It was September, and the weather was still hot enough to make people breathless.

In addition, being in a fully enclosed classroom was like being in a sauna, and everyone felt the heat and unbearable.

Professor Quirrell was soon sweating profusely, but he still wrapped himself tightly in his thick scarf.

Roger Malone couldn’t help but ask curiously:”Professor, it’s so hot today, why are you still wearing a scarf? Aren’t you afraid of getting prickly heat?”

Professor Quirrell wiped the sweat from his forehead and said mysteriously:

“This scarf…cannot be taken off, it is…a precious gift given to me by an African prince, and it helped…helped me get rid of the entanglement of the resurrected zombies.”

However, Susan noticed the printed words on the scarf:”Fabriqué_en_france (Made in France)”

Well, France is a big African country, so you can say it is from Africa.

Padma Patil couldn’t hide her curiosity and interrupted,”Professor, how did you defeat the resurrected zombies? Can you tell us about it?”

Professor Quirrell hesitated and tried to change the subject:”Uh, this…the weather in Britain…is as unbearable as ever. I prefer…prefer winter, when…at least it won’t be so hot.”

“Professor Quirrell, are you lying?!” Lisa Dupin pointed out mercilessly.

Professor Quirrell’s cheeks flushed slightly, and he quickly defended himself,”I just… just a little… can’t remember clearly, how can this… can be considered a lie? Can the professor’s words… be false?”

Then he spoke a series of difficult-to-understand Indian accents, saying things like”forget everything” and”inferi”, which made the whole class laugh: the classroom was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After finally dealing with these difficult little wizards, Professor Quirrell finally started his course.

However, his teaching method was really shocking – he just mechanically read aloud from the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook.

The little wizards were shocked to find that the so-called Defense Against the Dark Arts class had turned into a reading class.

I can take classes of this level!

When When a brave young wizard asked Professor Quirrell to demonstrate a spell himself, he raised his right hand with a pitiful look, saying that he had injured his arm fighting a dragon and could not cast a spell.

This obvious excuse was like an insult to everyone’s IQ.

For a moment, the contemptuous eyes in the classroom shot at Quirrell like a sword. Everyone felt that if such a person could be a professor, there must be someone behind him.

Later, Quirrell simply didn’t want to read the book and asked the students to recite it themselves.

He also set a limit and threatened to recite the spell in the next class.

“Professor Quirrell is so weak,” Susan complained indignantly after class,”I feel like I didn’t learn anything.”

Anthony revealed mysteriously,”I heard from seniors that Professor Snape has always wanted to apply to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, but the headmaster wouldn’t let him.”

“Humph, the headmaster is such an old fool!”

Michael echoed indignantly,”Instead of letting a loser like Quirrell waste our youth, it is better to let Snape, the gloomy-looking old bat, teach. At least he gives people the impression of a shrewd and capable wizard!”

Hearing this, everyone agreed.

But Ye Ting believed that on Friday, they would not think so.

The second class today is the Charms class, and the little eagles have to take it with the Gryffindors.

But when they arrived at the Charms classroom, no one from Gryffindor arrived.

Until five minutes before class, the door of the classroom was suddenly pushed open, and a large group of little Gryffindor wizards filed in.

The wizard robes they wore were stained with dust, their faces were covered with gray stains, and they exuded an indescribable odor, much like a dung egg.

Ye Ting grabbed Hermione and asked curiously:”Did you… have a fight with Slytherin?”

The scene in front of him forced him to guess so.

The little wizards in the entire Lion Court were all in a mess, and they had obviously experienced an extraordinary event.

“Oh, forget it.”

Hermione waved her hands irritably,”We just finished a Herbology class, and we spent the whole class fertilizing the herbs. As a result, Seamus blew up the bucket of fertilizer.”

Ye Ting:”?”

He could understand the previous words, but Seamus’s operation of blowing up the fertilizer barrel was really puzzling to him.

He always thought that the herbs in the magical world were all made of dragon manure and other by-products of magical creatures as fertilizers. Could it be that they also imported ammonium nitrate from Muggles?

He looked around and couldn’t help asking,”Where’s Neville? Why didn’t he come?”

“”He’s in the infirmary.” Hermione explained.

Ye Ting was speechless.

A Herbology class could cause such a big commotion. Not only did the fertilizer bucket explode, but a little wizard was also sent to the infirmary. The others were also in a mess.

These little wizards from Gryffindor are really… talented!

“Hey, Hermione, the Herbology class at Hogwarts…are those herbs the same as the herbs we usually understand?” Ye Ting continued to ask tentatively. Hermione sighed softly,”Although it is not the same as what I have seen before, it should be the kind of herbs you imagine.”

“”Oh, then I’m relieved!” Ye Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Hermione’s mood was quite complicated at this time.

She had already regretted that she did not go to Ravenclaw with Ye Ting when they were sorted, but insisted on staying in Gryffindor, which he thought was the best. Otherwise, she would not have to suffer this kind of pain.


The bell for the spells class rang soon.

Professor Flitwick stood on a tall stool, making sure that he could be seen by every little wizard in the classroom.

He looked around with a helpless expression.

“Originally, our spell class should start with the most basic spells, but seeing your current state……”Professor Flitwick shook his head and said,”I decided to teach you some more practical spells that you can use right away.”

The state of the little wizards was indeed horrible.

The little wizards from Gryffindor were all covered in dirt, needless to say, and the little wizards from Ravenclaw were filled with an indescribable smell of garlic.

If he didn’t take action, he might faint first.

“”Okay,” Professor Flitwick cleared his throat,”can anyone tell me what the spell for the Cleansing Spell is? And what does it do?”

Hermione raised her arms high, and turned to look at Ye Ting provocatively.

Just now, she had made up her mind.

Since she couldn’t transfer to another college, she would change the college.

She planned to turn her grief and anger into strength, starting with herself, to make Gryffindor what she wanted it to be.

And now, let’s start by adding points to the college.

Ye Ting blinked and didn’t argue with her.

He did want to leave a good impression on the professors, but he had a more advanced method.

“Very good, Miss Granger.” Professor Flitwick smiled and called Hermione’s name.

Hermione quickly stood up and said in a crisp voice:”The spell of the [Cleaning Spell] is ‘Clean Up’. Its purpose is to sweep away those things that we think are garbage according to our wishes.”

“Excellent, one point for Gryffindor.”

Professor Flitwick seemed very interested and continued,”Miss Granger explained it very well. The [Cleansing Spell] can remove the debris from our eyes. As long as you can use it skillfully, the annoying stains and smells on your body will disappear without a trace.”

“Just like this,” the professor said as he demonstrated.

“Cleaned up!”

A breeze suddenly blew around Parvati Patil, who was sitting in the front row, as if an invisible whirlwind was surrounding her. After the wind stopped, Parvati looked brand new, all the dirt on her body disappeared, her wizard robes were brand new, and even the indescribable smell disappeared.

Parvati was full of surprise, while the other little wizards of Gryffindor looked at Professor Flitwick with expectation, hoping that Professor Flitwick could do the same to them.

Obviously, Professor Flitwick did not intend to do so.

He warned earnestly:”The [Cleaning Spell] is indeed magical, but it also contains considerable risks. If your definition of ‘garbage’ is not clear enough, this spell may not only fail to work, but may even bring unexpected troubles.”

He looked around to make sure that every student was listening carefully:”Especially when you are cleaning your own dirt, you must be very clear about what you want to clean up. Remember, when casting the spell, the target must be clear and accurate.”

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