstained axe lay quietly in the corner.

This was the waste dump in the Room of Requirement. These abandoned items had been lying here quietly for centuries, with no one paying attention to them. I think no one would touch them in a hundred years.

However, for Ye Ting, they were priceless treasures.

Although the previous treasure hunting trip in Diagon Alley failed, Ye Ting also figured out some rules of the [Great Collector System].

In order to obtain advanced rewards, the collection must consider two directions: the preciousness of the item and the special meaning behind it.

The first point is simple. The rarer and more precious the item is, the richer the reward will be after collecting it.

Just like the opal necklace, its reward is far better than other miscellaneous magic amulets.

The special meaning is a bit complicated, and it may come from many aspects.

For example, if an item once belonged to a great wizard, then it carries the extraordinary meaning of the great man; or it may be the first wand or the first flying broom of a young wizard, which also contains important growth marks; furthermore, even if it is a prop used by a minor character in the original plot, as long as it occupies a place in the story, it also has special significance.

In the storage room in front of him, all the lost or hidden items of Hogwarts in the past thousand years are stored. It can be said that there are many antiques with a long history.

Considering that a large number of great wizards in the whole of Britain and even Europe have come from Hogwarts in the past thousand years, it is possible to find a lot of their relics here.

In the following time, Ye Ting began his treasure hunt.

He picked up a wolf tooth flying saucer at random, threw it lightly, and the flying saucer flew out with a”beep” and hit a pile of forbidden objects. In an instant, the pile of forbidden items collapsed like a landslide, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Linnet curiously approached a rusty sword and tried to step on it to play.

However, the seemingly solid sword broke under her feet and almost hit her feet.

Linnet jumped away in fright, but soon her attention was attracted by a winged slingshot.

She jumped happily on the pile of debris and played”catching butterflies”.

The man and the cat touched here and there, trying out the debris here and there, picking out things that looked valuable.

Soon, Ye Ting made an unexpected discovery among a pile of broken flying brooms.

When he chose to collect a broom that was almost broken, the system finally responded:

【Congratulations to the host for collecting the flying broom”Sweep One Star”, and the reward is”Original Wings”】

For a long time, the flying brooms of wizards were made by individual wizards, until 1926, the three brothers Bob, Bill and Barnaby Owlton changed all that.

The Sweep Broom Company they founded ushered in a new era of racing brooms.

And their first product, Sweep One Star, was the first generation of this revolution. This broom was mass-produced for the first time and quickly became popular throughout the wizarding world.

As the earliest racing broom and pioneer of mass production, Sweep One Star undoubtedly has a very high collection value.

As for the Initial Wings, it is actually the Wings of Wind given to the Traveler by Amber.

This is a very sophisticated alchemical device, which is very small when folded and can be hidden under a cloak.

When unfolded, the Wings of Wind acts as a hang glider, but it is much more convenient and maneuverable than a hang glider.

For Ye Ting, although this is not a treasure, it can at least give him an extra layer of safety when riding a flying broom.

In addition, the”winged slingshot” that Linnet pounced on also triggered the collection conditions, bringing Ye Ting a three-star weapon [slingshot].

In the world of Teyvat, this bow can be regarded as a high-quality alchemical weapon, but in Ye Ting’s hands, it is purely useless.

Bows and arrows are not as useful as magic.

However, Ye Ting still gladly accepted the reward.

He hid the wings of wind under his cloak, put away the slingshot, and continued to walk forward.

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